A/N Hello everybody. Since people requested it, I made a third chapter. This chapter however, will be the final chapter in the story. I don't know another way to continue and I just wrote it so it would have a proper ending. I will continue to write stories about Ruby and Sapphire however. Also, this chapter is much darker than the two previous ones so I changed the rating from K to T. I hope you're okay with me ending it like this. A/N

Chapter 3: Tears of war

This was a day no one would ever forget. The sun was currently rising, shining, making the battle field look sparkling red. Red from human blood, sparkly from dust of gems. It looked quite beautiful, but no one wanted to admit that, who would want to tell people the place where many of their friends had got slaughtered? No one would, at least not Ruby. She had lost many friends today, Topaz, Onyx and Citrine to name a few.

She sat down on a rock and just looked at the field, and a tear streamed down her cheek, her friends shattered gemstones was laying there, and she didn't want to take that in. Her two remaining friends, Pearl and Rose, had warped back to the temple, and Sapphire, she had honestly no idea where she was. After the battle, both of them had been to scared and chocked to stay fused so they had decided to split up until they had calmed down, fusion was still kind of new to them after all.

She took a deep breath and sighed, she didn't need to breath, but right now, it made her relax for some reason. The air, it smelt peaceful, it didn't smell of blood and dust, it still smelled of flowers and forest, why it still did, that was a mystery but that was something she was grateful for. If she wouldn't be able to breath to calm herself down, she would have freaked out, or that was the wrong term. She would have freaked out more.

Her friends were dead and she was officially living in exile, never able to go back to Homeworld, it would have been strange for her to not freak out, but they were not the case. Yes, her friends deaths and not being able to go back to Homeworld was scary, but there was one thing that broke her heart more than anything.

The couples...

Emerald and Onyx, Agate and Citrine, Smoky Quartz and Spinel and so many more. All of those Crystal Gems were dead, the couples would never be able to see each other again, hold each others hands, smiling at each other, hearing each other laugh, or kiss each other. She had even seen Homeworld Gems in love, there was that gem that shattered her own gemstone when her partner was dead. All of those gems in love, they were dead, but she and Sapphire was still alive. Life was not fair, and the thought that it could have easily been her and Sapphire who were the shattered right now…

Of all gems, they were the only couple that survived, and that made her feel sick, and afraid. She had no idea that so many gems would die, and that Sapphire, her beloved Sapphire easily could have been one of them, that crushed her. She didn't care about what could have happened to her, but Sapphire was everything to her.

She understood how she felt now, how Sapphire had felt before the war. The feeling of being afraid of losing someone, it was torture.

More tears were streaming down her cheeks but she didn't care. She just thought of all the things that could have happened to her lover during the battle, and she forgot the time, until…

"Ruby?". She turned around and saw Sapphire, looking at her. "Are you okay?". Without saying anything, Ruby stood up and embraced Sapphire in a short but loving hug.

"I was so afraid...".

"Afraid of what?".

"During the battle. So many got killed, both humans and gems, and we're the only couple left. If it weren't for your future vision we could have easily been shattered as well. I feel bad Sapphire, I feel guilty because we survived and they didn't. It feels wrong that I will still be able to see you when the others will never be able to see their lovers again. If I would never be able to see you again, hear your laugh or kiss you again, I would not be able to live. I can't live without you but I still feel guilty because this is what the others also felt, and their fears came true...", Ruby said, tears still streaming down her cheeks and Sapphire took her hand.

"Ruby, I had no idea it was this bad, I had no idea that you felt like this", she said and gave her a hug. "I know it feels strange, I know it feels wrong and I know it's confusing, I have the same feelings. We have both been through this war and we have seen the same things, literally, we same them as Garnet, and we felt the same things. I know that it feels hard, but it's not our fault, we just were lucky enough to survive, and instead of grieving and saying that it's our fault, we can continue our lives and live for them. We can live for the couples, for all of the fallen gems and do the things that they never got the chance to do, to keep their memory alive", she said.

"Sa-sapphire...", Ruby said, a little chocked.

"It's the best thing we can do for now, to remember them", she said and took Ruby's hand. She nodded.

"You're right. This is not your fault, we have to keep on with our own lives, because in the future, we'll be needed", she said and Sapphire smiled at her.

"That's the spirit", she said, and suddenly, they could hear the singing of a few birds.



"Can I get a kiss?".