Kane Rainier (District 3, Male Tribute)

I'm scared, and I'm crying. I'm sad, and I'm crying.

I'm curious, and I'm crying. Curious, that is, about this really nice room I've been thrown into. Well, not exactly thrown, because I think the Peacekeepers were (dare I say) sympathetic to me and my useless leg. They didn't poke me with their guns because I was being too slow or even hurried me along. I wonder if they even question what they're doing. Peacekeepers have to realize that the name they've been given is purely for show. Do they actually "keep the peace"? Sometimes, I suppose. But often? Not much. Many times they're just plain rude. A Peacekeeper was buying a necklace from my mother once and cheated her by paying half as much than what she wanted for it; and Mama really didn't want to protest because really, who wants to go up against a Peacekeeper?

I take note of the smooth hardwood floors, lace curtains, clear glass windows, cushiony leather chairs, and soft clean carpets. All so different and fancy compared to our boring dusty, rough floors and scratchy furniture. I let myself enjoy a fleeting moment of fantasy:

I win these Hunger Games. I take my mother and father to live with me in the Victors' Village. I become a successful inventor. I live happily ever after. (Foolish words written at the end of every fairytale, so do note the sarcasm in my use of the phrase. Fools, no one lives happily ever after.)

The door to my beautiful prison opens and my mother and father come in. There's no other way to describe it. They don't stumble in, or tiptoe in, they just come in; almost like they want to get this over with as soon as possible.

Mama's face is streaked with tears and her eyes are red. Dad's arm is wrapped around her shoulders, holding her there, in his arms, tight and safe, so she won't fall. He looks like he's trying to keep his face hard and blank. I don't ever remember him showing any emotion other than calm, cool, and collected. He was always that person. The rock of our family. Now he's the rock of my mother.

I stand up to hug them and my mother buries her face in my shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Kane, I'm sorry."

"Mama, it's okay." I couldn't have just said nothing; she always needs words of comfort.

My father put a hand on my shoulder. "Son, just know that your mother and I will always be with you in spirit."

He pressed a medallion into the palm of my hand. "Your token. It was your grandfather's before he passed away last year."

How I loved my grandfather, and how I wept when he cried. It's just not fair, for people die when someone on earth still loves them.

I grip the smooth object close to my heart. Grandpa, is that you?

Skai Ryder (District 4, Female Tribute)

My best friend, Mimi, said if I ever was chosen to be in the Hunger Games, she'd be the first to come say goodbye to me. When I hear her footsteps outside the door to the Justice Building room, I count down the seconds until the door opens.


I jump up and we throw our arms around each other. "I'm so glad you're here, Mimi!"

She smiles a bittersweet smile. "I'm glad because I came to remind you there's something you have to do in the arena."

"Kill the girl from Two," we quote in unison, a phrase we've screamed I-don't-know, a million times?

Each game since the one in which Mimi's cousin was killed, it's been the same. Kill the girl from Two. Kill the girl from Two. I don't think I had much of a killer's mindset until we coined this phrase, but every time I say it I feel a little bit murderous.

Each time a female tribute from District Two is murdered in the Games, we just about throw a party and praise the name of the tribute who helped avenge Reed. Reed was our best friend, the third in our group, Mimi's cousin. Reed, the little rascal. Always tricking, pranking, and pestering our older brothers. Coming up with crazy plots to overthrow the Capitol. Ha ha ha! The second rebellion has begun! All conceived from the mind of little Reed. We loved her so. We were almost like sisters, the three of us. And then killed. She was reaped two years ago and killed in the bloodbath by the girl from Two. And we've cursed her name. Lilia Scotts. I hate you, Lilia Scotts. You took my little sister, my friend from me.

Now I can be the one to kill the District Two girl. Nevermind that she wasn't actually Reed's killer, but just a girl from the district home to that cruel murderess Lilia Scotts. She comes from a district of merciless killers.

Mimi smiles at me. "Avenge Reed."

Kill the girl from Two.