Co-Writter: Yugiohfan163.

Disclaimer: Don't own Scooby Doo.

Scooby Doo

Ghoul School Harem

Chapter 9: Romp with the Mummy

Shaggy rested in his bed with a stress free smile. Sibella was still curled against his chest, happily sleeping but it was Shaggy's stomach that woke them up.

Winnie was cuddling against his other side with a smile "Hmmmmmm?" Sibella and Winnie moaned as their eyes opened

Sibella looked up and grinned at seeing Shaggy's sleeping face. She kissed his smiling lips, Winnie stretching next to Shaggy's sleeping form. Shaggy slowly woke up and let out a yawn as he noticed the two girls "Wow." He smiled

"Have fun?" purred Sibella.

"Of course." He smiled

"You were wild." grinned Winnie.

"Thank you." He smiled

"We better get some food. Otherwise your stomach might eat itself." teased Sibella getting up from the bed.

Shaggy smiled, looking at her purple body as the sun shone on it. Winnie stretched otu her body before following Sibella. Shaggy grinned, feeling himself get harder as he stared at them 'Easy Shaggy. Food first. Then go for round 2.' He thought 'Or round... what, seven?' Shaggy followed the girls as they headed down for breakfast "Morning." He called

The girls waved, but Tanis noticed an odd smell in the air "D... did you two?" She asked Sibella and Winnie as they sat next to her

"Yes." Sibella replied being blunt.

"Awww." Tanis frowned

"I was there to. For found one." Phanty grinned, giggling "But I fell through the floor. Sibella's got some killer fingers."

"Thank you, you perverted phantom." Sibella nodded

"He's a beast." grinned Winnie sending Shaggy a wink.

"Awwwww!" Tanis pouted again

"Sssshs!" Shaggy frowned "We don't want Ms G finding out!"

"Finding out what?" asked said woman walking in.

"Er... birthday surprise!" Shaggy laughed "You caught us. We where gonna get you tickets for a two week trip to the black hole this summer."

"Aww, that's so sweet of you Shaggy." smiled Mrs. G. "But my birthday isn't for another few months. In fact, how did you know that?"

"The girls told me." Shaggy said "And we where planning on getting them."

"Well that's very kind of you, all of you." she walked out as Scooby came downstairs just as Cerby entered.

"Ri." Scooby smiled

"Hey cutie." spoke the right and middle head in unison.

"... Ru Roh." He muttered, seeing her

"Don't worry. I'll keep them under control." spoke the left head.

"Rank ro." Scooby sighed. That's when both canines picked up the scent Tanis picked up "... rew." Scooby said, waving his paw in front of his nose

"Someone got lucky. And it wasn't us." grumbled the middle head.

"Ssssshsss!" Shaggy hissed

"Rorry/sorry." Both cainines said

"So, when do we get a turn?" Phanty asked.

"When we can." Shaggu shrugged

"Tease." pouted Phanty.

Shaggy laughed at that, smiling "How big was he?" Elsa whispered to Sibella.

Sibella smiled and put her hands a width away from each othwr to show how big it was. Elsa was stunned, Phanty giggled, and Tanis blushed at the image "Ehhe..." Shaggy muttered, blushing

"Excuse me." spoke Tanis pushing back as she walked out of the room to head to her room.

"... I'll be back." Shaggy sighed, standing up and heading after her. He followed after Tanis and saw her door slightly ajar "Hmmm?" He hummed, looking through the adjar door's crack. Tanis was laying on her bed with a sad expression as she didn't notice Shaggy near her door "Tanis?" Shaggy asked, entering her room

"Yes?" she responded sitting up.

"You okay?" He asked

"Yeah, I guess." she sighed.

"Tanis, if something's wrong, you can tell me." urged Shaggy. She just blushed and looked away. Shaggy sat down beside her and pulled her close to his side "It's okay." He soothed

"It's just...I feel so small." she admitted.

"Huh?" He muttered "Why?"

"You already did it with Sibella and Winnie. If my time ever comes, I probably won't be good compared to them."

"Tanis. You are FINE." he frowned "You are cute and funny and amazing."

"Yeah, but a virgin who probably won't be able to make you cum."

"Don't doubt yourself Tanis." He frowned

"Too late." she sighed.

"What do you mean?" He asked

"I'm putting myself down right now, right? So it's too late."

"No it isn't." He frowned, pulling her into a kiss. Tanis gasped as he wrapped his arms around her and started slipping his tongue in her mouth. Shaggy wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. The mummy girl moaned into the kiss as Shaggy trailed one hand down her back and gave her ass a squeeze. Tanis gasped and moaned, melting into his touch as Shaggy broke the kiss "Tanis, trust me when I say you can easily make me just as aroused. Just look down." he gestured.

Tanis gulped and did as he said. Her eyes widened at seeing a large bulge under his pants. "Wow." She muttered

"See? You are erotic in your own way. Just have faith." he smiled. Tanis smiled, kissing him softly. They started wrestling their tongues as Tanis reached down and found the zipper before pulling it down "No." Shaggy said, grasping her wrist "Not right now. I'm sorry. But I am still tired from last night PLUS you have class."

