This is going to be a series of one shots based off of headcannons from the tumbler site, I've fallen in love with it and I've gained permission to use the headcannons as long as I site who submitted it and I'll be including the link as well. I'd say if you have time, go take a look. Also, if you find one that you like, feel free to pm me and I'll write a little something. Also, if I really a certain headcannon (I've found a few) I might continue and expand on it.

"Donnie is a trans boy. He didn't officially come out until their 13th mutation day, but Splinter had known for years, as he had originally offered the tessen to Donnie, but Donnie refused since it was 'a girl's weapon.'"


Submitted by Anonymous

Chapter 1: The Tessen

Donatello stared out at his brothers. They were wrestling and he wanted nothing to do with it. It really didn't help that he was the weakest out of the four of them and it wasn't even his fault. He hadn't realized he was different than his brothers until they were ten.

Donnie remembered when he figured out he wasn't their brother, but their sister. He kept it a secret for fear that Leo, Raph, and Mikey would treat him differently. They already teased him for not wanting to wrestle as much as they did. He would rather read. It was very frustrating hiding such a secret from his family. Deep down, he knew they would understand, but he still feared being treated differently. He didn't want to be their sister. Donatello was a brother and a son, no matter what his reproductive system was.

"Donatello? Would you come with me?"

"Ooooohhhhhh." Three voices chorused as Donnie rose to his feet.

Master Splinter waited by the door to the dojo, holding to door open for his son. Donnie ducked around his master and walked over to the tree, knelling down, and waiting for his father to begin.

"Donatello, my son, you are not in trouble," Master Splinter started.

"I'm not?" Donnie asked, trying to remember to pinch his voice lower.

"You are not," Master Splinter smiled, trying to reassure his son. "You know how I will soon be giving you and your brothers weapons soon, correct?"

"Hai, Sensei."

Master Splinter turned away from his son, walking over to his shrine. He took a moment to gaze at the picture of his beloved wife and daughter before reached down and extracting the object of his search. "I have already choose what weapons your brothers will have."

"Oh." Splinter sighed hearing the disappointment in his son's voice.

"I've been torn between two weapons for you, my son," Master Splinter continued, trying to get his son to perk back up. "You are the most peaceful of my sons. You are also the brightest. I wanted to give you a choice between the weapon in my hand and the other I have chosen." Splinter pulled out the weapon in his hand, folding out the tessen to display the clan symbol engraved on it.

"A tessen?" Donnie questioned. "That's a girl's weapon."

Master Splinter nodded. "Yes. I know it is considered a 'girl's weapon' and I planned to give it to my daughter but….." Donnie reached over to place a hand on his father's arm, giving him a small smile. "I wanted to know if you would like to carry this tessen?"

Donnie looked down at his hands. He already had trouble with his identity and carrying a girl's weapon would only make it harder. As honored as he felt that Splinter offered a prized family heirloom, he couldn't accept. "I'm sorry, Father. It wouldn't feel right to use a weapon you meant for your daughter."

"I understand, Donatello," Splinter said and he truly did. "You may go." Donatello rose to his feet and bowed before leaving the room.

Splinter sighed and folded the tessen back. He knew of Donatello's little 'secret' and he would wait until his son felt comfortable enough to tell his family. Once Donatello was more comfortable with himself, he would offer the tessen again.

"Happy Mutation Day!" All four brothers called out as they gathered around their worms and algae. Splinter smiled at his sons. He had just finished their origin story that had happened thirteen years ago and Mikey had already dived into his plate. Raph and Leo started to eat their food as well as Donnie pushed it around his plate.

"Is there something wrong, Donatello?" Master Splinter asked.

Donnie shook his head. "I've actually got an announcement."

"What is it D?" Mikey asked.

Donatello took a deep breath and started. "I… I don't know how to say this but…. I wasn't born a boy…."

"What?" Leo asked.

Raph glared at his brother. "What do you mean not born a boy?"

"I wasn't born a boy. I don't have…. That stuff….." Donnie blushed, shifting in his seat. "But I'm still your brother."

Before any of the other turtles could say anything, Splinter spoke up, "We support you, Donatello. No matter what you have, you will always be my son." Splinter walked over and gave his son a hug.

Leo nodded, flowing Splinter's example. "Nothing's changed, Don. You are our brother."

"Yeah. You'll always be my big bro!" Mikey shouted, jumping over to join the group hug.

"Yeah," Raph huffed. "Your still you, no matter what."

Donatello smiled. "Thanks guys."

A couple years later, Donatello felt his heart sneak the first time he saw April using his father's tessen.

Author's Note: I hope you like this new idea. I've had fun finding the headcannons and writing a little something. I hope you guys like it too.