Just Like You
Chapter 1: New Mission
Robin sat at his desk, looking at a letter he had received from Bruce. Bruce had sent him a letter requesting him for a mission with the Justice League. It seemed Slade was in Gotham looking for some new recruits. Bruce wanted Robin and a few others to go under cover. He had sent letters with details of the mission to others as well. Bruce wanted a prompt reply and to leave the other Titans out of this.
'Does he not trust my team?' Robin thought.
Robin left his bedroom and headed to the living room where he was sure the rest of the team would be. Cyborg and Beast Boy were playing video games and Starfire was cheering them both on. She could never pick sides between her friends. Raven was sitting in the corner reading a book. She didn't seem interested what her friends were doing.
"Greetings Robin," Starfire said smiling.
"Hey Star," Robin said giving her a small smile. He walked over to the main computer console. He looked to his team before calling Bruce. Anything he had to say, he could tell all the Titans. They deserved to know the truth, if Robin accepted this mission.
"Yes," came Bruce's voice as he appeared on the screen.
"I got your letter," Robin said.
"Did you read it?" Bruce asked annoyed.
"Yes and this is me promptly replying," Robin said cheekily. "Now anything you have to say, you can say in front of my team," he added.
"I can't," Bruce said.
"What do you not trust my team?" Robin asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Robin," Bruce began.
"Because I do," Robin said. "I'd trust each and every one of them with my life," he said. By this point he had captured his team's attention. They were all looking at his strangely the video game forgotten.
"It not that, I have orders," Bruce said shaking his head.
"From who?" Robin asked.
"Diana," Bruce said, "it's her operation."
"Did she give you a reason?" Robin asked. By now Cyborg, Starfire, and Beast Boy were standing behind Robin. Raven was holding her book up, but wasn't reading it, she was trying to listen to Robin.
"She didn't want them to mess up the mission," Bruce said.
"If I accept," Robin said.
"What's he talking about?" Beast Boy asked confused.
"Slade's looking for a new apprentice and apparently Diana wants someone on the inside," Robin explained to his team. "They want to send someone in undercover and figure out what he is up to."
"Yes and Robin is one of the six we've chosen," Bruce said.
"Who are the other five?" Robin asked curiously.
"Well you're the first to reply we're waiting on the others," Bruce said. "You'll find out when you get here." he said.
"I got your letter," Raven said from behind her book. The other four Titans turned to look at the Gothic teen shocked.
"And what do you say?" Bruce asked.
"As long as it's temporary, and we don't get discovered, I don't see why not," Raven said.
"Fine, we'll pack and be there the day after tomorrow," Robin said. looking over at Raven. He had a bad feeling about this, but now wasn't the time. He had things to take care of.
-Just Like You-
"Jinx are you sure about this?" Kid Flash asked, as Jinx unwrapped a towel from her hair to reveal it was black. She threw towel aside and turned to face Kid Flash.
The pair had been living in an apartment in Jump City ever since they had beat the Brotherhood. They helped the Titans from time to time, but mostly kept to themselves. Jinx had recently gotten a message from the Justice League asking her to go undercover as a villain wannabe to find out what Slade was up to. Jinx had agreed to the assignment. She knew what to look for and how to definitely act the part.
"Yes Flash I'm sure," Jinx said. "I can handle myself don't worry I won't go back to my old ways," she assured him. Kid Flash did not look convinced at all. "Besides Ollie said there will be others there."
"Ok but if you need me I'll be there in a-" Kid Flash began.
"In a flash I know," Jinx finished as she leaned in and rested her arms on Kid Flash's shoulders.
"I still don't think this," Kid Flash said standing up. He moved away from Jinx.
"Look it's only for a little while, I'll get some intel and I'll be back before you know it," Jinx said quickly.
"That's not what I am worried about and you know it," Kid Flash said.
Jinx sighed, she knew exactly what he was worried about. He was worried she'd get a taste of her old life and want more. That she might slip up and not want to come back. "You don't have to worry, I know where my heart is now. It's here with you, I don't want to be that girl again," she assured him.
"I'll miss you," Kid Flash sighed. He knew there was no talking her out of this. Once she made up her mind there was no changing it.
"I'll miss you too," Jinx said as she leaned in and kissed him.
"Now don't going flirting with any other guys," Kid Flash joked with a small smile.
"I can't make any promises, I mean this new black hair makes me feel so wild," Jinx teased. She smiled as she saw Kid Flash's expression turn to annoyed and then to amused as he realized she was only joking.
"Just come back to me," Kid Flash said.
"I will, Wally," Jinx promised.
-Just Like You-
"Me? Ollie are you sure?" Speedy asked shocked. He in the middle of a call with his former mentor Ollie, or Oliver Queen. Ollie wanted him to go undercover in Gotham to track Slade with a few other hand picked Titans. Speedy wasn't sure he was the right guy for the job.
