Summary:Jeanne Arc had just been accepted into Beacon Academy, the problem is she didn't even enroll! Now Jeanne has to attend Beacon Academy surviving speedsters, bullies, and being a leader to a 'unique' team while solving the mystery of who gave her the acceptance letter.

Authors Note: Okay, so I've got this idea of a genderbend fanfic with Jaune as the main character circling in my head for a while now and I just had to get it out of my system! now its time to read! Onward chapter!

This was it, she still couldn't believe this was happening. She was going to Beacon. She could still remember her family's shocked faces when she had received the acceptance letter just yesterday in the mail. Her parents were proud, her mother especially who she swore had stars in her eyes! Even her brothers were just as surprised as she was but nonetheless congratulated her and apologized for mocking her poor combat skills. She wanted to tell them that it was just probably a joke, but when her father had hugged her and praised her for living up to the Arc family name and becoming a hunter of great caliber.

That got her to shut up. She just couldn't tell them when they were so proud and happy for her, she couldn't bear to break their hearts.

So here she was. On the first dustship to Beacon Academy. And she regretted not telling her parents the truth, Jeanne hugged her stomach as she felt it churn, her face was now green and she had a hand over her mouth trying her best not to blow chucks before she even got to Beacon.

She was trying her best to tune out all the voices and other noises in the ship that were making her head spin.

"Ugghh" She moaned in pain when she heard a loud voice that made her head ache. She looked over to the red haired boy wearing a red hood and a tall and muscular boy with wild blond hair, she assumed they were siblings as the blond boy pulled the red haired boy into a hug making the boy let out an adorable protest

She would have chuckled at the sight it reminded her of her and her brothers, you know if she wasn't having a major case of motion sickness.

After a few short minutes of suffering a hologram of a man with blond hair and a long black cape appeared and started explained some important things, but she couldn't concentrate and she only heard the part where they were approaching Beacon. She mentally did a victory pose and silently thanked the man.

When the ship had finally landed she bolted to the nearest trash can and spilled out all the contents of her stomach. When it was all gone she lifted her head and wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her jacket she lifted her head up and was greeted with the disgusted faces of the other students.

'Great job, Jeanne, its the first day and you've already made a complete fool of yourself' She mentally smacked herself.

She straightened herself out and tried to salvage what was left of her dignity she saw something she never thought she would see except on TV, she recognized those icy blue eyes that shone with radiance no matter what, that neatly combed snow white hair. She never thought she would ever get this chance in her whole life, but this was happening! She actually gets so see him up-close and personal! Eiss! Eiss Schenee! The heir of the Schenee dust company, was here at Beacon! No surprise there, she saw him on TV once when he was doing a performance and his ability was no joke! He had talent, it was like he was a natural born huntsman. And his voice made her swoon.

She felt a blush creep up on her cheeks at the sight of her idol.

But something felt wrong, she looked closer and saw that he was not alone, he was with the red haired boy earlier from the dustship, but wait. 'What was- oh no' She thought when she saw the vial of red dust Eiss was angrily shaking in the red haired boys face was slightly unsealed and the dust was escaping from it and the red haired boy seemed to had inhaled some of it causing him to sneeze. Combine with the red dust it made an explosion that blew up in Eiss's face, when the explosion had cleared up the red haired boy was apologizing and Eiss was enraged for almost being blown off the cliff.

She felt bad and wanted to step in but stopped when a boy with cat-like eyes wearing a black hat grabbed the vial of dust that was rolling on the ground, Eiss looked happy for some reason then got angry all over again, did the boy insult him or something? When the two had left the red haired boy was sitting on the ground with a sad look on his face and laid down on the ground in defeat.

Jeanne felt sorry for him he was having a tougher day than she was, she took this chance to help him, after all the duty of an Arc is to help those in need. She walked up to the boy and extended her arm out in a friendly manner. "I'm Jeanne" She introduced herself.

"Ruben" The boy replied grabbing her arm and getting himself back on his feet.

"Rough day?" She asked.

"You have no idea" Ruben sighed.

There was a moment of silence before Ruben started chuckling "Aren't you the girl who threw up on the ship?"

Jeanne's face went red with emberrasment "Hey! I have a serious case of motion sickness okay! I didn't mean to throw up on the ship!" She protested. "Alright then . . . . . uh . . . . . Vomit girl?" Ruben said the first thing that came into mind, he wasn't that good at meeting new people much less remembering their names, he'd fix that problem later. He started following Jeanne who suddenly started walking to another direction while ranting. "Look all I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than people let on!"

"Look I'm sorry, Vomit girl was the first thing that came to mind, I'm not really a social person and I'm not that good at making friends either so I'm sorry if I insulted you" Ruben apologized. Jeanne gave a small smile "Then were kind of the same, in a way" She said.

Ruben stopped and gave Jeanne a quizical look. "What do you mean?"

"Well, back in my home town I wasn't really 'popular' I barely even made any friends there and I was the laughing stock of my school, the only friends I had were my family and my brothers. And it really didn't help that I was socially awkward. I guess that why I went to Beacon, so I can get a confidence boost I guess, What about you? No offense but you seem a bit young to be here, not that I'm insulting you or anything!" Jeanne explained.

