Okay so I just wanna apologize for how long it took me to update, i had writers block and couldn't for the life of me come up with anything.

'Hello miss, stay on the line, we need your address so we can get to you as fast as we can'

As Beca spluttered out the address of Chloe and Aubrey's apartment she began lightly shaking her girlfriend's shoulder begging her to open her eyes or show some sort of reaction, anything to show life.

'The paramedics are on the way, but I need you to help out okay? What is your name Miss?'

'Beca. It's Beca and yes, I'll do anything to help' replied Beca shakily

'In what way has your girlfriend harmed herself?'

'She slit her wrist, there's a half empty bottle of vodka here but I don't know if she's taken anything else, what do I do?'

'Start by trying to remain calm, I know it's hard, but you will be no help to your girlfriend if you are panicking. Secondly, the wrist with the cut, hold it in the air, raise it above her head if you can.'

'Okay, it's in the air now what?'

'Is there anything around you that you can use to tie a knot?'

'Will my belt work?'

'Yes, now how far does the cut go up on her arm?'

'It's about three inches up her arm.'

'Okay Beca, I need you to wrap the belt around her arm just below the elbow and tighten it as much as you can, we need to try and stop the blood flow to try and minimalize the amount of blood loss.'

Just as Beca pulled as tight as she could on the belt, she heard the paramedics open the front door and called out to notify them as to where she was. As the two paramedics came rushing in, Beca reluctantly stepped back to allow them to help. As soon as she tried to jump off of the bed she crumbled, her legs gave way and she crashed to the floor sobbing. From floor level, the brunette was unable to see what the paramedics were doing to her girlfriend until one turned to help her to her feet.

'Hello Miss, my name is Rita, are you okay? I know this is tough, but how do you know the victim, is she a relative? Do you know if she's taken anything? We can smell the alcohol but is there any chance that she may have taken any form of drug?'

'She's my girlfriend, uhm she's never taken anything before but I don't know.. I've never seen her like this before. Please help her she's all I have'

'We will do our best but I can't promise anything at the moment.' Answered Rita before turning back to help her colleague.

The next few minutes were a blur for Beca, various machines and medicines and needles and too much for her to take in. As the paramedics began strapping Chloe's frail body onto a stretcher Beca retrieved her phone from her back pocket, while using a shaking hand she went straight for contacts and pressed Aubrey's name. Aubrey answered after only one ring and began ranting down the phone about how rude it is to just leave everybody waiting at the café.

'Aubrey.. stop.. just come to your apartment. Now.' Beca all but whispered, not knowing how to tell Aubrey about what happened so instead opting to let Aubrey see for herself.

Aubrey took off not bothering to say anything to the other Bella's but making sure to grab Stacie's forearm and dragging her with her towards her apartment. The two sprinted and were approaching the apartment in a matter of minutes, when the building was in site Aubrey noticed the ambulance parked right outside.

Tears spiked the blonde's eyes as she ran as fast as her legs would carry her towards her own apartment, pushing open the unlocked door she ran to where she assumed Chloe to be, her bedroom. As she stood in the door way he eyes fell upon Beca with black eyeliner streaks running down her wet cheeks looking over towards the two paramedics surrounding what she assumed to be Chloe. She guessed what had happened, she felt Stacie's hand rest on the base of her back seconds before she crumbled to the ground after seeing the amount of blood covering the bed sheets.

Loud sobs escaped the oldest Bella's mouth as the paramedics began to lift Chloe's lifeless body on to a stretcher before asking Aubrey and Stacie to clear the doorway for them.

'Okay only one of you is allowed to travel with us in the ambulance, can I correctly assume that it will be you Beca?' questioned Rita.

'Yes, I want to come, Stacie can you drive Aubrey to the hospital and I'll explain everything.' It came out as barely whisper, the sight of her precious girlfriend leaving the apartment for possibly the last ever time paired with the heartbroken look of Aubrey was all too much for Beca. Aubrey nodded slightly before burying her face deep into Stacie's neck.

'What happened Stacie? She seemed okay, I thought she was finally getting better!'

'Ssshhh Aubrey, let's just head to the hospital and find Beca before we start jumping to any conclusions.'

Beca quietly sat in the corner of the ambulance and watching in shock at all of the things Rita was currently doing to Chloe, the brunette could hear the sirens blare out of the ambulance as they rushed towards the local hospital.

The journey to the hospital took about 15 minutes finally allowing Beca to reflect on what was currently happening, her life was being turned upside down. She couldn't believe it, sure Chloe wasn't in the greatest mind sets thanks to her parents, but Beca didn't think that Chloe would go to this extreme, didn't she love her? Why would she just leave Beca like this. Beca shook the thoughts out of her head, it wasn't about her right now, Chloe was obviously hurting tremendously.

The tiny brunette had no idea what Rita was doing to her girlfriend, there were too many wires connected to too many things. Rita had Chloe's arm in the air while applying pressure to try and ease the bleeding until they reached A&E, while simultaneously injecting a clear liquid into an IV which lead to Chloe's free hand. Beca reached out to grasp onto Chloe's ankle silently praying for her to make it through this.

Within a matter of minutes the ambulance had become stationary and the male paramedic had opened the back door of the ambulance and lowering the ramp to make way for the stretcher that Chloe was upon.

The next few hours passed like a whirlwind for Beca. Behind closed doors, nurses after nurses were tending to Chloe in the hope of reviving the young girl, too young to leave this world. Aubrey and Stacie had arrived not long after the ambulance did, Beca explained the situation and watched as the tall blonde crumbled to the floor crying in a heaped mess. The waiting was endless, the fact that the three girls knew nothing of what was happening behind the door was heart breaking.

