Luffy's mom

Chapter 1

The She-Demon of The Marines

Garp's men were still in shock at the sight of seeing his grandsons crew rocket away in their big lion ship, while Coby was still starstruck at seeing his idol perform another impossible stunt. Meanwhile Garp was laughing his lungs off.

"Hahahahaha! That's definitely my grandson. He's always been a crafty little punk."

"You sure you want to be laughing?" said aokiji laying on his chair.

"Hm?" Garp side-eyed the admiral.

"I doubt Sengoku would be happy that you let your grandkid escape." Aokiji said indifferently.

Garp smirked. "I wouldn't worry too much about Sengoku and besides who ever said luffy's escaped…"

This confused some of the marines. Coby asked "What do you mean, sir?"

"Luffy's caught the eye of his dear ol' mom."

This news surprised his subordinate. "His m-mom! Luffy's mom!"

To everyone's shock and disbelief the usually cool and calm admiral Aokiji had just gaspe very loudly and jumped from his chair, staring completely terrified at Garp. "Y-you don't mean the she-demon, do you?"

Garp proudly smiled and crossed his arms. "You betcha'! and if my calculations are right luffy is getting significantly closer to where she is. The poor fool…"

Coby noticed his friend and partner Helmeppo sinking down on his rear-end pale faced and frightened with his mouth hanging open. Coby made quick glances across to his comrades, who were all trembling and/or pale. Coby suddenly got very nervous. "W-who is Luffy's mom?"

"She's a marine captain, but honestly I'd peg her strength as an admiral at the least!" Garp blurted out.

"A-admiral! How can someone as strong as an admiral only be a captain!?" Coby screamed now as pale as the others.

Garp thought for a moment. "She hasn't really got many chances at a promotion. Most pirates choose to avoid her."

"Avoid her?" Coby replied.

"Back when she first graduated from training she single handedly wiped out an entire pirate crew on her first mission and after that she wiped out another pirate crew of over 500 men in less than 10 minutes. She rose to captain rank at record speed, but since then any pirate with even the slightest bit of sense has chosen to avoid her and I can't say I blame them." Garp explained.

"She's that strong!? Luffy's family is truly amazing!" Coby said in amazement.

"Amazing is one word terrifying is another, kid." Aokiji spoke up. "Let me give you a piece of advice. There's a long list of unspoken rules that a marine must never break and never crossing the She-Demon is high on that list."

"Wow. I don't think I've ever seen Admiral Aokiji this unnerved before." Coby whispered to Helmeppo. "It's kind of unsettling."

"I heard he once hit on the She-Demon a long time ago and she sent him to hell…" Helmeppo whispered back.

"Hell? What does that mean?"

"Don't know, but I do know that it'd be wise to listen to him. You know that story vice admiral garp just said about her wiping out a crew of over 500 in 10 minutes?"


"I heard that crew had over 20 crew member with bounties over 60 million and the captain had a bounty of 150 million."

"Wow she must be super strong!" Coby whispered excitedly.

"Aokiji you wuss! How dare you badmouth my daughter-in-law behind her back." Gar screamed angrily. "I mean sure she's the most terrifying and sadistic woman I have ever known and sure even if you cry your eyes out begging for mercy she'll keep beating you senseless til she's satisfied and and… uwaaaaaaah!"

Out of nowhere Garp fell on his knees, raised his arms up in the air, and started yelling, "Luffy you lousy grandchild of mine run for your miserable life hells got feet and a ship and she's coming for you!"

"I guess Garp developed a decent poker face from being her father in law, but terror is terror and nothing can hide the fear anyone has for that woman." Said Helmeppo wisely.

"Wow. Luffy's mom must really be a monster." Coby choked out quietly while looking at garp. The news of how terrifying Luffy's mom was scared him, but at the same time really intrigued him. For some weird reason he wanted to meet this woman.