Disclaimer: I don't own them!

This got started while I was waiting on my uncle to get out of the doctor's office. I just wanted to show more of a friendship between the two, but it took a mind of it's own.

Integra slams the thick wooden door to behind her. Leaning back against it she reaches up to pinch the bridge of her nose. Her head was pounding, but thankfully the revelry upstairs is muted so much she can barely hear it. Why those decrepit old men insisted on these foolish parties was beyond her. Sometimes she thinks it's just an excuse to try and demean her; which is about as successful as trying to lick your own elbow. Never again would they make her feel incompetent, those days are long gone. Doesn't mean she wanted to stand around listening to them jabber or get her clothing choice nagged out by those prancing sheep posing as women. Instead she retreats to the one place none would dare to follow her besides Walter and Seras.

She strips off her jacket as she walks over to look through the bookshelf. Alucard's collection was blessedly lacking anything pertaining to politics. She was rather surprised to see so many classical romance novels, though she suppose she really shouldn't be. Her servant could be quite the charmer when he wanted to. She remembered one particular party where he had done just that. Every woman there was fawning over him, including a few of the knight's wives. She would have sworn he could have snapped his fingers and they'd have dropped their knickers and bent over for him. It was disgusting and amusing at the same time. It did make her realize she had a new weapon in her arsenal for dealing with foolish parties. Unfortunately that weapon was gone on a mission so she had been forced to face the horde alone. Oh how she'd missed his snarky whispers while the old men had been giving their toasts, and his charming ways while she was getting nagged at over her clothes. Granted she knew that was going to happen when she had shoved the dress in the common room fireplace and had Seras pick her up a tux instead.

Selecting a book she walks over sit down in Alucard's chair, kicking her shoes off before turning to drape her leg over the chair arm. She hadn't paid any attention to when the murmur of the party stopped completely. The book and bottle of wine she had pilfered from Alucard's cabinet had effectively drowned out the rest world. So much so that she never notices the arrival of the room's true owner till she is suddenly assaulted by his hat being flung at her. She jumps, book and wine glass flying off somewhere in the room as she scrambles for her gun. The familiar laugh stills her hand on the butt of her pistol. Her eyes focus on the red clad figure then she growls and throws his hat back at him.

"You bastard!"

"Says the one who's apparently taken over my room." His voice still holds a hint of amusement.

She watches him undress down to just his pants and boots before moving to get up from his chair. His hand catches her shoulder and gently forces her back down. He kneels in front of her and reaches out to unbuckle her holster, sitting it aside before turning to lean back between her legs. His eyes fall closed when he feels her fingers in his hair.

"Did I miss anything good?"

Integra chuckles softly, he was as bad as a puppy sometimes, "Just me burning the dress and wearing a tux. Seras seemed to enjoy that one."

"Oh I bet that didn't go over well with the wives! You know that doesn't help the lesbian rumors any, though."

Integra scoffs and slouches back in the chair, "That has been going on all my life."

Alucard tilts his head back to look at her, "So why do you dress like a man? And no not answering, you owe me that for my wine you've drunk!"

Integra smirks slightly, "You have good taste in wine. The truth…wear a dress and they forget who you are. You become just another doll for them to paw at."

"You are a woman; it's not unnatural for you to accept a man's affection." The comment gets the sneer he had been expecting.

"Why would I want some man between my legs?"

Alucard smirks slightly, "Well, you have a man between those legs right now."

"And you're not doing anything useful are you!" She slaps a hand over her mouth. Why in the hell didn't she stop at one glass of wine?! A grin slowly stretches across Alucard's face. Why, just why did her servant have to be the king of perverts?

"Do you want me to please you, master?"

Integra drops her face in her hand, her cheeks growing hotter. This is what she gets for getting so comfortable around him. If she had kept her distance like Walter advised she wouldn't be sitting here with her servants head between her legs and her legs draped over his shoulders like some sort of floozy! But no, she just had to go and be friends with the bastard.

"Anything you desire. I'm yours to command."