"Him?" Aqualad said just as shocked.
"Yes, Diana has made her choice," Ollie said.
"I'm nowhere near qualified for this," Speedy said shaking his head. He wasn't a covert spy.
"If Diana didn't think so, I wouldn't be here," Ollie said trying to reason with the stubborn archer.
"I guess, but why me?" Speedy asked.
"She said it was because of you past," Ollie said slowly. He knew this was a touchy subject for the archer.
"No, no, No WAY am I going undercover as a druggie," Speedy said jumping up from the couch. He drew the line there. He was never going there again or even acting like it. It was a dangerous path and he didn't want to go down it again.
"Speedy listen," Ollie said, "I know you've been clean for awhile now, and you can stay that way. Think of it as acting."
"No I'll get sucked right back in," Speedy said. The truth was the only reason he was clean was because he had no temptation to go back to drugs. That and he had amazing friends to keep him grounded. Without them around he'd be lost and have that temptation.
"If you feel that way we'll pull you out," Bumble Bee said putting a hand on Speedy's shoulder. Speedy looked up at her. She was a great friend and had helped him through his first almost relapse. Her and Aqualad both had been there for him. They had managed to keep him clean and sober. Speedy was forever indebted to them.
"Speedy we already have three others who agreed to do this. We think you'll be a great addition to this team," Ollie said. "The more we can get the better."
"Alright I'll do it," Speedy sighed giving into his old mentor. "I'll be in Gotham tomorrow."
"Great you'll meet the others then," Ollie said cheerfully.
Speedy ended the call and turned to his friends. "What have I gotten myself into?"
"Don't worry, if anything happens just call us and we will find a way to get you out," Aqualad said. Bumbe Bee quickly nodded her head in agreement with the Atlantean.
Speedy gave the two a small smile before leaving the room. Sure they meant well, but they had no idea what Speedy had gone through. They didn't know the temptation of falling back into old habits. It was so easy, but Speedy had to be stronger than that. Ollie was putting a lot of faith in him. Speedy had to be strong for him and prove that he was that screw up he once was.
-Just Like You-
"Robin do you know how long you'll be gone?" Starfire asked. She was currently sitting on Robin's bed and Robin was laying next to her with his head in her lap. She was absentmindedly stroking his hair. They had been dating ever since they had gotten back from Tokyo. Things were a bit challenging at times, but they made it work for the most part.
"I don't know Bruce didn't say," Robin said looking up at her. "Star I want you to stay out of this, it's dangerous, if something were to happen to you I don't know what I'd do," he said.
"Okay," Starfire said nodding her head. She knew Robin worried about her, but she was a big girl. She could take care of herself.
"I'll be back as soon as I can," Robin assured her.
"Okay," Starfire said. She smiled as Robin sat up.
"I love you," he said moving until he was sitting beside her.
"I love you too," she said smiling. Robin leaned in and kissed her. Starfire welcomed the kiss. She had grown accustomed to kissing over the time they had been together. It was quite nice actually. She was going to miss having Robin around all the time. It would be an adjustment, but Robin would be helping uncover Slade's new plan. He would be helping stop Slade, that would make it all worth it in the end.
-Just Like You-
"Xavier listen," Bruce said in a forced calm voice. It was like talking to a wall. No matter how hard he tried he got not get the other man to listen.
"Bruce I've been undercover for almost three years now, and you finally decide it's time to blow my cover and make me work with the Titans," Xavier yelled annoyed. This was not what he wanted to hear.
"Xavier shut up and listen to me," Bruce said losing his temper. He hated when Xavier got like this. He already had to deal with it from Dick, he wasn't going to deal with it now.
"Why should I?" Xavier challenged.
"Because this mission is going to be dangerous, and the more help you have the better off you'll be," Bruce said.
"I can handle myself," Xavier countered.
"Xavier you are going to need help," Bruce said again. For the last few days he was like a broken record. He had been repeating himself over and over and over again. He needed Xavier in on this mission. "You can't do this alone,"
"I can do it," Xavier said.
"Either you work with them or I pull of off the case," Bruce threatened. He had enough of these childish games.
"That's not fair," Xavier said. "I've been working on this case for almost 3 years, and you're threatening to kick me off the case."
"Why are you being so stubborn?" Bruce asked. "Just accept the fact that you're human and you need help," Bruce said.
"Fine I'll work with your little team," Xavier said. He left the lair; he put his mask on and soon found himself sitting on a cliff overlooking Gotham. 'Damn I should've asked who I was working with,' he thought. He had no idea which Titans he would be working with but he had an idea of at least one Titan he would be working with. 'Well, Robin it looks like we will get to see each other again after all,' he thought with a smirk. This was going to be interesting.