A/N: Thank you to everyone who has stuck by this story throughout the years and thank you for being so patient in between chapters. This story meant a lot to me and it's surreal that it's finally finished. Thanks to my friend and beta who helped me with this story and encouraged me through the years in so many ways. For those who are interested, I typically write an essay that describes my process in writing the story on my Tumblr. The Behind The Story for Unbreakable Bond will be posted on my Tumblr (onthecyberseas) next week. I also have a couple of other supplemental items for this story that will also be posted on my Tumblr, so be sure to check them out if you're interested. Thanks again for your support over the years and I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Red POV:

The next couple of days are draining as Cogsworth gives me a comprehensive lesson in proper royal etiquette. Belle sits across from me as I learn the proper posture, dining manners, and everything else I need to know. Though I struggle with the lessons, Belle is a natural, having learned all of this in her childhood and adolescence. She gives me looks of encouragement as I try my hardest to practice, but I wish that she and I can have more private moments as my nerves about the coronation build. My worries about everything continue to plague my thoughts. What if I'm not a good leader? What if the people don't accept me or my marriage to Belle? What will they do if they find out that we are also wolves? I am thankful to have Belle by my side, and I hope that my worries end up being nothing.

Granny arrives the night before the coronation and I embrace her as she steps out of the carriage, holding a wrapped package in her hand. "Thank you for coming," I say.

The servants come out to unload both Granny's and my possessions from the carriage and Granny smiles at me. "Wouldn't miss it," Granny replies, taking in the sight of the castle for the first time. "You've done well for yourself, marrying into royalty."

My cheeks flush with embarrassment. "I didn't marry her because she was royalty," I say defensively.

Granny laughs. "I know, Red." She claps a hand on my shoulder and says, "I'm just proud of you, the woman you've become. I'm glad you found happiness and love."

"Thank you," I say, nodding. I gesture to the package in Granny's hand. "What's that?"

She hands me the package and explains. "Queen Snow and King David weren't able to come to the coronation, so they told me to give this to you as a gift."

I'm touched by the gesture and carefully pull the paper off. Inside is a stained-glass panel from the castle, one of two wolves side by side. I know Belle took a liking to it during her time at the castle, and I grew to love it as well. "It's beautiful," I say. "I'll have to thank them the next time I see them."

I lead Granny into the castle and Fifi leads Granny to her room. I find Belle in her childhood room, looking around it wistfully. Tonight is our last night in here, tomorrow we will be moving into the larger room of the castle, previously occupied by Belle's parents. The room is far bigger than this one, but I know that it's hard for Belle to leave the room she grew up in despite the new room's larger built-in library. "Hello," I say softly.

She turns to me and a small smile graces her lips. "Hi," she says. She notices the panel in my hand and asks, "What's that?"

"A coronation gift from Snow and David," I tell her holding it up.

Belle grins upon seeing it and says, "That'll look good in the new room."

I nod in agreement. Walking over to her, I place a kiss on her lips before I ask, "Nervous for tomorrow?"

Belle nods. "A little," she admits.

"You're going to be an amazing queen," I assure her. "Considerate, intelligent, brave, inspiring, and incredibly beautiful."

She grins and kisses me again. "Thank you." She pauses before asking, "What about you?"

I laugh and say, "My plan is to smile and look pretty." She laughs, and my face turns serious. "I'm immensely nervous," I confess.

"Don't be," Belle assures me. "You're going to make a great queen as well, and I'll be right by your side the whole time."

I nod, but I'm still nervous despite knowing that she's right. I keep having nightmares about the coronation, the crowd coming after me and Belle, lighting torches, and yelling, "Kill the beast!" I force myself to breathe, forcing myself to believe that it's just a nightmare.

We take in the room for a few moments, before we both decide to go to bed. After we crawl into bed, we kiss and say goodnight. Thankfully, I sleep peacefully with Belle by my side and we wake up refreshed, though still nervous.

