Bartolomeo was chilling out at the deck of his ship, along with Cavendish. They two were talking about something... An incident that happened some time ago.

"So, the story begins like this..." Bartolomeo said to Cavendish, starting explaining him a story.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Finally!" Bartolomeo yelled by the time he set foot on land. "It's been a while since I stayed for so many days on a ship. I got bored to the maximum! Being a pirate is cool, but the life on the ship is boring. I kinda miss the good old times back at East Blue. You know, blackmailing people and offering protection. It was very cool. Back at East Blue, I was a feared mob boss but now nobody knows me as a pirate. My bounty is only 10,000,000 Beri. I will never manage to earn a bounty high enough to meet up to his expectations..." Bartolomeo spoke to himself, before a tear appeared on his tattoo'ed eye. "Luffy-senpai! Will I ever get to meet you?!"

"Erm, boss." Gambia spoke to Bartolomeo.

"What is it Gambia? Don't you see that I am crying? Luffy-senpai will never rely on me as long as things keep going like this!" Bartolomeo complained.

"You can worry about this later. You yelled your problems around a marine force. We are in trouble, boss." Gambia explained and Bartolomeo raised his head which was looking on the ground, only to notice that there were several marines around him and Gambia, looking at them with their guns pointing at them.

"Crap." Bartolomeo commented.

"Pirate! Surrender before we shoot!" the marines yelled.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Bartolomeo started crying even more. "Even the marines don't know about me! I have a 10,000,000 Beri bounty, you bastards! I hate you! I hate all of you!" he yelled at them with tears all over his eyes. "I am Bartolomeo "The Cannibal"! You should know about me, you imbeciles!" he shouted at them.

"Oi, boss, don't lose your temper." Gambia suggested. "We are not here to bring trouble. We just want to get supplies and set sail again." Gambia tried to avoid getting in trouble with the marines.

"NO! Those fools don't know who I am! That's blasphemy!" Bartolomeo said.

"Boss, they are way too many! We can't do anything against them!"

"We will count up to three or we will shoot! Come over here so that we can cuff you peacefully!" the leader of the marines suggested.

"Please men, reconsider. We all are people of this world. What is this world if we fight each other? It's a jungle. We are not animals, we have sense!" Gambia tried to reason with the marines.

"One." the marine counted.

"What are you telling them, Gambia? If they were smart enough to understand your teachings, they wouldn't enlist in the marines in the first place! They would be Government agents or something. Not to mention they would know who I am..." Bartolomeo spoke with his only subordinate, as if nothing was going on.

"Two..." the marine kept counting.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! PLEASE! SPARE US!" Gambia fell on his knees and touched the ground, begging the marines for forgiveness. Tears were running from his eyes, a flood of tears on his face.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Just don't shoot my subordinate, shoot ME! I won't be able to live on if I die knowing that Gambia died because of me. Oh, wait a minute, that doesn't make any sense. Why shall I care about Gambia's death? He isn't me!" Bartolomeo commented.

"Huh?" Gambia jawdropped. "Seriously?! Boss... What have I done and you don't care about me?!" Gambia questioned his captain. He looked like he wanted to know if he did anything that disappointed Bartolomeo.

"What the hell is wrong with those people..." the marines yelled while looking at the duo, surprised by Bartolomeo's way of thinking which was nonsense, as well as Gambia's weird reaction.

"THREE!" The leader of the marines counted up to three. "Shoot!" he ordered the marines.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Bartolomeo screamed before he crossed his fingers. His face expression changed from one full of fear, to one of a man who was just having fun. A wide smile appeared on his face, revealing his extremely sharp teeth. "HAAAAAAA! I fooled you! Barrier!" he said and a barrier appeared in front of him and Gambia, protecting the two from the bullets.

"What the hell? What is that thing?" the marines were surprised while shooting.

"Keep shooting." the leader ordered. "If we shoot it for long we might break it."

"Yes! Go! That's it! Run out of bullets, you fools! You are stupid! I messed with you and you didn't even notice it! Do you feel pathetic enough or do you want me to do it again?" Bartolomeo spoke to them and he twitched his eyes, as if he was viewing something very scary. Then, he instantly reverted back to his serious attitude. Well, the serious attitude Bartolomeo could have. He wasn't a really serious guy at all, even if he tried.

