A/N: Ehi, awesome readers... as you can see this is my second story and first multi chapter fic. The first one I uploaded was a one-shot. Flames are accepted. I just wanna know what I need to improve :D R&R.

Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Akira Amano does.

Summary: Sicario Temerario, the Daredevil Hitman, famous for finishing his missions in record time without being spotted. Nobody knows what his real identity and what his background is. All they know is that he is a strong, probably even one of the best, Assassin-Hitman who doesn't have a Famiglia. Or at least that's what they think. Truth is, he actually works for one and he only accepts missions from random Famiglia who requests for him to in order to gain information on them and to train himself.


Paris, France, October 12 9:25 P.M.

Tsuna grinned sadistically flicked the rock he brought with him to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Satisfied as he heard the sound of a sickening crack followed by a thud, he jumped down from the Tower and checked the body of his target, checking if he was dead. But Tsuna didn't really need to check considering his strength and perfect aim, he was sure the rock hit his target square in the head. After he was sure that his target was dead, he cleaned up the mess and made his way back to the 5 star hotel room he stayed.

*Time Skip*

In Our Favorite Tuna Fish's Room

Tsuna landed on the railings of the balcony on his hotel room. The second he stepped inside the room through the door leading to the balcony, a small lion cub with flames as a mane appeared and made itself comfortable in his owner's soft, fluffy hair. Tsuna stroked the fur ball—or rather fireball (get it? get it? Oh, never mind.), on his head while the little cub purred softly in response.


"Good Night, Natsu"


The lion cub now known as Natsu, fell asleep in its master's soft and fluffy hair. Tsuna turned on his custom-made laptop and logged on to a website accessible to Mafiosi only. He e-mailed the Famiglia that gave him the mission telling them that he'd done it already.

To: Brutto Famiglia

Bonjour~ I finshed the mission already. Please do send the money to my bank account. I'll be expecting my reward to be there by tomorrow. If I don't see it there, who knows what I might do to you… Anyways, Good Night~ -Sicario Temerario

From: Sicario Temerario

After e-mailing them he quickly erased all tracks he may have left and made sure that no one was able to track him, either physical or via internet. Before he shut down the laptop, he made a call on Skype. (haha Skype) A man with white hair and glasses appeared on the screen.

"Ehi, oji-san" Tsuna greeted as he waved to the webcam.

"Hello Tsunayoshi, how are you doing?" The man on the other side smiled in response.

"I'm fine oji-san, you?"

"I'm also doing fine here, anyways what are the reports for the Brutto Famiglia?" Both of their faces became serious as the other man said the second part.

"I am now sending the information I have about them to you through the Internet."

"Very well then. Good night, Tsunayoshi and goodbye." Tsuna just waved in response and their call was ended.

He logged out and once again erased the possible tracks he might have left. After making sure he can't be tracked down, he powered off his laptop and took out a clean sheet of paper. He wrote a letter placing it in a black envelope together with some pictures of the tourist attractions he visited or passed by, sealing it afterwards. After sealing the black envelope, the black envelope burst into flames and disappeared.

Namimori, Japan, Sawada Residence, October 13 6:00

Sawada Nana was cooking breakfast for the occupants of the house when she noticed something on the table. Nana saw a black envelope and bent down to get it. As she touched the seal on the envelope, the seal burned away. 'Typical Tsu-kun' Nana thought as she pulled out the letter and the pictures. As she read the letter a small smile grew on her face. Her Tsu-kun was coming back. She put the letter back in its envelope, taking the pictures, and put it in a hidden drawer filled with envelopes while the pictures were put in an album filled with pictures of other tourist attractions that her son, Tsu-kun, had sent in the past also going in the hidden drawer.

Meanwhile, With Tsuna

Namimori Airport

*Achoo* Tsuna sneezed. The great Sicario Temerario Tsunayoshi sneezed. 'Must be a cold.' Tsuna thought as he boarded a cab.

Sawada Residence…again.

"Oi Reborn! Give me back my egg!"

"Hm. Shut up Baka-Nari and eat."

"Reborn, say aah~"

"Lambo bad! Give back food!"

"NYAHAHAHAHA! Its's mine now!"

"Ah, Lambo, please give back I-pin's food."

'Thank you Reborn, for making my son happy again.' Nana thought as she watched the scene unfold with a small smile creeping up her face.

A/N: Heeeeeyyyyyy... How ya doin'? Hope you enjoyed BTW. :D Sorry if it's not that good. I'll try hard to make it awesome enough for you. :D 002 over and out-