Author's Note: I cannot believe I'm typing this right now. This is the last chapter of Something. I hope you enjoy it.


Chapter 103: The Long and Winding Road

Sasha's POV

October 9, 1981

I looked at the white house through the taxi window. I couldn't believe that I had ventured all the way here. I hadn't been here since '68 probably. I hadn't seen her in that long.

"Miss?" The taxi driver looked back at me, "That'll be seven pound fifty."

I reached into my purse and pulled out a ten pound note and handed it to him, "Keep the change."

"Thanks miss," he smiled, "Do you need help with your bag?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you," I replied.

I reached across the baby carrier that was strapped in and opened the door. The cool, autumn breeze from outside hit me in the face. I wrapped the strap of my bag around my shoulder and unbuckled the baby carrier. I scooted my way out of the taxi and shut the door behind me. I watched as he drove away.

It was early here. I had caught the first train here this morning since flying into London yesterday. The fog was rolling off the sea behind the row of houses in front of me. There was salt in the air as I breathed in. I thought of him bringing me here for the first time, proud of the new beach house he had bought for one of the most important women in his life the year before. Today would've been his forty first birthday, and myself, even at forty, couldn't fathom where the years had gone. He wanted to come back to England this year for the sole purpose of doing what I was doing today. He also wanted to show the kids Liverpool and take them up to Scotland. We would've been married. I felt tears sting my eyes, but I held them back. I had to be strong today. For John.

I walked up to the front door and timidly knocked. I don't know why I was nervous to see her. A woman that once didn't get along with me very well had grown to be very important to me. Maybe I was nervous to show her the baby.

The door creaked open to reveal a small, older woman, still with the same jet black hair, "Sasha?"

"Mimi," I breathed out, "I missed you."

She stared at me for a few moments, then opened the door wider, "Come in out of the cold."

I followed her inside. This house wasn't as familiar as Mendips, of course, but she had kept most of the same furniture from Liverpool. It was decorated the same way, which made it feel almost as familiar. I followed her into the living room, where I sat on the sofa across from the fireplace.

"Tea?" Mimi raised an eyebrow at me.

I smiled softly at her, "Yes, thank you."

She left the room and disappeared to make some tea for us. I reached down into the baby carrier and picked up the tiny six week old little girl. She was born in late August back in New York. Cynthia, Maureen, and Julian had come to stay with me the last couple weeks of my pregnancy, so I didn't have to give birth alone. I had to decided to come to England, so she could meet Mimi and Mimi could meet her. She was beautiful. Every time I looked at her, she reminded me of my love for John. The love we shared together for all those years did have something good come out of it. I just desperately wished that she could've known her father.

Mimi walked back in the room and handed me a cup of steaming tea, "Sasha, is this your baby?"

"She is," I replied, sipping my tea.

Mimi had a confused look on her face as she sat down in her recliner. She set her cup of tea down on a round table next to it. I noticed a picture of John there. In fact, that's when I noticed all the pictures of John in the living room, most of them crowding the mantel. I looked back at Mimi. She motioned for me to hand her the baby girl that was quietly cooing in my arms.

I watched as Mimi held her. She studied my baby's face staring back at her.

I noticed the realization that was suddenly plastered on her face, "Sasha, this is..."

I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I felt tears sting my eyes again. I wanted John to be here with me whilst the baby met Mimi.

"She's John's," Mimi breathed out, tears streaming down her cheeks, "She looks like him and like Julia. She's got your beautiful blue eyes though."

I wiped some tears from my face, "I wanted you to meet her, Mimi."

"John would've been so in love with her," her voice was almost a whisper through the tears, "Did he know about her?"

"No," I frowned, "I found out the day after, but I'd rather not talk about that time now. She's a reminder of mine and John's love. I'm just so sad she'll never get to meet him."

Mimi closed her eyes, tears still cascading, "I miss him calling me every week."

I didn't say anything. I was crying as well. I thought I could be strong, but seeing Mimi crying was too overwhelming. I'm not sure I had ever seen her cry before.

"I miss him too," I agreed, "I would give anything for him to be beside me now."

"What's her name?" Mimi looked up at me.

I smiled, "Elizabeth. After you. Her middle name is Julia, of course."

Mimi smiled and looked down at her, cooing at her. I saw little Elizabeth smile back at Mimi.

She looked back up at me, "He was going to ask you to marry him, you know?"

"Yes," I said, "He didn't get a chance to, but I'm wearing the ring that was in his wallet on my right hand. It was Julia's."

She glanced at my right hand and nodded, "I remember when Julia gave that to him. He ran in the house at Mendips so excited. He said he was going to ask you then," she laughed, "I scolded him and said, 'John you've got nowhere to live, no steady job, and no money. How on Earth are you going to get married?'"

I smiled too and remembered what John was like in those days. We were just seventeen and crazy. Running wild around Liverpool so in love beyond our years. I missed those days.

Silence happened for awhile. I think we were both thinking about memories with John, wishing he was here to reminisce as well.

She looked up at me, "You know, there's another man in this country that loves you very much. He came to see me a couple months ago."

I gasped, "George came to see you?"

"Yes," she snickered, "He was just checking up on me. I thought it was funny. I never really cared for him back in Liverpool because I couldn't believe that John was friends with a teddy boy from a low class neighborhood like Speke. Anyway, we talked about you. He still loves you. He misses you. I think that John's death made him realize that he shouldn't wait around and take things for granted."

"I can't go back to him, Mimi," I said, "He'll just hurt me again."

"I don't think he will," she shot back, "You need him now more than ever, Sasha. This little girl here needs some kind of father figure. Her older brother will just adore her as well."

I should listen to her. Mimi always knew what to say. She always had advice, and she was usually right. The conversation moved on from George to different things, but I couldn't get him out of my mind.

Soon, I was waving from a taxi window at Mimi on her front porch. When I got to the train station, I endured a long train ride to London. I sat in the train station in London for awhile, contemplating what to do next with my life. So, I got a taxi to take me away from London and up a familiar and haunting long and winding road. The grounds were still immaculate. The sun was starting to set. The driver pulled up to the front door. I paid him and gathered my belongings. I sat Elizabeth, who was sound asleep in her carrier, down beside my feet when I got to the front door.

I knocked. It opened, and I was met with a familiar face. I almost had to take a step back. He had shaved off the mustache he sported the last time I saw him. He looked as young as he did the first time I fell in love with him.

"Sasha," he breathed out in the perfect accent that I had missed so much.

"George," I blurted out, "I miss you. I need you," I pathetically admitted.

He brought me into his arms there at the front door of Friar Park, "It's alright."

I had begun to cry into his neck, making his shirt wet. This day had been so overwhelming, but somehow, as I stood here in George's arms, I knew things could finally work out for the better.

"I love you. I'll always love you," he whispered in my ear, "Always, darling."

Author's Note: What did you guys think of the ending? Thank you so much for everyone who has supported this story. It means so much to me that I've gotten the feedback that I have. I enjoy reading your comments a lot because I love the feeling I get when people interact with my writing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Would you guys want to do one of those Q&A things that I've seen other writers do with their stories?

Sequel? I think so...