"Aw." pouted Tanis.

"Tonight." He smiled, kissing her forehead. She smiled at that as Shaggy got up to leave "See you after class." Shaggy nodded, leaving the room

As soon as he left, Tanis thought to herself. 'He is big.' She rubbed her thighs together, looking down blushing. She shook her head before getting up and heading out to class 'Later' she thought

*with Shaggy*

Shaggy smiled as he entered the main room "Shaggy, could you come here please?" asked Mrs. G.

"Sure." He nodded, heading through. Near the entrance in a blue military uniform was a man taller than Mrs. G who had a mustache on and a serious look. Plus, from the smoke rising from his outfit, it was clear he had a bad run kn with Matches "Like, hello." greeted Shaggy

"Greetings." the man nodded

"Like, what's up Ms G?" Shaggy asked

"I wanted you to meet the headmaster of the Calloway Military School. Colonel Calloway."

"Nice to meet ya." Shaggy said, holding out his hand

"I had heard you were the new physical education teacher here." spoke Calloway shaking Shaggy's hand.

"That's me." Shaggy nodded

"I also heard you were preparing the students for the annual volleyball game." he spoke, keeping a serious face.

"Like yea, and they're getting really good." Shaggy nodded

"Well see in the game." spoke the colonel with a smug undertone.


"Good to see you." nodded Calloway before turning and heading out the door.

"Like, what was that about?" Shaggy asked

"Oh nothing. Just some friendly rivalry." smiled Mrs. G.

"Now all class are canceled so the girls can train!"

"I'll go let them know." Shaggy nodded before he realized what she said "Wait... WHAT?!"

"I want my little ghouls are all ready for the game."

"Why would they need to do that?!"

"Because I truly believe with you here, they have a chance to win. Any classes canceled will of course be brought back as soon as the game is over."

"WHEN is the game?!" Shaggy groaned

"One week."

Shaggy sighed, putting his head in his hands as he walked out 'One week. One week to make sure they're ready.' he thought. '... they're basically there already.' He smiled

While that went on, Scooby was taking a walk around the school since he wanted to give his friend some space after hearing about the volleyball game. He was humming happily as he looked around but he ended up bumping into a certain three-headed canine "Rorry." He frowned

"No problem." replied the left head.

"Ro rokay?"

"Hey, you wanna take a walk around? Don't worry, I won't jump your boned." reassured the left head.

"Rokay." He nodded. The middle and right heads squealed in joy before Cerby and Scooby started walking. Scooby hummed, looking around the place. Cerby herself from trying to control her two heads from tackling Scooby "... Ro Rokay?" Scooby asked

"Yeah, but these two can be a real pain sometimes."

Scooby nodded, looking around. To him, the woods were still creepy, but if they were compared to the other things he had seen, they actually seemed like normal trees. "Ris race ris reepy." He said

"A little, but you get use to it." spoke the middle head

"Ri ress." He shrugged

"So, how do you like the school so far?" asked the right head.

"Rits rice. Rust reepy." He nodded "Ro, row rid rou rome rere?" he asked.

"Well...our parents died and we where stumbeling around the wild in confusion and fear until Miss Grimwood found us and took us in." Left explained sadly

Scooby looked at them as each head instantly looked down. "R'm rorry." He said

"Not your fault." Middle shrugged

Scooby walked closer and surprised them by hugging their body against his. The three sets of eyes widened, the three heads blushing

'OH MY GOD!' squealed the right and middle heads in their thoughts.

'Wow.' Left thought. Each head found the hug warm and didn't try to pull away.

But after a few more seconds, Scooby pulled away "Retter?" He asked

"Yeah, thanks." nodded Left.

"Rou're relcome." They kept walking while the middle and right head were starting to get antsy from feeling Scooby's warm hug.

"Calm. Down." Left hissed at them

"Harder than you think." Right hissed back.

"No it isn't." Left frowned

*timeskip- after school*

Tanis rushed down to her room as soon as the last class ended. She giggled happily as she opened her door, entering. She rushed to her closet to find something suitable for tonight "I need to look perfect." She said aloud

"You look fine." came Shaggy's voice.

"GAH!" She yelled, spinning around

"Like, sorry." he chuckled.

"It... its okay." She blushed. Well... if you watch an hours worth of episodes a day and the movies all at once. Shaggy walked over and pulled her close. Tanis blushed, putting her head into his chest. He softly rubbed her back before tilting her head up. "Coach?" She asked in slight confusion and embarrassment


"W... what are you gonna do?" She asked nervously

"Well I did promise you we could go on tonight." Tanis blushed brighter, smiling. This time she kissed him with eagerness.

Shaggy held her close, running his hands over her slim body. She shuddered and ran her hands under his shirt and against his chest "You sure you want this?" Shaggy asked

"Yes." she nodded with lust in her eyes.

