Disclaimer: I don't own Daredevil or Harry Potter.
Story: Wesley has an odd obsession with Oreos, which leads to meeting Harry. A series of vignettes and drabbles styling their unusual relationship.
Set pre-series for Daredevil initially, and after fifth year for HP.
Spoilers: Probably a lot without me even noticing.
Warnings: Age difference, probably some mentions of crimes and violence (or more than mentions), probably sexual situations later on.
An Oreo Crust Crumbling
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Running Home to You
Of all the people Wesley expected at his door, Peter Parker was not one of them. But there was the teenager, sheepish and uncertain looking, but also still there in the flesh. His brown hair looked tousled and barely brushed through and his clothes thrown on in a hurry, so Wesley could guess that he had in fact rushed over or something of the like.
"Hi?" Peter said awkwardly, asking more than saying, and giving a just as awkward wave and smile.
"Mr. Parker," Wesley acknowledged, quickly moving away from surprise. "Can I help you with something?"
Peter suddenly wore a determined expression. "I want to help find Harry."
It was oddly adorable, in a very puppyish sort of way, and Wesley was hard-pressed in denying him. But deny him he did.
"Thank you for your offer, and I'm sure Harry would appreciate your loyalty and friendship, but this is being handled. In fact, we've found her and I'll be on my way to her soon."
Peter looked contrite. "Are you sure there's nothing I can do?"
Wesley gave him a genuine smile. "No, it's alright. I'll let her know you were worried about her and she'll contact you when she gets back."
Disappointed, Peter nodded and thanked him before leaving. Even as the teen left, Wesley wore the smile in fondness and shook his head. Harry sure did know how to pick her friends. If nothing else, he knew they were all definitely loyal, which he was very thankful for.
That said, he went to his room and started to pack, hoping he could hurry up and be by Harry's side by evening at the least. His phone ringing distracted him and he immediately answered it, hoping it was Harry. Hearing Wilson's voice instead, he tried not to feel too disappointed.
"Wilson, what can I help you with?" he asked, activating the magical hands free mode as he continued to pack.
"You called before to say that Harry was found?" Wilson's voice was full of relief.
"Yes. She called and we managed to figure out that she's in Russia. Murmansk to be exact. She had trouble communicating, but we've solved that problem. I'll be heading to meet her over in Moscow."
"I see –I'll have the private plane prepared and meet you at the airport."
"Sir –" But Wilson had already hung up on him and Wesley didn't get to get a word in edgewise. He stared at his phone.
"Well…that was informative," he said dryly and rolled his eyes.
He was still a bit askance at his boss' quick talk and sudden and implied self-invitation to go pick up Harry, but Wilson wasn't going to be talked down anyhow. He shrugged. At least he didn't have to get the personal plane ready himself.
Wesley finished up his packing and grabbed his luggage, setting it on the ground and then rolling it out of his apartment, locking up behind him as he got ready for an extended leave.
Getting into his car, he made sure his luggage was secure in the back before driving out of the parking garage and then heading to the airport, feeling restless and his anxiety building. He was looking forward to seeing Harry, but he still worried about her state and if she was okay. There was also that a lot of things could have happened between now and the last time he'd talked to her.
It seemed like no time had passed until he was at the airport and then he was heading to where Wilson's private plane was, blinking as he saw not only Wilson there but Vanessa as well. She waved enthusiastically at him and he assumed that Wilson had somehow managed to fill her in on things, or as much as he could.
"Hello, Wesley! We're all set and ready to go, if you are."
Wilson gave him a small smile and Wesley just shook his head and smiled back.
"I'm good. Let's just get on and head to Harry then," Wesley said, feeling much better about things.
"Yeah! I'm ready to go!"
Wesley stopped short and turned around. Lo and behold, there was Foggy Nelson happily marching towards him, with Matt Murdock patiently following at his own pace.
"I informed them of Harry being found and your current plans," Wilson withheld a sigh. "They invited themselves along."
Wesley gave him an amused look. "Yes. Sounds like someone else I know."
Vanessa stifled a laugh as Wilson's cheeks pinked slightly.
"Since we're all here," Wesley said sarcastically, giving a look towards the whole group. "I suppose we're ready to leave?"
A chorus of agreements sounded and then they started boarding the plane. Wesley hung back, subtly pulling Matt behind.
"You are so going to talk to Harry about this whole Masked Man thing," he muttered to him.
