Hello everyone!
So, I have deleted the "explanation" as to why I am not writing this story any longer. While I still feel angry with Marvel, I was able to realize that my anger was towards the comic portion of Marvel. Also, I fell in love with Thor: Ragnarok and IW has got me feeling all sorts of ways.
I have been working on a story, just not this one. So, sorry to all that have wanted to see how this ended, but I honestly lost my love for this story when I became angry with Marvel and I don't think I have it in me to continue on. I'm also graduating from college soon, so now I have to deal with the real world.
Thank you to those have favorited and liked this story. I hope you like the new one when I post it.
Also, I changed my username from starkinternational to infinitywars cause why not.
xxx Danielle