"Hnnnnnnnnnn. Interesting...", a bored voice uttered, as its onyx eyes gazed at the surrounding forest around him.

A raven haired man stood at the clearing, about 6ft in height, a lean body with a pretty boy face. He wore a black leathered cloak, with a white kimono in the inside, paired with black pants and black sandals.

Shuffled leaves were heard, instantly changing the man's eyes from black to crimson surrounded with 3 concentric tomoes. With that sound, the teen's posture became rigid.

"Come out whoever is there. Don't make me come out there to you!"

"ROAR!", a Nemean Lion roared as it came down to red eyed individual with its fangs bared, intent on killing him. It charged, closing the distance between his prey fast.

Unfurling his black coat, a sword was unsheathed and was held out in front with only one hand in a defensive stance. When the lion was already upon him, he sidestepped to dodged it's attack, then followed it up with a slash to its neck in an upward stroke.


"Hnnnnn. It's not cutting? Interesting."

He was indeed surprised to find its blade not puncturing the lion as it's usually would. This sword was the "Kusanagi", it's supposed to be a sword that is so sharp and can't be dulled even how many blood it has spilled. Even if it is blocked, it should have made a mark, but this lion did not even have single scratch. Even the third hokage fell to this sword. Not to mention this lion is much more humongous than the ordinary kind for it's species.

The lion finding its attack missed, took advantage his foe's surprise. It pushed the sword away with a shrug and tried to kill him with it's huge paws.

With the "Kusanagi" pushed away, the teen just used the motion to change its position with his elbows backward and pointing the naginata forward in horizontal postion.

The blade quickly extended forward, strucking the lion making the lion airborne with the blade still stuck to its chest, afterwards pinning the beast into a tree 20 meters away.

"Hnnnnnnnnn. It did not even pierce. I need to have one of these cats"

The Nemean Lion shooked his head. Yes, it had a mane that is unvulnerable to attacks, but that does not mean he can't be knock unconscious. Slamming into into a tree was not fun.

"It's still concious? I so need to have one.", he uttered excitedly after seeing the lion stand up again.

"You're a cat right? Lions are cats aren't they. I love cats"

The lion was about to attack but upon seeing the Sharingan, it immediately calmed down.

The teen walked towards the beast while talking to himself, "Hnnnnnnnn. I have a big, mean, undestructable cat with a nice shimmering golden fur. Interesting. Never expected that when I came here accidentally."

He then suddenly came to a halt as he came into a realization

"I'm smiling? Me? Uchiha Sasuke? That is so interesting. Why do I keep saying interesting?"

A/N: Should I continue it? Or just make it into a oneshot?