This entire idea is based off the song Those Nights by Skillet. If you like music, listen to it.

Anyway, this is stony (obviously), don't like = don't read. Enjoy~

It had started randomly one night when Tony hadn't been able to sleep. He had gone downstairs to have a glass of water, since his throat stung from crying after his nightmare about Afghanistan, and had only been wearing a white tank top and red boxers at the time, sitting in the silence at the counter of the main kitchen in the building. He had been halfway done with his water when Steve had entered. It was a little surprising to see the Captain, even though he had been living there for a few weeks now, and the duo had greeted each other in tired mumbles.

They had merely sat there in silence, side by side at the counter while sipping at their glasses of water. Neither spoke to the other, but the silence wasn't awkward or strained, it was a comfortable silence that felt like it had been agreed on somehow. Neither one wanted to be asked about why they were up and it was as if they could sense it, keeping their thoughts and questions to themselves.

Tony had finished his water first, long before Steve had, but hadn't moved, there was an odd comfort in sitting next to the Captain, the very presence seemed to relax him. He wasn't sure if it was Steve specifically or if he had just been starving for being around another human being, after he and Pepper had broken up after the incident with the Mandarin he had been locking himself up and keeping to himself. Perhaps that was part of the problem.

Wordlessly they had both gotten up from their seats and put their glasses in the sink. Without saying anything they headed down the hall together, only speaking when Steve broke off to go to his room, bidding each other a good night's rest even though they both doubted it would happen. Tony continued down the hall to his own room, closing the door behind him and ordering JARVIS to turn off the lights as he flopped onto his bed. Tony fell asleep staring out upon the city lights and busy streets, a pillow clutched between both arms.

Somehow, though neither was quite sure how, it had become a tradition of sorts. They would wake to either sit at the counter and wait or find the other sitting there, sipping at a glass of water. It didn't happen every night, there would be a day or two gap between some, but it always happened eventually. For awhile they didn't talk hardly at all, they just enjoyed each others company in silence without comment or question, then they would head to bed with nothing said but a friendly goodnight.

After the third time it had happened they started talking to each other about random things. They discussed missions, friendships, and there were questions about the current day or the 1940's, nothing but small talk. The fifth night Tony suggested a movie and Steve accepted, noting that he should catch up on things. After that it was what they did every night. They would sit on the couch and pick a random movie, usually a cartoon since they were short, and some nights Tony would teach Steve how to play video games, which Steve sucked at.

Nights that had been spent sitting in silence side by side soon turned into nights of laughter, puns, and poking fun at each other. Tony didn't stop having nightmares or panic attacks but thoughts about suicide came to a halt and his thoughts weren't nearly as self loathing. Tony didn't get as much sleep as he probably should have but he didn't care, and he doubted that Steve did either. There was a sort of healing in those nights they spent in each other's company.

Then one night that all changed, there was no warning for it and, oddly enough, neither of them questioned it as odd. They had done this about a dozen times now, maybe more, Tony had lost count along the way, but something had felt different about this night from the very beginning. They had been tense from the get-go, sitting sipping at their waters, and neither had made wise cracks during Toy Story 3. When the credits started to roll Steve spoke, gaining Tony's full attention with a mere two words.

"I'm terrified." Tony turned towards Steve, legs crossed over the couch, and gave him a concerned look. Steve looked over at him and Tony felt himself grow sick at the pain in those blue eyes. "I don't know myself anymore. I'm just...cold." Tony shook his head a little at that, making Steve tilt his head in confusion.

"That may be but...look at us Steve. None of us are perfect, we've all got bullshit piled up in our pasts. It's not as if you stick out." Steve gave a weak smile, nodding in agreement. Tony shifted in his spot on the couch.

"Yeah. I just...I wish I had died in that crash. I don't belong here, I'm completely out of time and sync and I just...I don't know what to do." Steve laced his fingers together then unlaced then, twisting them together as he spoke, a sign of nervousness if Tony were to hazard a guess.

