
Flames roared and engulfed the place. Screams echoed loud and clear. Bodies laid on the side. The awful stench of death was everywhere. Scarlet skies loomed over them and even the tears of the sky could not tame the ferocious inferno that burnt the whole goddamn place to the ground.

This was the sight a poor seven year old boy had to suffer. He sat there with tear-stricken face as he watched his whole town burn. He could not move- he was too scared and he knew it was pointless. He couldn't even scream- it was like all of his voice was robbed off of him. He couldn't tear his eyes away- so he could engrave that scene unto his mind and exact revenge.

Yes, as he watched there helplessly, he was steadily being with filled with hate to the brim. He deeply loathed the spectacle before him. He abhorred whoever was behind it. He despised himself for being so pathetic and weak to be frozen with terror and failing to save even one of his family member. He abominated everything.

"Oh? A survivor?" he heard a disgustingly high-pitched feminine voice exclaim.

He slowly turned towards the source and saw a young lady with voluptuous body, wearing a rather provocative dress and pointy hat, sitting on a floating broom hovering above him and smiling happily.

"Hey~ Are you alone?" she asked.

He only stared at her thru dead-like eyes and remained silent. She stared back at him with a perfectly happy grin and waited for him to answer her. When he didn't seem to show any signs of answering her, she leapt down her broom and stood beside him while pointing her index finger at him.

"Pumpkin, Pumpkin~ Halloween.. Canon!" she cried and immediately diverted her aim towards the house which was in front of the boy.

He whipped his head and stared in horror at what was once his house, now reduced to nothing but splinters, ashes and embers. He trembled, not in fear but in immense anger. He could feel his blood boil at the woman beside him. He wanted to tear her apart, rip her to shreds, bathe in her blood and laugh in victory.

However, he was nothing but a powerless child, incapable of doing anything but grovel and cry. He clawed at the sand below him. There was nothing left of his family, not even their corpse. The fucking woman just blew them to splinters.

"Hmm~? Are you mad at me, boy?" She whispered at his ear with a sickeningly sweet and alluring seductive voice.

He jolted and froze on his place. She leaned away and giggled as she watched his ill-tinted crimson orbs filled with hate watch her back. There was nothing more satisfying to her than watching gazes like those- except for the tear-stained ones as they plead for their life.

"I like those eyes, boy." she remarked and hopped back into her broom. "I won't kill you just yet. If you want to kill me then crawl your way up to my level. I look forward to you entertaining me, boy."

"What are you doing over there, Blair?" another feminine voice, a colder one, asked.

"Ah~! Maka-chan~~!" she beamed and floated over to the hooded figure. "I saw a survivor nyaa~!"

"A survivor?" she asked. She sounded surprised. She walked over to the little boy who sat on the ground and watched them with hate-filled eyes.

"What's your name, boy?" she asked in a cold manner. Not that it matter to anyone. To the woman floating beside her- she was used to it. To the child at her feet- he didn't care at all.

"Soul." at least, he responded.

Blair looked shocked and delighted. It was a wonder why he answered almost immediately when Maka asked him but she was glad he wasn't mute, else that'd ruin the fun of having to hear him scream.

"Soul, huh?" Maka murmured before a smirk broke out into her face. "I like your eyes. Survive, Soul, and find me again. I'll deal with all that hatred." and with that, she turned around, her cloak flapping against the harsh wind that only fanned the flames more.

"What are you people?" He asked when he finally managed to pick himself up. His voice was dripping with tremendous loathing that could very well burn them alive if that was possible.

"After seeing me do it you still don't know, boy~? Nyaa~ I can't believe he's dumb." Blair purred.

"Listen very well, Soul. I, Maka Albarn, am the greatest witch of this whole fucking rotten world. Remember that." Maka laughed and smirked at his trembling frail figure. She once again turned and vanished when she had enough watching him shudder with pure hate.

It was then that Soul swore that he would kill the witch that reduced his place into this flickering ember of sorrow. He would, one day, find her again and by that time he swore he was gonna shred her to bits and burn her to ashes like what she did to his town. He was gonna make her pay.

"Soul.. kun?" a lady, with long black hair peered at his face as he shot his eyes open and jolted awake.

He gasped for breath as beads of sweat trickled down to his temples towards his neck after dreaming something so horrible. He cupped his face and ran a hand through his silver locks and looked ahead.

"Are you okay, Soul-kun?" the woman asked.

"Ah! Yes, I am. Thank you, Tsubaki." he said gently and smiled a bit.

"That's good then." She smiled back and clasped her hands.

"By the way, I don't see the idiot around. Where is he?" He asked as he let his gaze wander around the barren classroom.

Tsubaki sweat dropped and pointed outside. Soul followed her aim and saw the blue-headed, God-wanna-be, idiot standing on the edge of the red protruding pillars of the DWMA school.

"What is he doing there?" He asked no one in particular as he watched the idiot just stand there.

As if he heard him, the blue-headed freak craned his head and turned towards them. A wide grin broke out into his face and he started jumping while calling out to him.

"Ah! Black Star-!" Tsubaki tried to warn but was already too late when the thinner section of the pillar he was jumping at gave away and broke down, causing him to fall.

"Ahh- What an idiot." Soul muttered and stood up before he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Let's go retrive your troublesome partner, Tsubaki."

"Ah! Yes. Sorry for the trouble like always, Soul-kun." Tsubaki apologized meekly as she followed Soul.

They stood in front of the DWMA and as Tsubaki went to help Black Star up, Soul lifted his gaze to look at the setting sun.

The red and orange hue of the sun reminded him of the hellfire that consumed his whole town. A fire that was caused by witches. He loathed them to his core and wanted nothing but to exterminate them. But that wasn't his ultimate goal. The goal that's been driving him to work hard and be stronger was the wanting to tear the most powerful witch of this rotten world to pieces and set her on fire.

To kill the witch who owned the most vivid, cold and agonizingly wonderful emerald orbs.

To destroy Maka Albarn.

Hey! I'm back to writing here in Soul Eater! Hurray! Anyhow, I hope to see you support this fic like how you supported my other fics. See you real soon, 'kay? Byebye~! Ciao~


Halloween Godspell