Fifi enters our room as the sun rise outside the window. "Good morning, lovebirds." She says in a sing-song voice, and I notice that she's seemed much friendlier towards me since I returned home and reconciled with Belle. "It's a lovely morning for a coronation."

I smile over at Belle as she sits up. Reluctantly, I force myself to sit up as well, bracing myself for the coronation that has arrived far too soon for my liking. Belle and I barely say anything as Fifi helps us get ready for the ceremony. I can feel that Belle is just as nervous as I am, and I give her a smile of encouragement. The red dress that I'm wearing is gorgeous, but the corset makes me unable to breathe properly. Belle looks stunning in her own dark blue dress, and we take a moment to admire each other before sharing a quick, chaste kiss.

Once Fifi has finished prepping us, Belle and I eat a quick breakfast. I see the servants bustling around us as they prepare for the influx of guests that are about to descend on the castle. Granny comes down at a point and joins us. "You both look wonderful," she says, taking in our dresses.

"Thank you," I say. I feel much better that Granny will be in the audience today. Regardless of what our future subjects think of me, and my marriage to Belle, I know that we have Granny's support.

After breakfast, Cogsworth ushers us into a room before the coronation begins. I hear the rumblings of people coming in and my hand finds Belle's. I give it a gentle squeeze and the way she clasps my hand with her own comforts me. "I love you," I say. "You're going to be great."

Belle nods, but I can tell that she's still nervous. "I love you, too," she replies. I smile back at her, never getting tired of hearing her say it. We kiss one last time before we step out into the throne room where a crowd has gathered to watch our coronation.

I feel everyone's eyes on us as we walk to the front of the room. Though I try not to look at the people, I can see that most of them are glaring at me. My heart pounds as fear about my nightmares coming true fills me with dread. Cogsworth begins the proceedings as everyone takes their seats. My hand find's Belle's as we look out at the crowd in front of us. I see so many glares directed towards me and I tense despite the relaxing feel of Belle's touch.

As Cogsworth talks about our duties to the throne, one man steps forward from the crowd. "I object!" He shouts angrily, the hatred in his face palpable.

A stunned silence follows the declaration, then a slight murmur reverberates. I look over at Belle, who studies the man carefully. After a couple of moments, she says, "Your objection is noted, sir, but I want to assure that the kingdom is in good hands with Rose and myself. I have learned much through studying my father, and my wife is an excellent leader. She helped Queen Snow in the battle against the Evil Queen and she is equally capable of helping me continue to lead this kingdom to greatness."

"Your deviant marriage isn't accepted," the man retorts. "Not by the fairies, not by nature, and not by this kingdom." I hear a murmur of agreement from the crowd and I feel Belle's anger rising. Glancing over, I see a flash of gold in her eyes. I am just as angry as she is, but I am able to calm the wolf before it even thinks of bursting out. Quickly, I give Belle's hand a tight squeeze and her eyes return to bright blue. I look out at the crowd to see if anyone else saw the shift, but thankfully nobody seems to have seen it.

Belle gives me an appreciative look and turns back to the crowd. "While it is true that the fairies refuse to recognize our marriage, our marriage is recognized by us. Rose is my mate, in more ways than one. She is my hero, my anchor, and we share an unbreakable bond stronger than magic."

My heart warms at the declaration and we share a quick glance before Belle continues, "I refuse to rule the kingdom without the woman I love by my side, and love takes many forms. If you have a more capable candidate to take our place, than we will gladly step down." Belle keeps her gaze with the man, daring him to challenge her any further. I watch Belle, her defense of me and the way she's glaring at the man somehow makes me even more attracted to her. There is a soft murmur throughout the crowd, and I look at them, trying not to envision them with torches.

