I'M ALIVE! I mean, it's not like I was dead, but this fanfiction certainly was. Worry not, I just update when I'm really feeling a story. Trust me, it's better than me putting out a story that's half-assed. I hope you enjoy this because I think it's pretty neat-o. Also, feel free to send me suggestions! I have a tumblr with the same username where you can probably reach me and see my status on stories faster than on here. Nonetheless, enjoy the story!

"Where'd you get this one?"

Yona had been particularly bold that night, shelling out questions for Hak one after another. The attention was admittedly odd, but the curiosity seemed genuine. Hak snapped back to reality as he felt her delicate fingers trace the outline of the mark on his arm. It was fairly modest in comparison to some of his other wounds, yet held it's own story. Big or small, each imperfection on his skin had a tale to tell.

"What can I say? I was young and stupid, tried showing off and it didn't go so well."

"Nothing has changed," the princess's laughter was enough to get him going.

He shot her an annoyed glance, preparing a rebuttal only to be interrupted by further interrogation, "What about on your chest? That's the biggest one, right?"

He felt the heat of her gaze upon the area. The role reversal of him being the exposed one put him through quite the loop. He held no sorrow in these scars, in fact, he was completely willing to share. He wanted her to know every part of him and him every part of her; recently he felt as though he were finally moving closer.

Clearing his throat, he carefully replied, "It's also my oldest one." The look on her face seemed to signify her ignorance over the topic. "Remember when we first met and I was covered in bandages? Well, that was from my first fight. Bandits tried to kidnap me, and I fought back. They beat me up pretty badly, but Mundeok found me after I was all bloodied and took me in," there was an odd warmth in Hak's voice when he recalled his past.

"Oh," the Princess's mood quickly soured thinking about the childhood cruelties Hak had to face despite his seemingly unfazed attitude toward it.

"What about you? Has that slash on your back healed yet? Must be a real ugly scar," Hak teased.

Yona's face heated as she ground her teeth out of annoyance. "It looks perfectly fine, thank you very much."

His eyebrow raised skeptically, "Oh yeah? Lemme see."

"No way! You show me the one on your chest first," her eyes nervously flitted to his chest and back up to his icy eyes.

"If you wanted to see me undress, all you had to do was ask," Hak snickered as he began tugging down on his collar.

"No, I- it's not like that at-" her fierce denial was halted by being face to face with the scar.

It was jagged in spots, smaller scars layering on top of the long slash. Though it may have been a sign of weakness to many, it symbolized nothing but strength to Yona. Hak's growth and power had multiplied many times over in his life, yet he remained humbled by such marks on his skin. Before she knew it, her hand was ghosting over the line, delicately observing using her touch.

"That costs extra, Princess," there was a hesitancy and roughness to him as he removed her hand from his chest, his own grasp on her lingering.

"Well then, I'll show you mine so that we're equal," Yona gently pealed the clothing from her shoulders and let the fabric drop from her back, clenching her dress tightly in front of her chest.

The Thunder Beast's heart quickened, faced with the Princess's exposure. Sure, there was quite the impressive scar, but there was also the whole of Yona's back and shoulders. It was an incredibly smooth and soft area that made Hak want to do foolish things. If he could just feel her then maybe his thirst would be quenched?

No. This was going to be the death of him.

"Cover back up," Hak started to pull her dress back over her shoulders, only to grace her skin with the tips of his fingers.

"Why are you acting so weird? Is it because I was hurt? Well, I'm fine now, and the scar is proof of that," the courage in her voice didn't help Hak settle his stirred emotions.

Yona delicately pealed his fingertips from her shoulders, releasing the fabric. This time his whole attention was on the scar, it's depth and severity was undeniable. It was almost out of place on a small princess, yet the bravery it held was not.

"Hak, I might not have nearly as many scars as you do, but I hope to someday. I hope that I'll have the power to fight and become wounded, only to fight again. I never want to stop, I will continue forever if it means that I'm helping my people."

He'd be damned if he didn't fall in love with the most stubborn girl. Hak sighed and leaned into her back, skin against skin. He slid his arms around her waist, then buried his head into her hair.

"Why do you have to be so difficult? Just let me protect you," the sweetness in his voice made Yona limp under his touch.

Despite her body's protests, she turned to face him, denied of the warmth she had felt a few seconds ago.


Her sudden intensity frightened him, yet heated the blood within his body.

"Hak... I absolutely cannot lose you. Not now, not ever. You're too important to me," her decisive and stern words floated around him, hardly being processed. Noticing his lack of answer to her demand, she cupped his face with her palms to fully concentrate his attention.


His mind was hazy, locked in a sort of trance with the person he cared most about. As if by instinct, he closed upon her. The kiss was light and hesitant, but enough to satisfy him. Pulling back, he relished her half-lidded expression. It almost seemed like she had wanted it too.

Hak's gaze wandered, quick to realize that her clothing had dipped past his point of sanity. Shoulders completely exposed, the neckline hardly hung above her chest. The girl was a tease without knowing it.

"My, my, Princess, I haven't even paid you for the show," back to routine, his low laughter resonated around her.

Snatching her dress up and correcting her appearance, she noticed the tinge of pink that lit his face.

"Aww, Hak, you're blushing!" Yona badgered.

"At least my whole head doesn't look like a tomato."


Yona watched as he laughed and sped away. She only hoped to continue to make him laugh and smile, despite the past. Perhaps even embracing the past, scars and all.