Matt coughed and rubbed the back of his head. "I actually was planning to. Just after the trial. But I guess now's a good time too…"
"Good, good. Just, um, don't tell her about the shooting thing," Wesley said sheepishly. "She'd probably lecture me and then give me the silent treatment."
Matt gave him an amused smile as they began to board the plane after the others. "I thought you were going to forget said incident and then re-meet me 'in an abandon warehouse' where you could shoot at me properly."
"She's too fond of you and Foggy –I doubt she'd allow it."
"We also need to talk. About you. And your business. And your boss," Matt muttered, blind eyes somehow able to seek out Wilson.
Wesley frowned deeply, casting a worried look towards Wilson's back. "We'll talk. No guarantees it'll be fruitful."
Matt snorted. "If our first meeting is any indication, I can already picture it."
"I can be a stubborn and unhelpful bastard most times," Wesley smiled mock-sweetly, though it was wasted on the blind man.
"Really? I wouldn't think so after you so graciously got me groceries," Matt laughed lightly and left him behind to sit next to Foggy.
Wesley twitched and headed towards his own seat, before he ended up strangling the blind lawyer.
Harry smiled and said her goodbyes to the kind inn owner, and then she made her way to the train station. From there, she bought her ticket to Moscow and then went onto the train, where she looked for an available empty compartment. Glad to find one quickly enough, she entered it and settled in as much as she could, before she locked the compartment and added an extra magical lock for good measure. After that, she tiredly plopped onto a seat and closed her eyes.
"I think I'll take a nice, lovely nap," she grumbled, trying to relax on the seat.
And well, she managed a fitful nap that was plagued by her waking up several times. Nightmares were hounding her again –she'd spent so much time in Wesley's company and had slept with him at his home in recent nights that the nightmares had gone and left her alone. Now, sleeping alone in a strange place and after all that had happened with Semyon, she kept seeing Cedric fall to the ground in a flash of green light, or she was reaching out and trying to grasp onto Sirius, who kept falling backwards into the Veil. There were also other traumatic experiences in her life that kept popping up, and she couldn't get rid of the images any more than had she been able to in the past (less so even). She missed Wesley.
With him, she had peace of mind and comfort and happiness and…love…
Harry sighed and fished out her phone from the pocket of the new warm jacket she'd bought, biting her lip before she ended up sending a quick text to Wesley. To her surprise and pleasure, she was immediately answered.
You okay? Are you upset?
She smiled to herself. She'd only asked him if he was coming soon, but somehow he'd sensed her anxiety and troubled state. She didn't know how he'd guessed at it from all the way where he was and without seeing her, but she appreciated that ability of his.
Nightmares. Miss you.
I miss you too. I'll be there soo
Harry blinked, tilting her head at the cut off text. Well, he'd probably sent it off in a hurry and hadn't noticed the incomplete text –
Hi! How are you, Harry? Totes glad u r ok :D :D :D
She stared and scrunched up her eyebrows. What in the world? That totally didn't sound like Wesley at all, and she was kind of bewildered at the triple smiley faces at the end, as well as the clipped, normal text language being used. Wesley hated clipping his letters in the normal way that texts ended up being typed out by most people, so he did his best not to under normal circumstances.
Apologies, Harry. Foggy n I have merely borrowed ur paramour's phone.
Amused at the new formal tone that still ended up using the informal text format, Harry decided to finally answer back.
Foggy? Matt?
But before she could get a text back, she got a text from Wilson's number.
Hello, Harry, it's Vanessa. How are you, dear?
She gawped and started feeling lost. Before she could reply though, her phone rang and she answered it in a daze.
"W-Wesley?" she asked hesitantly.
"You're on speaker –"
"Harry! How's it going? It's so great to hear you, you know?" she heard Foggy say.
"Hello, Harry," she heard Matt next. "We're currently accompanying Wesley to your destination."
She noted the fact they called Wesley by his name informally, and she wondered when did they become casual with each other? Also, why were they coming with him anyway?
"Hello, Harry, Wilson and I are also with Wesley! I'm glad you seem okay," Vanessa said then, and she had to take a breather and just wonder why all of them were coming to come get her.
"I'm happy to hear everyone," she said honestly. "Confused why everyone's there, but still happy. Um, yeah, I'm okay –it's really cold over here, but I managed to heat myself up," she said, thinking of her new warm clothes and the heating charm she'd added on. "I guess I'll be seeing everyone at Moscow?"
"Yes," she grinned at hearing Wesley's voice, tinged with annoyance as it was. She could just bet that everyone was getting on his nerves. "We'll be there probably tomorrow morning. You're taking care of yourself, I hope?"