"I wish I had died in that cave." Steve turned to look at Tony, who avoided his gaze by glancing down at the coffee table. "I'm not as out of sync as you are, I know that, but...I still feel separated from everyone. There are things that happened there, things that I saw, and it's left me alienated ever since. I...I know it can never measure up, and I'm not saying it does, but...I think we both know what a nightmare looks like in reality." He glanced up at Steve, finding a look on his face that he was sure matched his own. Pained, scared, and vulnerable. "What I'm saying is that, I don't know how to fix me or fix you but...I'm willing to be here, if you need me." Steve smiled a little.

"It's a lot more than some people," Steve replied and Tony nodded. He wasn't sure if he was agreeing with him or just nodding because he had nothing to say, but he doubted it mattered much. "And all I can do in return is the same." Tony smiled at the super soldier.

"It's a lot more than some people," he repeated and the two chuckled. The tensity had disappeared and they were comfortable again, but this comfortable was different from the previous nights, this was a more open form of it. The rest of the night was spent sitting on the couch facing each other talking about things, the only light in the room coming from the TV, which they hadn't turned off.

Steve told Tony some things about World War II and in return Tony told him about Afghanistan, both of them trying not to get choked up and failing miserably. It hadn't mattered though, they found that neither of them were about to judge and in the end they even found themselves leaning against each other for comfort as they talked, everything becoming easier when they could feel each others presence and warmth.

It was far passed four in the morning by the time they got up and started to head down the hall to their rooms, talking in hushed tones as they did because the last thing they needed, or wanted, was to wake one of the others and get an ear full about being up at ungodly hours of the morning. As they passed Steve's room and bade each other goodnight, Tony felt himself hesitate. He didn't want to leave Steve's company, it was nice having someone around for a change, but he didn't let himself stop and ask to hang around for awhile.

"Night, Steve," was all he said as he headed down the hallway to his room. Tony stretched his arms over his head as he entered his room, yawning big enough that his jaw seemed to come unhinged for a moment. "Lights, JARVIS." Tony commanded as he flopped against the bed.

"Goodnight, Sir," JARVIS replied as he turned the lights off. Tony mumbled a reply as he shifted to get comfortable against his bed, which currently felt like it was made of bricks. He grumbled in irritation as he tossed and turned for what felt like forever. In the end he turned towards the large windows to look out upon the city, hugging a pillow against his chest as he let the thoughts ran rampant through his mind. Thoughts about the movie, about what they had talked about, and how these nights were more healing than he had first realized. Tony fell into a dreamless sleep.

The nightly meetings continued after that, switching between just having a good time and talking about what was actually on their mind. More often than not they just had fun, playing video games, which Steve had gotten better at, or watching a movie, but there were nights where the pain was too much and one or both of them would have to let loose what was troubling them, neither judging and both listening without interruption unless the moment called for it.

It was after a particular emotional talk that Steve followed Tony to his room. He hadn't asked to but Tony didn't say anything as they walked right passed his room and down towards Tony's, the door hissing open silently as they headed inside. Tony ordered the lights off as if nothing was out of the ordinary and flopped down on the bed, not saying a thing when Steve crawling in next to him. Tony looked over at the city lights as he usually did, silence filling the room aside from their breathing.

"Goodnight, Tony," Steve said tiredly, Tony glanced over as the other closed his eyes. Tony yawned and closed his own eyes as well.

"Night, Capsicle," he mumbled in reply before falling asleep. The next morning Tony awoke to find Steve gone, when he asked JARVIS about it he told Tony that it was almost noon and that Steve had been up three hours ago, having left to get dressed and have breakfast. Tony shrugged it off, he knew Steve was an early riser, and got up to get dressed himself and get to work on his newest creation down in the lab.

And that's a wrap!

Thanks for reading, please review and have a bow chicka bow wow day~

Petchricor, QotG, signing off ;)