Beca opens her eyes after the final tunes of their performance die out. The performance went amazing. They definitely kicked some DSM ass.

''Who's the kicker of ass now..'' Beca thought while she smiled and cheered brightly with the other Bella's.

After they've received a fair amount of applause, the Bella's leave the stage, all hyped up on their impendent win. Once they enter the back-stage area they all scatter to receive compliments from the other groups.

Beca lingers near the entrance of the room and observes the interactions her fellow-singers have with the other groups. She doesn't hear the person who walked up to her in the meantime.

''I have to admit that I am impressed, feisty mouse.'' Someone with a thick German accent says.

Beca turns around quickly, startled by the quiet approach. Kommisar is looking down at her, smirking. Why is she always smirking?

''J-just because you're insanely beautiful doesn't mean that you can sneak up on me like that.'' Beca rolls her eyes at herself, why can't she behave like a normal person around this tall German woman.

''I apologise, I should have known that mice are easily startled. Thank you for again telling me that I am beautiful though. Your failed insult compliments never get old.'' Kommisar's eyes sparkle with mischief and that smirk is still ever present. Her entire being screams confidence and it short circuits Beca's brain like it always does.

''Yeah, whatever.'' Beca grumbles, not wanting to embarrass herself more. She removes her eyes from the woman next to her and looks back into the crowd. The other Bella's are still busy talking to the other groups.

''I, euhm, I'm gonna get a drink.'' Beca says, trying to get away from the woman who's making her question her sexuality.

''I'll come with you, I'm rather thirsty myself.'' Kommisar says. Beca groans quietly but nods nevertheless.

Leading the way, Beca makes her way through the different groups of a capella singers. It's more crowded near the bar and Beca has to squeeze in tightly between two people to reach it. Because of all the people, Beca has trouble flagging a bartender down. Beca stops waving her hand and lets out an annoyed sigh.

''Here, let me, little mouse.'' Kommisar says, her mouth close to Beca's ear and her body presses lightly against Beca's back. Involuntarily Beca shivers. Kommisar towers over her and basically everyone at the bar, it only takes her a few seconds to flag a bartender down.

''What do you want to drink?'' Kommisar's voice drifts into Beca's ear again.

Beca has some trouble keeping her composure. ''I-I'll just have a cosmo.'' No matter how hard she tries, Beca is unable to keep the slight waver out of her voice. When she looks up into Kommisar's eyes, she can see there's a teasing glint in them. The German singer is fully aware of the effect she's is having on the American.

''One cosmo and a beer, bitte schön.'' Kommisar says with authority in her voice.

Beca can see that the bartender is just as intimidated as she is when she scurries off to fix the drinks. Kommisar is still pressed lightly against her back and honestly it's getting her more than a little bit flustered.

Luckily for Beca, the drinks arrive a few moments later. She quickly grabs her drink, manoeuvres herself around the tall woman and elbows her way out of the crowd surrounding the bar. Once Beca is out on some open space she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.

''Get your shit together, Mitchell. She's just a random woman. A very sexy woman, but still just a woman. You're not gay, you've got Jesse. And I mean, if you were to crush on a woman it would be Chloe. So just girl the hell up and stop acting like an idiot.'' Beca opens her eyes again after finishing her pep talk, only to find Kommisar quietly laughing at her.

''You're cute, little mouse.'' Kommisar says, still snickering slightly.

''Dude, it's so not cool to listen in on someone's personal pep talk, even if you are perfect. And I have a name, you know. You don't have to call me mouse all the time.'' Beca crosses her arms, trying to make herself seem tough and steady. Kommisar smiles and takes a step closer again.

''Alright then, I shall not call you mouse all the time, Beca.'' Beca blushes at the way Kommisar says her name. Her German accent making it sound unique and special. Beca notices Kommisar taking another step towards her and quickly looks up again, still trying to look tough.

''What's the deal with your name anyway? Like, it can't be just Kommisar right?'' Beca raises an eyebrow in question.

''Ah, you want to know my name? Well, you are right, Kommisar is not my real name. But if you want to know my real name, you have to do something for me.'' The mischievous glint is back in those icy blue eyes and Beca involuntarily shivers.

''And what would that be?''

''Dance with me, at least once, tonight? Dance with me and I will tell you my name, feisty mouse.''

Beca quickly takes a big gulp of her drink. Judging by the look in the German's eyes, which is downright predatory, she didn't mean a random two-people-on-the-dancefloor dance. Beca decides to throw caution to the wind and sighs.

''Fine, whatever. I'll dance with you.''

Kommisar smiles gleefully for a short moment but then her smirk returns. Kommisar's eyes darken as she leans in close, right next to Beca's ear. Softly Kommisar brings her hand up, brushing chestnut hair behind Beca's ear. A shiver runs down Beca's spine but she's stays as still as she can, hanging on to her composure. Beca can feel Kommisar's lips move against the shell of her ear when she speaks. The feeling triggering another shiver to run down Beca's spine.

''My name is Luisa.''


So, yeah. I haven't written a thing in like years, but I saw PP2 and I got obsessed. Like legit obsessed, it's in my dreams and everything. And I have read probably every becommisar fic there is, which got me inspired to write cause c'mon perfection. So I started this fic a few days ago at work but never finished it. So now I sat my ass down and wrote this. I don't know if I should continue it, or just leave it as it is. If anyone has an opinion, let me know!