Chapter 11:

Katsume was three.

Once she gained the will to stand, she would go anywhere.

Rin sometimes had a hard time keeping up with her.

"Katsume, wait." Rin would call.

She returned to her, but only for a short while.

Rin knelt to the ground, picking some berries.

When she had picked enough, she stood, only to find no signs of Katsume.

Rin sighed, "Katsume?"

When there was no reply, Rin took off down the path Katsume took.

"Kat?" Rin called.

Then, she heard a cry.

"Katsume!" Rin gasped, taking off in a sprint.

She soon saw before her, Katsume backing away from something in utter fear.

When Rin came closer, she saw that Katsume was standing before a pack of wolves.

"What is a little thing like you doing out here?" The lead wol fasked, "Guess you don't mean much to your clan if they abandoned you here."

Rin finally reached them, putting herself between the wolves and Katsume, drawing her sword, "Don't even thnk about it!"

"Oh. A human. Even better." The leader smirked.

"I'm warning you. Get. Out." Rin said.

"Or else what?" The wolves snickered.

Rin soon heard a snap of a twig from behind.

A low growl was sounded out, and a large white dog form came to her side.


Then another growl on her other side,


And another next to Akira,


Finally, a larger dog than all the others, putting himself between Rin and the wolves.


"You mongrels think you own everything don't you?" The leader asked.

Sesshomaru snarled, moving closer to the wolves menacingly.

"Let's go. We won't be able to find food here." The alpha said, and they retreated.

After a while, Sesshomaru illuminated,, before standing in his human form.

He turned to Rin, "Are you ok?"

"Fine." Rin said, sheathing her sword.

Katsume came from behind Rin, running to Sesshomaru. Her small arms wound around him, and Sesshomaru put an arm around her, "You need to be more careful. Stick with your mother."

She nodded.

Rin sighed, "Ok, I have the food. Let's eat, and then Kat, you're taking a nap."

"I'm not... Tired..." Katsume began to yawn.

"I can see that." Rin smiled.

She turned, glancing at the other three dogs, "Thanks guys."

They nodded before breaking off into different directions of the forest.

The moment Katsume finished eating, she curled into Sesshomaru's boa, finding sleep.

"How does one get a mokomoko?" Rin asked.

"It forms, later in life. Although it depends on how much demon traits they have. Katsume might grow one, then again she might not." Sesshomaru said.

"I just... Feel kind of bad about using your boa as some bed, all these years." Rin sighed.

"I have no problem doing this. I have no problem keeping you comfortable." Sesshomaru said.

"Well, I kind of want to bathe tonight." Rin said, changing subject.

She had found a small spring a ways down the river, a little private, not much exposure.

"Ok." Sesshomaru answered.

It was silent after that.

Katsume really liked playing with the other members of the clan. They were her friends, about her only friends.

"When will I be able to turn into a dog?" Katsume asked that evening.

Rin felt a tinge of hurt in her chest, glancing at Sesshomaru for answer.

"I don't know." Sesshomaru said honestly, "Half-breeds are all different, some get the gift, some do not."

"What's a half-breed?" Katsume tilted her head.

Rin tried to hold in the urge to cry, her baby was already seeing herself different than the others.

"It means that you are part demon, and part human." Sesshomaru said.

"Why do I look different though?" She asked.

Rin couldn't keep it in now, "Kat. There is nothing wrong with you. You're our blood. You're our daughter."

Katsume still looked troubled, but also confused with Rin's emotions. She decided to drop the subject, and move into Rin's arms, hugging her tightly.

Rin cradled her, glancing over at Sesshomaru.

His eyes were calm, unreadable.

After what felt like hours, Rin noticed Katsume asleep in her arms.

Silently, she gently lay Katsume down onto the boa.

Rin's eyes were stern, tears resting in her eyes, refusing to let them flow.

"I am going to bathe now, can you watch her?" Rin asked.

"Of course." Sesshomaru said softly.

Rin stood and left the den.

Sesshomaru watched her, she was beating herself up, for simply being human!

He glanced at Katsume, she was beautiful, just like Rin. Why couldn't she see that?

Rin found the small spring. It was a warm night.

She took another look around her, making sure nothing or no one was watching, before she sighed, and undid her kimono. She rest her sword on top of her clothes, before she entered the cool water, entering the small spring.

She leaned against one of the rocks, sighing, letting her head fall back, and closed her eyes. Katsume had really been questionable tonight.

Rin's eyes opened slightly, just like she was.

