Chapter 8

It was the next day, Ash and Rita went to work but had to go separately to avoid suspicion. Throughout the day Rita would catch Ash staring at her and every time she looked back up at him he would turn around and pretend he was doing something else.

Rita was at the computer finding out some details about a patient when Ash came up to her.

"And how are we Sister Freeman?" Ash asked with a smirk.

"I'm very well Doctor Ashford." Rita replied, crossing her arms and giving Ash a smirk back.

"Well that's brilliant, I need you to check something actually so if you could come to my office?"

"That should be fine with me."

Rita followed Ash into his office. Once inside his office, Ash closed the blinds and locked the door so that no one could catch them.

After this he walked over to Rita, who was standing there as beautiful as ever, he wiped away a strand of hair that was on her face. He bent down and placed his lips on her cheek. Her arms wrapped around his neck. His lips worked his way to her lips. Rita let out a moan and started to unbutton his shirt.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Ash pulled away from Rita.

"Who is it?" Ash called out.

"It's Zoe" the voice answered back.

"Shit." Ash whispered. He started to button his shirt back and looked at Rita who was panicking as much as he was.

"What's going on?" Zoe asked.

"Oh nothing, there's just been an accident that's all." Ash replied.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Rita and Ash looked at each other both wondering what they could do. Then Ash had an idea. He went over to his medical kit and pulled out a surgical knife.

"No" Rita whispered.

"Just cut your hand or something."

Ash handed Rita the knife who made a small slice on the inside of her hand. It instantly started bleeding. Rita cried in pain.

"Is everything alright?!" Zoe shouted trying to open the door.

"I'm sorry." Ash whispered giving Rita another kiss.

He walked over to the door and unlocked to let Zoe come in.

"Rita!" Zoe said shocked. She walked over to Rita and then realised her hand was bleeding. "Oh my gosh how did you do this?"

"I slipped." Rita tried to sound convincing.

"Well we'll have to sort this out!" Zoe started to examine the cut.

Rita looked over at Ash who was going through his medical kit to find stuff to give to Zoe.

After about five minutes Zoe had cleaned up the cut and bandaged it.

"You'll just have to redress it every now and again but you should be fine as long you don't slip again!" Zoe chuckled. She turned around to Ash who hadn't said much the whole time. "Are you okay Ash?"

"Yeh I'm fine just tired that's all." Ash replied.

"That's understandable, your mum must be so grateful helping her out like that." Zoe gave Ash a hug and reached up to give him a kiss.

Rita just watched them. Suddenly, Zoe's pager started beeping.

"Well I got to go, see you later love, I hope you get better Rita."

Zoe left and closed the door behind her. Rita just turned to look at Ash.

"You owe me!" Rita said.

"I know I'm so sorry!" Ash replied walking towards Rita.

Ash took hold of Rita by the waist and pulled her toward him. Her arms wrapped around his neck and they both shared kiss. Rita pulled away.



"I said later."

Rita walked over to door and left with a smirk on her face.