A/n: I am sooo sorry for not updating. I have been very busy lately. I'll try to update more often now.
Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own Harry Potter.
Chapter 7: The Future Unfolded (to the Past-ions) PART II
"The holidays before third year is when I first came across the name: Sirius Black" Harry said. "It's about time!" Sirius replied.
"Well, it was not the best possible way to find out." Harry replied, not sure how to break it to him.
"Why not?" Sirius asked.
"Well, at that time you had escaped Azkaban, the wizarding and muggle world alike had made you the most wanted because to the world you were a mass murderer and the first ever person to escape Azkaban."
"Wait-WHAT!" Sirius nearly fell out of his seat.
"You're kidding!" James said in disbelief.
"Well, I wish I was."
"But…why?" Sirius asked.
"Ok, just remember one thing that I am telling you this as it happened so what was true and what was not, you will know in time. Ok, so at first I just saw a glimpse of you as the most wanted on muggle television. I had no idea that you were a wizard or exactly what you had done. Then in the summer holidays I found out Aunt Marge-Uncle Vernon's sister- was going to be coming and staying for a week. I hadn't met her ever since I started Hogwarts and I hadn't had the best relations with her. She disliked me just like the Dursleys but unlike the Dursleys, who wanted me to stay away from them, she wanted me around every time she came so that she could bark out insults and stuff like that. Now as I was going to start my third year, with that I could visit Hogsmeade but Uncle Vernon was supposed to sign it. He told me as long as I behaved with Marge, he would sign it."
"That shouldn't have been hard, right?" Lily asked.
"You have no idea." Harry replied sarcastically.
"Haha, Lily he's my son. Of course that was going to be hard for him." James joked.
"Yes, well, I tried my best to behave and I had nearly accomplished this. For her entire stay I ignored her insults and everything was going fine until the last day when we were having dinner. I tried to ignore every single thing she said about me but then she started talking about you, dad and then she called you a drunk and said that must have been the reason your car crashed resulting in your death and then I couldn't control my anger anymore so I reacted."
"And just wait when you find out exactly what he did." Hermione added.
"Oh that was so funny." Ron said.
"What did you do?" Sirius asked.
"I don't know exactly how I did it but she started blowing up. She turned into this huge balloon and then she was nearly flown out in the sky." Harry said. Sirius started laughing hysterically and fell off his chair while Lily and Remus looked surprised.
James was awestruck, "You really did that! For me?"
"Yeah, I couldn't just let her talk ill about you, could I?"
"But was that the only thing you could think of?" Lily asked.
"Lily don't tell him that he shouldn't have done it." James said.
"Harry, I am so proud of you." James interjected and Harry grinned.
"What did you do then?" Remus asked.
"My uncle was too busy holding Marge that he didn't notice and I left the house with my trunk. It was night and I had no idea where or how to go. But then the knight bus showed up. I decided to go to London, to the Leaky Cauldrons. On my way from a newspaper I found more about you Sirius. That you were a very dangerous wizard, that you had blasted an entire street and killed 13 people. Now you had escaped from which no one had ever done before."
"Wait, I don't understand. Why on earth did I kill 13 people?" Sirius asked, horrified.
"Umm, Sirius why don't you find that out when Harry found out. You know, let the story keep flowing."
Sirius agreed hesitantly and so Harry continued. He told them that the Minister was waiting for him there and how he spent his days in the Diagon Ally until Hermione and the Weasley's came to the Leaky Cauldron. He told them what he had overheard form Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.
"So then I found out that the reason Minister himself was waiting for me was because Sirius Black was after me and he wanted to kill me."
"Why on earth would I want to kill you?" Sirius said, enraged.
But Harry continued, "Later when we were going to board the Hogwarts Express, Mr. Weasley told what I had overheard to me and asked me not to go looking for Sirius Black. I found this odd because I asked that why on earth would I go looking for someone who wanted me dead but then it was time to go. On the train, the only empty compartment for the three of us was the one in which an elder wizard was currently sleeping." At this Harry grinned, "According to his trunk his name was R. J. Lupin."