Always asking questions.

That made her smile a little.

It broke though when she heard a rustle from the bushes near the shore.

Rin peeked over the rocks, scanning the dark land.

Then, there was a snap of a twig, making Rin tense. She glanced at her sword that lay a ways away from her.

Another snap, and a figure revealed next to the shore.

"Sesshomaru?" Rin whispered.

"So this is the spring you speak of." Sesshomaru commented. He glanced at her, her eyes wide with fading fear.

"Where is Katsume?" Rin asked, beginning to feel a little too revealed.

"Kaito said he'd take first guard." Sesshomaru said, before stepping into the water.

"What are you doing?" Rin asked, surprised to see him approaching her fully clothed.

When he reached her side, the water just at the middle of his form.

Rin had taken unknown steps back, feeling embarrassed to stand there before him, completely bare. Her back met the cool rock, and it made her gasp.

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed, "Why are you being shy?"

"Well. I just... Wasn't expecting... Company...?" Rin said.

Sesshomaru rested a hand against her cheek, which made her breath tremble.

He lowered his lips to hers, kissing her gently but it quickly grew.

Rin could do nothing but kiss him back.

After an extremely long minute, Sesshomaru pulled away, feeling her breath fast against him.

"I hate when you blame things on yourself." He said sternly.

Rin tilted her head, looking at him confused.

"Katsume, is our pup. She may not be full demon, but I do not care. She has your traits, and I am proud of that." Sesshomaru said intensely.

He gently pressed a kiss against her lips, "I love you, Rin."

Rin's left han cupped the side of his cace, and kissed him, deeply, "I love you too."

Their tongues found one another, caressing one another as their lips were.

Sesshomaru's hands slid down her body, pressing securely against her hips, pinning his body to her.

Rin suddenly discarded the worry of being bare, and moved to his kimono.

"This is going to be wet when we get out." Rin panted against his lips.

"I don't care." He growled against her, helping rid of his kimono, Rin managing to lay it against one of the rocks.

She then ran her hands up his chest, wrapping her arms securely around his neck.

Sesshomaru lifted her a little, and Rin's legs gently caressed his waist. He groaned, attacking her lips almost animalisticly.

Then, allowing her air, he left her lips, trailing down her cheek, down to her neck.

Rin squirmed against him, her release slowly forming.

"S-sesshomaru!" Rin gasped.

He worked smoothly against her, feeling their release coming soon.

Rin tilted her head back, feeling their release drawing nearer.

Sesshomaru fisted a hand into her hair, forcing her to look directly into his eyes.

With one last thrust, their release reached its peak.

The whole time, Rin was caught in Sesshomaru's glazed golden eyes.

She let out one last moan, before her forehead dropped tiredly against his, his intense golden eyes staring into hers.

"You are beautiful, my mate." Sesshomaru said, "There is nothing you can do that would upset me. Don't beat yourself up for our daughter's questions, she is simply acting just. Like. You."

Rin smiled again. He was right.

Katsume was a lot like her.

Sesshomaru kissed her gently, peppering kisses all around her face. After a few minutes, they stood together in the silence.

Rin sighed, growing tired. She reached behind her, grabbing his kimono, "Well... It's soaked. Are you sure..."

"I'll transform for tonight." Sesshomaru said.

"Ok." Rin said, "Um, I need to get dressed."

She was still trapped between Sesshomaru and the rock.

He backed away, giving her room.

He watched her dress, before leaving the water himself, soon illuminating and phasing to his large dog form.

He guided her back to the den.

Kaito stood from his post, laying out in front of the den. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes." Sesshomaru answered.

"Yes, thank you." Rin replied too. Kaito cleared the front of the den for Rin and Sesshomaru to enter.

Katsume was still asleep. She was just so beautiful.

"Get some sleep, Rin." Sesshomaru said, laying down close to them, providing warmth.

Rin curled next to Katsume, who in return curled against her.

Kaito watched from outside. He sighed, laying back down before the den.

A little later, Akira and Akito came around, laying on each side of Kaito.

Sesshomaru sighed, he couldn't be more proud.

He glanced at Rin and Katsume.

They looked so much alike, he couldn't understand why Rin felt so ashamed. She was the alpha female of this clan, she should be proud, happy.

He made sure to make her see how he saw her.

Sesshomaru lay his head down, having his eyes on Rin and Katsume, before falling into a peaceful sleep.

A/N: Well there you have it! A bonus chapter!

Thank you all for reading!

More SessXRin fics to come!