The man finally sits down, and nobody else objects. I look out to the crowd and see that Granny is grinning at us, thrilled that the issue is behind us. Cogsworth clears his throat and continues with the coronation. Belle and I declare our devotion to the kingdom and soon we kneel before the crowd. Cogsworth places the crowns on our heads and I close my eyes as I take in the strange weight. Belle and I take each other's hands as we walk back to the empty thrones side by side.

We sit down and look out at the crowd. I glance over at Belle as the crowd disperses to prepare for the feast. "You were amazing," I say.

Belle smiles back at me. "I love you, and I love this kingdom. I will never stop fighting for either."

I resist the urge to lean over and kiss her. "I won't stop fighting for you either." Though I am still uncomfortable with the idea of being queen, I vow to remain for Belle. She is the woman who saw both the human and wolf sides of me and embraced both of them. She is the woman who helped me move on from my past, and I intend for her to be my future. I am hers, forever.

Belle POV:

The coronation finally ends, and I feel relieved as Rose and I are finally able to take our places at the throne with no further dissent from my people. I knew that it would be difficult for some of them to accept my marriage, but I didn't expect direct confrontation at our coronation. I remember how the wolf nearly broke out, but Red was there to anchor me like she always has been.

I know how nervous Rose has been at the prospect of being Queen, but I'm glad she's there for me. Despite being born from royalty, I know that I can't rule the kingdom without her by my side. Glancing over at Rose, I am breathless at how stunning she looks as she sits on the throne. She sits regally, as she has been taught over the past couple of days, and the crown makes her look like she was born to do this.

I'm dying to kiss her and celebrate in our private bedchambers, but I know the day is far from over. There is a feast being prepared in our honor, and it will be followed by a ball that will last into the night.

"Your mother and father would be proud," Cogsworth says as he approaches us.

I look at him skeptically, remembering the last time I saw my father before his death. The look of revulsion in his eyes upon learning that I had fallen in love with a woman and had become a wolf as well. "I mean it," Cogsworth said, seeming to sense my skepticism. "They truly loved you and would be proud of the woman you've matured into. I'm sure your father would have come around eventually if it wasn't for his heart."

Though I'm still skeptical, I nod. "Thank you." Rose and I go into the ballroom for the feast and ball and take our seats at the center of the table. The servants serve us dinner first and my stomach growls upon the sight of it. Though I am tempted to wolf it down, I eat daintily as is expected of me. Rose struggles with the proper etiquette but has definitely improved since her first lesson a couple of days ago. However, she keeps using the wrong fork and eating far too quickly than what is expected of a royal. I try to look pointedly at her to show her, and Rose seems to get my unspoken message for the most part.

Several of the visiting nobles from the other kingdoms engage us with conversation. They seem fascinated by the idea of their marriage, and they seem somewhat wary of the two of us. However, they continue to be polite despite their seeming misgivings of us. Rose and I talk to them, but I'm as bored as Rose is. As the evening wears on, I am unable to mask my boredom any longer.

My mind drifts to the idea of Rose and I in our new bed, properly breaking it in as we celebrate our coronation. An idea forms in my head, and I smirk at the excitement of putting it into motion. Rose looks over at me curiously, but I try to keep my face neutral despite knowing that she can feel the effects the thoughts are having on my body.

After we're done eating, and all of the plates have cleared, the ball begins. I lead Rose to the center of the dancefloor and we waltz around the room. Though we are joined by other nobles on the dancefloor, Rose and I only have eyes for each other. I am reminded of our wedding day, when we had danced on the floor at our party and of our first night when we had mated for the first time. Both memories cause me to grin and I know I'll never get tired of dancing with her. She pulls me closer and I revel in the feel of her hand on my waist. I'm tempted to kiss her in front of everyone, but I stop myself, not wanting to create a bigger issue than the one we already narrowly escaped.

We return to the table after our dance, and I decide to put my plan in motion. Leaning over, I softly whisper into her ear, "Meet me in our bedchambers at the end of the next song." She looks curiously at me but nods eagerly.