"Finally!" Remus said, "Hey, but what was I doing on the train?"
"You were going to be our Defense against the dark arts teacher." Ginny replied.
"Moony we always knew you would end up being a teacher."
"It's in your blood, buddy." Sirius said.
"Ok, Remus was asleep the entire journey until the Dementors came up."
"DEMENTORS?" The past-ions exclaimed.
"Yes, actually that year Dementors were placed to guard Hogwarts and catch Sirius. They even entered the train to check. Unfortunately I am affected more than anyone by a dementor so I became unconscious. Remus woke up, and did a spell to get the dementor away and he then gave us chocolate.
"Oh Remus." James and Sirius sighed together.
"What? Chocolate helps." Remus said defensively.
"Anyways, than we reached Hogwarts." Then Harry told them about the Dementors on the Quidditch pitch and how he fell and then Remus agreed to teach him the Patronus charm. James got quiet emotional when he found out that Harry's patronus was a stag. Then Harry told them how the Weasley twins gave him the Marauder's map.
"YOU GOT THE MAP" James yelled with glee, which made everyone else laugh.
Harry recounted the Hogsmeade trip in which he found out exactly why Sirius was after him. That Lily and James knew Voldemort was after them. They went into hiding by the Fidelous charm. They chose Sirius to be their secret keeper. As long as Sirius wouldn't tell, no one would be able to find the Potters. But then on Halloween Voldemort entered their house because Sirius had betrayed them and they were then murdered. Peter Pettigrew then went after Sirius, he cornered him in a muggle street but there Sirius blew the street up, killing 13 people and Peter. Nothing was found of Peter except his finger.
After this the room was filled with a dreadful silence. Sirius looked as if he wanted to kill himself. It took a great deal of time for James to convince Sirius that this hadn't happen yet. And that he, James didn't believe it, no matter what.
Then Harry told them how Buckbeak, the Hippogriff was going to be executed. That they went to meet Hagrid just before and there they found Ron's rat, Scabbers.
"When we were going back towards the Castle, Scabbers bit Ron's finger and started crawling away. Ron got out of the invisibility cloak and ran after it. Hermione and I had no chance but to run after him. We saw him catch the rat and sit on the ground and then we noticed that Ron was right under the Womping Willow."
"Oh no." Lily said.
"I yelled at him to look out but then he yelled at us to look behind us. A large black dog was pounding towards us in full speed. He jumped over us and ran towards Ron. Then it bit Ron's leg and dragged him down from a hole in the ground near the tree trunk. Hermione and I had no other choice but to follow."
"Wait, how on earth did you cross the Womping willow?" Lily asked
"We got hit by trunk in our tries but only Merlin knows how we managed it." Hermione said.
"Inside, the tunnel, lead us to the Shrieking Shack. We heard Ron upstairs in a room. We entered the room and Ron yelled at us that it was him, Sirius. That Sirius' is an animagus. Behind us Sirius shut the door, trapping us."
"Wait you're an animagus!" Lily asked surprised. James quickly filled her in about them being animagus and he even told her about Remus and it turned out that she had already figured it out and she didn't really care about Remus being a werewolf.