"Okay." He nodded. He and Tanis resumed kissing while moving to the bed. Shaggy carefully pushed Tanis onto the bed, going in top of her. He reached down and rubbed against her thighs. Tanis blushed and moaned, falling back as she let Shaggy play with her. Shaggy smiled and found a wet spot in her bandages. Moving the bandages aside slightly be saw a wet dark grey/black pussy, the wetness dribbling down from it and over her asscheeks. He leaned down and took a light lick which made Tanis let out a gasp.

"C... Coach!" She gasped, moaning. Hearing her cute gasp made Shaggy lick faster while Tanis arched her back.

'She's adorable.' He thought with a smile, his fingers brushing against her clit

"AHH!" moaned Tanis squirming as he pressed his finger faster while slipping his tongue into her folds. She squirmed under his touch, moaning, loving the touch. He brought his other hand up to her chest and grabbed hold of her breasts while swirling his tongue around her clit "C... Coach! You're so good!" She moaned

Shaggy would have thanked her, but with his head buried in her snatch he just nodded while keeping up his actions. He was curious and gently rubbed her small, tight dark grey ass lightly. That got a bigger moan from Tanis who tried grinding her pussy against his face 'Like WHOA!' Shaggy thought in surprise as he kept licking, but as she seemed to like it he kept massaging her ass

"Coach! I feel weird!" she moaned.

"You... You HAVE player with yourself before haven't you?" Shaggy asked, pulling back from her pussy but kept up his touch

"N-Not really. I was always nervous because I didn't know if it was bad or good."

"It's good." He smiled, sliding his fingers into her pussy and curling them. Tanis moaned louder before crying out as Shaggy lightly bit on her clit and, with a scream, she came. Shaggy opened his mouth as her juices went flying into his jaw. "Very sweet." He smiled, licking his lips

Tanis panted and felt her face get red at hearing that "D... Don't talk like that. It's embarrassing." She blushed

"Aw, but you're so cute when you blush." he teased.

"Coooach." She groaned, blushing

"Alright, I'll stop teasing." he nodded. 'For now.'

"Should I... Do it to you?" She asked shyly

"If you want."

Tanis nodded, her blush so strong her bandages where cheery red. She sat up and started unzipping his pants and she blushed at what she saw. The throbbing hard cock... And no underwear. She shyly grabbed it and felt it throbbing in her hands 'So big and hard.' She thought. She leaned down and gave the tip a lick. She kissed the head, her hand running up and down the shaft. Shaggy groaned as Tanis was licking and rubbing it with clear innocence.

'So cute.' He thought, smiling. Tanis licked around the tip while caressing his balls, trying to stimulate him everywhere.

"A... Am I doing this right?" She asked nervously

Yeah." he nodded before groaning as Tanis licked around the underside.

"Thank you." She blushed. This time she slid her mouth over more of his dick while she kept up her rubbing.

"Oh Tanis." He moaned. Said mummy slowly bobbed her head while swirling her tongue around the tip but her eyes widened as cum suddenly filled her mouth. She had to pull back and found the rest of it landing on her face. She coughed, her hand on her throat. It shocked her, but she DID like it "Sorry."

"I liked it." She blushed "But... Can you warn me next time?"

"Sure thing." Tanis blushed, looking down, unsure what to do next "Just lay on your back and let me take over." suggested Shaggy. Tanis nodded shyly and did as she was told. Shaggy held her legs open and began to prod the tip against her entrance "This might hurt a bit." He warned. She nodded as he started moving forward. Tanks gasped in pain as the hardness split her hymen. Shaggy stayed still as Tanis shook in slight pain "It's okay Tanis, it's okay." He soothed "I'll be still until the pain's gone."

Tanis was touched and slowly took calming breaths as the pain started to fade "Y... You can move." She nodded. Shaggy nodded before pulling back and going back inside her.

The Mummy girl gasped as pleasure sparked through her body, Tanis pulling Shaggy close. Shaggy grunted as he slowly worked on a rhythm inside the girl's pussy. "You're tight Tanis." He groaned

"D... Don't talk like that." She moaned with an innocent blush

"Then why don't I do this?" Shaggy lightly squeezed her breasts while slowly picking up speed.

"C... Coach!" She moaned louder, feeling like the female Pharaoh of the film she loved

Shaggy felt her pussy get tighter and began to move even faster while alternating between nipples to suck. The virgin mummy girl shuddered and moaned, cumming. Shaggy groaned at feeling her tighten up and went even faster as he felt his limit coming "Tanis I... I'm gonna cum!" He grunted

"Me too!" she cried out.

"In me!" She begged

Shaggy was moving his hips so fast he didn't have time to stop before groaning as he started cumming. Tanis moaned as she held him close as both rode out their orgasms "That... Was... Wow." Shaggy panted

"Yeah..." nodded Tanis panted with a smile. Shaggy smiled, kissing her softly, before he fell asleep. Tanis smiled and hugged him closer before closing her own eyes.

The two fell asleep in peace