After what seemed like a century, a nurse finally appeared from behind the double doors and made his way over to the three girls. Beca was the first to stand anxious to hear about Chloe's progress.

'What's happened, is she okay? Please say she's okay?'

'We had our ups and downs, we have successfully sewn the large cut up and managed to stop the bleeding, unfortunately she did lose a lot of blood as she did manage to hit the main artery in her wrist. Her heart did stop on one occasion and luckily we were able to bring her back through the use of our defibrillators. I am pleased to inform you that she is currently in a stable condition but is unresponsive.'

'Unresponsive? What does that mean?' Beca interrupted.

'It means that she is currently in a medically induced coma, we are unsure of when she will wake up, but we suggest you and your friends stay with her, keep talking to her, and this will hopefully get through to her and she may wake up. We can make no promises that she will ever wake up. I am sorry, if she does wake up I must inform you that even if she does wake up, she may have some brain damage that we are not currently aware of, the only way of finding out, is when she comes around.'

'But she's alive?' Aubrey barely said as a whisper as Stacie wrapped a supportive arm around the frail blonde.

'She's breathing alone yes, but she is unresponsive I cannot guarantee to you that she will make a complete recovery, it's a waiting game, we test her every day, check her vitals, see if she's responsive. I suggest you bring some of her personal things in, play her music that you know she likes. Talk to her like you would normally, be patient, she'll come back around when she's ready.'

'When can we see her?' Questioned Beca

'She is currently being cleaned up and put into a gown, if you would like, you can bring in some of her clothes from home that she can wear. We will move her into her own room shortly and you can then see her, it will be about 15 minutes, grab a coffee, you three look like you need something to eat and drink.'

The nurse stuck out his hand towards Beca, gave a firm handshake and then returned back through the double doors out of sight. The girls stood in silence, not knowing how to process all of the information they just received. Chloe was okay, but she wasn't okay. She was alive, but she wasn't totally alive.

'I'll go get her stuff, you two grab something to eat from the cafeteria of something.'

Aubrey reached out and grabbed the tiny brunette's arm. 'Beca, don't shut us out, it's a lot to take in I know, but you know Chloe wouldn't want you to shut yourself off. Go get her stuff, but please come back, she needs you here and you know it.'

There was no way Beca was going to run from this, even if Aubrey wasn't standing in the scariest pose ever with her arms crossed. Beca came this far with Chloe, she wasn't just going to give up now just because Chloe may have problems WHEN she wakes up. She was going to wake up, Beca could feel it.

'Don't worry Aubrey, I'm here for the long term.' The brunette raised her hands defensively to get Aubrey to back off.

'As long as you do, or you'll have hell to pay Mitchell' Aubrey shouted as the small brunette disappeared around the corner of the hospital corridor.

It had been 21 hours since the Bellas had met at the café.

20 hours since Chloe had attempted suicide.

And 19 hours Chloe had been in the coma, unresponsive to the world.

Beca had not left her girlfriend's side, she had sang Titanium to her in hopes that she would miraculously wake up, she had tried playing her mixes, all to no avail. It had only been 19 hours, but Beca was growing tired of it all, she just wanted to hear the soft voice of her girlfriend, to feel her soft lips against her own. Beca was getting angry, it hadn't even been 24 hours, how was she going to cope if this was going to last for days, weeks, even months, she couldn't.

As the brunette held onto Chloe's hands she slowly felt her eyes drifting shut, after all, she hadn't slept since the night before meeting the Bellas, what was that, like 26 hours? Something like that. As her eyes finally closed she fell into the deepest sleep she had ever had, which lasted approximately 10 minutes before Aubrey came bounding into the hospital room with a coffee in one hand and Chloe's childhood toy, Mr. Clown, in the other.

'BECA MITCHELL now what the fuck do you think you're doing, why are you asleep, what if she woke up, what if she opened her eyes and all she fucking saw was the back of your head, now what a brilliant way to wake up'

'Woah chill Bree what is your problem, I'm tired okay, I've been up for ages, I dozed off, sorry I'm not some sort of fucking vampire who can stay awake forever. She didn't wake up surprise surprise so will you just back off okay'

'Don't raise your voice at me Beca I'm older than you! You obviously don't care about Chloe if you're falling asleep on her!'

'FUCK YOU AUBREY! You know how much I love her so don't even go there!'

'Oh yeah I know you'd love to fuck me, Chloe told me about that time you wanted me to join you two one night so don't pretend you hate me that much.'

'Oh my god do you ever shut your mouth!'

While they were arguing, neither noticed the slight shift of Chloe's head, the twitching of her fingers. As the redhead eyes fluttered open for the first time in 20 hours she was faced with the two most important people in her life red-faced and at each other's throats. Chloe hated seeing her best friend and girlfriend fight and the fact they were arguing over her was the worst thing to hear.

'I shut my mouth when I need to, and right now I don't need to do anything for you'

'Aubrey I swear to g-

'Will you two just get along for like 5 minutes?! Jesus Christ'

Beca spun on the balls of her feet to face her girlfriend, jaw slacked. Aubrey dropped her coffee cup resulting in the scolding coffee spilling over the hospital floor and the toes of her heels.

'You're alive Chloe you're alive! I love you so much baby please never again.'

A/N I'm so sorry for how long it took me to update guys! But you didn't really think I'd let Chloe die did you? ;)

If any questions, don't be afraid to message me on tumblr; is-love-louder