"I am," she reassured him. "Eat an Oreo, Wesley. You sound like you're going to start shooting at everyone," she teased.
"Tempted," he grumbled. A "Hey!" in the background from Foggy's voice had her giggling. "Keep warm and fed, alright? Soon enough, we'll be there and you'll be home."
"Speaking of home," she started shyly. "Have you looked at any?"
There was a pause before Wesley started speaking again. "Actually, no. I was thinking about it, but I thought that it would be better for us to do it together. It's ours after all. It should be fitting we find one together."
Her cheeks warmed and she felt her lips grow wide uncontrollably. She felt indescribably happy.
"Aw, that's so sweet, Wesley," she heard and it wasn't even Vanessa that said that (though she did hear a squeal that she suspected came from her) –it was silly, lovely Foggy. But it was the dumbfounded "You're looking for a house together?" from Wilson that had her giggling.
Wesley sighed, his voice sounding distant as he probably turned away from the phone to answer them.
"Yes, Wilson. I was going to tell you when this whole thing happened and took precedence. Nelson, just…be quiet."
"Come on, man, it's back to 'Nelson'? Don't be a Grinch –Harry, tell your boyfriend not to be a Grinch! And that I know some awesome places you can check out –"
"I'm happy to hear it," Wilson interrupted. "You really should have told me sooner; I could have had a realtor create a portfolio of houses that I could have brought for you two to look over right now –Vanessa, Vanessa! Is there internet on this airplane? Perhaps we can do that now…"
"I swear," Wesley muttered under his breath and she couldn't help giggling again. "That's it, they've heard you and you've heard them. I'm going to take you off of speaker now." He did just that. "Either way, you know…you're home to me," he said softly.
Her cheeks warmed. "You're my home too," she replied shyly. "And I can't wait."
Whatever was in the future, she just wanted him in it and she told him so, before she hung up abruptly in embarrassment. She covered her face and ignored how she was now fully mortified.
"Oh Merlin, that was so sappy."
But she couldn't stop grinning happily anyway.
"Super awww~" Foggy sing-songed and Wesley looked above him to see Foggy was leaning over the top of the seat next to Wesley's, and smiling widely down at him. "I want to be home to someone! Forget about houses –you guys got each other. That's the best thing ever!"
Matt appeared by them and grabbed Foggy's ear. "I apologize for this nuisance," he said dryly, before pulling on Foggy's ear and dragging him away.
He could swear a vein was throbbing by his temple. He wished he had managed to secure the plane by himself and had headed to where Harry was without being accompanied by everyone. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case and now he was stuck with everyone.
Getting out of his seat, he looked around and saw that Foggy was pouting while Matt was sitting next to him, reading some documents in Braille. Wilson and Vanessa were hunched together and looking at a laptop, and Wesley guessed that they really were looking up houses.
Well, he supposed after this that it was best that he and Harry found somewhere perfect for themselves. A little help wouldn't be bad…
Heading to the front where he could find the snacks, he was just about to start digging around for Oreos in the storage area, when he heard loud thumps. Frowning, he cautiously headed to where he thought he heard the sound coming from, avoiding reaching for his gun. He did, however, grab onto the nearest thing he could use as a weapon, which was the glass coffee pot. Grimacing, he still continued to approach the large storage cabinet, counting down until he reached it and had his hand ready to open it. At zero, he threw it open, but only ended up staring.
He closed the cabinet again, before breathing in deeply and then forcibly out.
Not calmed down at all, he opened it again to glare down at the three people hiding inside.
"What the hell are you three doing in there?!" he yelled, which inevitably brought the others to the area.
Honestly, he didn't know why he was surprised to see the Rankashov brothers and Peter Parker in there, when he should have expected something insane like this to have happened.
"Holy crap, are we smuggling people now?" he heard Foggy yell out.
His headache just grew worse.
Started 6/29/17 – Completed 7/7/16
A/n: That wasn't really a cliffhanger, was it? XD Anyway, I had planned on reuniting Wesley and Harry in here, but I decided to hold off because I was already at deadline and at least I had the minimum word limit requirements. But I'm definitely going to try to write a new chapter quicker and update sooner this time (I hope?)! I do at least hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and got silly, sappy feels. Please remember to review!
(Like I know I'm probably going to not have the time or remember to reply back to everyone this chapter, but just rereading the reviews right now is making me gush happily~)