I get up from the table and announce that I need to get some rest. Cogsworth and the nobles say goodnight to me, and I instruct Fifi to not let anyone into the west wing this evening. As I reach our new suite, I eagerly strip my clothes off until I am completely bare. I head over to Rose's trunk and look through it. My fingers stop over the copy of "The Knight's Rescue," and I decide to put it in my mother's massive library at the edge of the room. Returning to the trunk, I look through until I finally find Rose's signature cloak.

Smirking, I wrap the cloak around my bare body and sit in the library's armchair as I wait for Rose to arrive. I smell her before the door opens and I stand up once she closes the door behind her. I turn to face her, and her mouth drops at the sight of me wearing nothing but her cloak. "Like what you see?" I ask as I drop the cloak to the floor for dramatic effect.

I feel my arousal build as she hungrily looks over my bare body and I can smell her own arousal. I walk towards her and run my hands up her dress-clad body. My hands reach her shoulders, and I pull her closer by her sleeves. I crash my lips into hers and I shiver as she runs her hands down my bare back. "Strip," I command as I reluctantly pull away from her inviting lips.

"Yes, my queen," she replies. Eagerly, she complies with my command. I watch, licking my lips as more of her skin is exposed. When her panties finally hit the ground, I take in her gorgeous body as I lead her to the bookshelf of our library.

Pinning her against it, I kiss her lips before going down to her neck. Rose gasps as I move down to her neck, lightly nipping at her skin. "How does it feel?" I ask as I start kissing down her chest. "To know that I'm the most powerful woman in this kingdom." I crouch down as my lips reach her abdomen and place a quick kiss to her scar, remembering the night I almost lost her and our first kiss once she returned to me. "And that I'll only kneel to you." I drop to my knees completely and look up at her.

"Fuck," she says softly. I see her lustful gaze looking down at me and I can smell how much she likes the idea. Though I am tempted to dive in and give her what she wants, I decide to tease her a little bit more. I lean down and kiss up her legs and to her inner thigh. However, I stop right before I reach where she needs me the most and repeat the action on the other leg. "Belle," she whines. "Please."

I look up at her with a smirk and say, "Yes, Your Highness." I lick her dripping folds, reveling in her taste. She moans at my ministrations, and practically screams my name as my lips finally reach her swollen clit. I flick it with my tongue, enjoying the moans that each move elicits. Her hands move down to the back of my head, holding me in place as I continue my movements. I slip two fingers inside of her as my mouth continues sucking her clit, and I slowly thrust into her.

Rose chants my name and moans as I continue my movement. Soon enough, I feel her tighten around my fingers and I know she's close. "Come for me," I say as the combination of my fingers and tongue finally makes her come. Once she is done I steady her against the bookshelf as I stand up to recapture her lips.

Slowly, I pick her up in my arms and carry her to our new bed. After laying her down on the pillows. I climb on top of her, straddling her face. She kisses my inner thighs before moving her tongue over my clit. I moan as I grab the headboard and ride her face with my thrusts. Her hands grab my hips as she presses hard on my clit. It doesn't take long for me to come afterwards, and I grip the headboard as I ride out my orgasm.

Once I climb off of her, I lie down next to her. She wraps her arms around my waist and presses her own body against my back. We lay there in silence for a couple of blissful moments as I revel in her embrace. "I love you," I say as I snuggle against her.

"I love you, too." She says it back, quickly and without hesitation. I can't help but smile at happy I am and how happy she makes me.

"When things settle down," I assure her, "We'll finally have our honeymoon." I tell her about the castle that was our family's vacation home for years. I think about the beach nearby and how I can't wait to explore it with Rose, when we actually leave the bedroom.

I can feel her excitement at the prospect. "I can't wait," she says. She runs a hand down my back, and I smile at her touch. I think about our first meeting, how we fell in love, our unbreakable bond, and the trials we went through to get where we are now. Despite everything that's already happened, I know our story is just beginning. I can't wait to start the future adventures of our life together.