"Ok, so now we were just I don't know talking that Sirius said that only one person would die that night when I jumped on top of him because I was enraged from what I knew from Hogsmeade. Then the door flew open and Remus entered. By that time I already knew Remus used to be your friend James. Remus pulled me towards my feet and pointed his wand at Sirius then suddenly Remus Pulled Sirius up and embraced him like a brother. I was shocked that how on earth was Remus with Sirius. Then Hermione enlightened us with the fact that Remus was a Werewolf. She had found it out but hadn't told a soul because she knew you were good, Remus. Then we got to know so much more, that Sirius, you escaped Azkaban by turning into Padfoot. You were so weak by that time that you could easily go through the cell bars. Remus also told us that you guys were the Marauders. That you had made the map. At that time the map was with Remus, how he got it is another long story but forget about it, the point is the map lead Remus down there that day. Anyways, I also found out that you guys were animagus. That James, you were Prongs. Unfortunately at that moment I didn't knew that your animagus form was a stag. But what we found out was that Peter, Warmtail was a rat. Sirius told us that at the very last moment, they had switched. Sirius never became the Secret keeper. Peter was the secret keeper and no one, not even Dumbledore and Remus knew about it only James, Lily and Sirius knew. They thought that it would be a perfect bluff but the plan backfired because Peter turned out to be a spy. He betrayed Lily and James and it was Sirius who went after him, who cornered him in that street. It was Peter who blasted the street off and killed those people and he cut one of his fingers as evidence and before Sirius could do anything, he transformed into a rat so everyone would think he was dead.
Then Severus Snape joined the scene. It turned out that Snape had gone to Remus' office and found the map and knew where to come and I had stupidly, left my cloak at the entrance of the tunnel so he was hidden. Then he took the cloak off but then I, Hermione and Ron quiet simultaneously disarmed him. The combining force knocked him cold. So now we could resume. Sirius said that Scabbers, Ron's rat was Warmtail! It turned out he was right. We caught him and now I knew Sirius was good and that he was my Godfather. We got out of the Shrieking Shack and Sirius even offered me to come and live with him when all of this would be over and I was so happy but then the things took an unpleasant turn, again."
Harry paused.
"Don't stop! Tell us what happened?" James asked, who was sitting on the edge of his seat.
"Unfortunately, there was a full moon that night."
"Oh no." Remus groaned.
"You started transforming. Sirius started pushing you away and by then Pettigrew transfigured himself back into a rat and ran into the night. The three of us saw you transform back into a dog form and how you tried to push the werewolf away from us. We were too scared to move. Sirius was successful in driving the werewolf a little away but then the werewolf injured him pretty bad. I ran towards Padfoot. Padfoot was beside the lake, he was back in his human form and he had fallen down on the floor. I just reached him when the Dementors showed up. They were so many and both Sirius and I were going to die. I tried the Patronus charm but it wasn't strong enough. I was going to go unconscious and just before I did, I saw that on the other side there was someone who cast a patronus charm. It was so powerful, the form was of a stag and all the Dementors flew away. I was on the verge of unconsciousness when I got a glimpse of the person on the other side."
"Who was it?" James asked.
"You." Harry replied.
"ME?" James asked.
"Yes that's what I thought. Then I was unconscious. I woke up in the Hospital wing." Then Harry told them that Snape had found him beside the lake. He had brought the three here and Sirius was locked up in a room. Dementors were going to perform the Kiss soon.
The three tried to convince Dumbledore that Sirius was innocent but Dumbledore hinted that they had to change the past.
"How is that possible?" Lily asked.
"Even I didn't know that but it turned out Hermione did. That year she had chosen all the subjects and a few overlapped each other. Ron and I had no idea how she could attend every class and she never explained but now I found out. McGonagall had given Hermione the Time-turner at the beginning of the year so she could attend every class. Ron at the moment couldn't walk because of the bite so Hermione and I went back in time to right the wrong. So long story short, we saved Buckbeak first, she wasn't executed and then we waited until the Dementors came to the lake. We waited as long as we could from a distance, waiting for you to come James but then I realized that it wasn't you James, it was me. I had mistaken myself for you so I ran towards the lake and this time I could cast the patronus. Once the Dementors were gone we waited again until Sirius was taken away. Dumbledore had told us the exact number of the window in which Sirius was. So we flew on Buckbeak towards that window, got Sirius out and then Sirius and Buckbeak both escaped together. On the other hand, Snape was so furious about Sirius that the next day during breakfast he told the entire school that Remus was a werewolf. So because of that Remus decided to resign. Although everybody loved him because he was the best DADA Professor we had ever had but then he too left and then my third year finally came to an end.