"And I asked you to stop. God may have spared you if you stopped. The Boss isn't really good with those who attack us." Gambia explained, being serious and calm, as well. He was standing right behind the barrier with his hands crossed and his back slightly turned, looking at the marines by turning his head towards their direction.

"What's wrong with those people?!" the marines kept shooting.

"Oh shit, they are bigger idiots than I expected!" Bartolomeo was bored.

"Watch your mouth!" the navy yelled at him.

"Sure." Bartolomeo agreed before he made an awful gesture with one of his fingers at the pirates, shutting the barrier down temporarily. However, that time was more than enough to make a bullet slip through the barrier and hit him at the shoulder. "Argh!" he screamed in pain.

"Be careful, boss." Gambia yelled at him.

"Now we are even." Bartolomeo laughed. "However, after what you have done, I have no other choice but to end this battle so that Gambia can patch me up!" Bartolomeo spoke to the marines. He moved his right hand backwards, before pointing forward towards the marines with the very same hand. "Barrier Crash!" he threw the barrier towards the marines, striking them all.

"Oh shit!" the marines twitched their eyes while the barrier was traveling towards them. The barrier crushed on all of them and they fell down on the ground, completely defeated.

"Chk... That was pretty easy. Boo ya!" Bartolomeo run towards the marines and started kicking them in the face, before taking his pants off.

"Wow... Gross!" Gambia commented in disgust, while looking at his boss.

"Look at me, Gambia! I pee on them! I pee on them! Record this and let's broadcast it across the world!" he said while laughing.

"Erm... God may not forgive you about this, boss."

"I am a pirate, Gambia. I don't expect from God to forgive me." he spoke with a very serious tone in his voice, as if he said something with a very deep meaning. Bartolomeo then finished peeing on the marines and raised his pants, buttoning them. "Let's go. We need to get some supplies."

"Right." Gambia followed him.

The very next day...

"Boss! Look at the newspapers! They have your name!" Gambia appeared with a newspaper in Bartolomeo's cabin.

"Huh?" Bartolomeo woke up. "What is it?"

"They gave you a higher bounty... You made a bad name for yourself!" Gambia explained.

"I did?!" Bartolomeo was happy. "Lu-Lu-Luffy-senpai might actually look at me! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!" Bartolomeo blushed like a fanboy he was.

"Erm, I have my doubts about that, boss." Gambia was pretty negative about that.

"Huh?! Why?!" Bartolomeo looked at Gambia with an angry look on his face, the white part of his eyes was only visible and his mouth open enough to reveal his very sharp teeth. "Give me the newspaper!" he grabbed the newspaper and started reading the article.

"Look by yourself..." Gambia sighed and left the room.

"Let's see..." Bartolomeo started reading. "Bartolomeo "The Cannibal" has struck again! He is a very dangerous man from East Blue with a bounty of 50,000,000 Beri! What?! 50,000,000?! That's... Too much! Luffy-senpai will definitely notice me, now! But why? Let's keep reading... According to the marines who decided for his bounty, he roasted a bunch of innocent civilians and broadcasted the video across the world. He is a very dangerous man and everybody should avoid him. In case you ever see this man, please contact the Marines." he read and he froze, while his jaw dropped on the floor. "Oh shit... That was one hell of a pee." he commented and started crying. "Luffy-senpai will believe all those lies! He will never listen to me!"


"Then, I learned that one of the marines I defeated was a Commodore. He altered the report to make me look like a freak." Bartolomeo explained to Cavendish. Apparently, the pirate was explaining to his friend how he got his bounty and how he became the infamous pirate he was.

"Hahahahahahaha! You are such an idiot, Bartolomeo! Not that you are not a freak, but they exaggarated the story a little bit..." Cavendish laughed at him.

"Nonetheless... That's how I got my big bounty." Bartolomeo explained with his eyes closed and a wide smile on his face, only to freeze when he opened his eyes.

"Zzzzzzzzz..." Cavendish had fallen asleep after such a long story.

"Oh crap." Bartolomeo peed on himself while looking at the sleeping pirate.