Her embarrassment fades to disappointment, "A command…not because I was wanted, but because it was an order."

Alucard frowns slightly. That comment was not like his master at all. She had made it very clear years before that she wanted no such intimacy with him. That hadn't stopped him from teasing her of course. Part of it was to see just how far he could push her, to see that calm exterior of hers to melt into fury or embarrassment. The rest was because he truly did desire the woman. Still, he had always been careful not to push too far. She had become a friend and for someone like him that was something to treasure; even more so since she had no delusions of his character. He had once described in vivid detail how he would impale his enemies and she never flinched, her mind just as calm as if he had been discussing the weather.

He eases her legs off his shoulders and raises up on his knees as he turns around, bracing his hands against the chair arms. Was it purely the alcohol talking or was this a part of her she kept hidden? Those icy blue eyes bore straight into his blackened soul as she stares back at him, daring him to speak. He knew he shouldn't, with her intoxicated it was the same as taking advantage of her, but he couldn't stand to see the hurt in her eyes. Reaching up he lightly holds the back of her neck as he leans in, his lips lightly brushing against hers. She gasps against his lips then a stinging pain erupts in his cheek as his head snaps to the side.

"That was for not asking permission!"

He blinks then turns his head to look at her for a brief moment before dropping his head in submission, "I'm sorry, master."

"Remember your place, servant."

With head still bowed he grins slightly. Now that sounded more like his master!

"Alucard, do you remember your first kiss?"

He frowns slightly as he looks up at her. The question wasn't all that odd coming from her. When you're one of only two companions for a curious girl growing up you get used to a wide range of odd questions. His first kiss was just something he never thought about and now realized he couldn't even remember it. He knew the sultan had never kissed him thankfully, but beyond that it was a blank.

"I don't. I don't remember if it was my wife or some farm girl."

"I know part of the reason for the parties is an attempt to have me bedded by one of their chosen dicks and one day I will have to give in if I expect the organization to remain in Hellsing hands, but….call me foolish, but I want my first kiss to mean more than that." She sighs, "I'm never drinking again."

Alucard chuckles and leans in again till his lips are nearly touching hers, "What about a kiss from your servant who loves his master dearly?"

Integra stares into those red eyes. He did have a point. He respected her more than anyone else ever would. The fact he was a murderous fiend really didn't matter, because truth be told so was she. The only difference between them was restraint. She reaches up and brushes her fingertips over his cheek. His skin was cool to the touch, making it obvious it had been a while since he had fed. Her fingers drift to the back of his neck as she leans up; closing what little distance is left between them.

Integra awoke tucked in her own bed. Her head ached and trying to focus her blurry vision wasn't helping anything. Giving in with a sigh she squirms out from under the warmth of the covers to search for her glasses. They were folded on her nightstand, and once her vision was returned to normal she saw her clothes from last night were folded neatly and stacked in the chair. With a groan she pulls her glasses off and drops them on the bed as she flops over on her back, the night's events rushing back in vivid detail. She reaches up and rubs her hands over her face. What had she been thinking? Or not thinking obviously. A kiss was one thing, but it hadn't stopped there! Good thing the beast was determined to turn her one day because she seriously doubted she would have told him no last night.

She peeks between her fingers when she hears the faint squeak. Clinging to the ceiling is a tiny shadow creature. It had been a long time since she had seen this particular manifestation of Alucard's shadow. When she was younger one of the little gargoyle looking creatures followed her everywhere; Alucard's method of keeping an eye on her when he couldn't physically be there. She reaches a hand toward the ceiling then smiles slightly when the gargoyle lands lightly on her finger.

"He's feeling guilty isn't he?"

The gargoyle chirps in response.

"Well, you can let your master know I'm fine….and I don't regret any of it."

Except for acting like some foolish heartbroken girl for a moment; that one left a bitter taste I'm her mouth. The knock on her bedroom door signals the start of yet another tiresome day and with a sigh she leaves the little gargoyle to scamper back to its master as she slides off the bed and half stumbles to the bathroom.