"Well I came to Beacon because I was invited by the headmistress after I beat up a bunch of bad guys who were trying to rob a dust store, then I followed one of them on top of a roof then all of a sudden a hunter appears and saves me! Then I asked for his autograph and well stuff happened and I now I'm here with my brother" Ruben explained, when he was a bit taken back when he saw Jeanne with stars in her eyes. "Uh, Jeanne, y-your eyes- there-" He tried to point out.

"Wow! You actually got to watch a hunter fight! That must have been awesome, what was his name?" Jeanne asked excitedly.

"Well he's a teacher here, Professor Glynn, you have seen him right? His hologram welcomed us while we were still in the dustship? Don't you remember?" Ruben asked.

"I was busy" Jeanne said quietly.

Knowing what she meant Ruben nodded his head and kept quiet.

"So how far until we reach the dorms?" Jeanne suddenly asked.

"I don't know I was following you" Ruben shrugged.

"Oh great were lost" Jeanne said. "Do you think they have a land mark or something?" She asked.

"No, not that I know of" He replied. Jeanne sighed "This is going to be a long day"

Minutes later

After a while of asking for directions and getting lost they finally reached the main hall. "Ruben! over here I save you a spot!" Yin called out waving to his brother. "Oh! Yin!" Ruben called out running to his brother leaving Jeanne alone. "W-wait! Ruben" Jeanne called out but Ruben had already disappeared into the crowd. "Great now where am I going to find a nice quirky boy to talk to" She complained walking off into the crow near the stage. Unknown to her a red haired spartan was looking her way.

"How's your first day going little brother?" Yin asked asked Ruben who turned and glared at his brother. "You mean after you ditched me and I exploded?!"

"Yikes! Meltdown already?" Yin asked.

"No I literally exploded a hole in front of the school and there was some fire a-and I think some ice?"

"Are you being sarcastic?" Yin asked.

Ruben scoffed "I wish I accidentally tripped over some crabby guys luggage and then he started to yell at me! and then I sneezed and then I exploded! and then he started yelling again and I felt really really bad and I tried to apologize but he wouldn't listen and I just wanted him to stop yelling!"

Behind Ruben Eiss was staring at him in anger "You!" Eiss yelled scaring Ruben into hiding behind his brother. "Its happening again!" Ruben yelled.

"Your lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!"

Yin eyes looked to his younger brother with disbelief and fear "Dear lord, you really did explode"

Ruben came out from behind his brother and turned to face the Schnee heir"It was an accident! I swear!" Ruben said before Eiss shoved a pamphlet in front of him that said 'Dust for Dummies'.

"Whats that?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

Eiss began to explain important details about how to properly use dust however as he began to explain his words kept speeding up and getting more hard to follow for Ruben to understand "The Schnee Dust Company is not responsible foranyinjuriesordamagessustainablewhileoperatingaSchneeDustCompanyproductalthoughnotmanditorytheSchneefamilyhighlyincouragesourcustomerstofamiliarizethemselveswiththiseasytofollowguidetodustapplicationandpracticeinthefield"


"Do you really want to start making things up to me?"


Eiss gave the pamphlet to Ruben "Read this and don't ever speak to me again" He said sternly.

"Guys, I think you two may have gotten on the wrong foot, so why don't you guys start all over again? You know, try to be friends? With no yelling this time" Yin suggested.

"Great idea!" Ruben cleared his throat before extending his hand out to Eiss "Hello Eiss my name is Ruben wanna be friends?We could hangout or spar?"

"Yeah! And we can study together and talk about girls like cute blonde tomboyish over there?" Eiss said pointing to Jeanne who noticed his gesture and started to blush, not noticing the obvious sarcasm along with Ruben.

"Seriously?" Ruben asked ecstatically.

Eiss couldn't believe how naive this boy was "No"

Ruben hung his head low in disappointment while Yin and Eiss were facing the other direction while Jeanne was staring at the trio with curiosity. Their attention was caught when the headmistress was about to make an announcement "I will keep this brief" She started "You have traveled here today in search of knowledge to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people but I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy"

At this Yin narrowed his eyes as did Eiss.

"In need of purpose, direction, you assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far, it is up to you to take the first step" After the headmistress finished her speech she walked off the stage with her cane. Professor Goodwitch took her place in front of the mic "You will gather in the ballroom tonight, tomorrow you initiation begins. Be ready, your dismissed" He announced soon after he followed the headmistress.

After the speech was given they were led into the ballroom where they were going to spend the night, Jeanne still couldn't shake the feeling there was a reason she was sent here, even though she was physically incapable of being a hunter. And she wasn't even given any formal training what so ever, knowing she couldn't figure out the answer she decided to go to sleep.

She opened her bag and started rummaging for her pajamas, she instantly froze when she came in contact with a soft fabric. 'No. no no no no! She couldn't have!' Jeanne thought desperately wishing. She took a deep breath and took the piece of clothing from her backpack closing her eyes in fear, she open her eyes and groaned.

In front of her was a pink, frilly night gown that reached to her knees. When she saw the horrifically girly piece of clothing she immediately stuffed it back in her bag looking around and hoping no one saw. She grabbed her bag and darted the bathroom quickly entering the stall and locking it. She started to rummage her bag in hopes of finding her onsie pajamas but no luck.

Her mind drifted to the memory of the day before she left Beacon.

"But Mom!" Jeanne complained.

"No buts! Look sweetheart let mommy help you, this will be the last time I'll see you in awhile" Her mother sniffed.

"But mom it won't be that long! I'll be back at summer vacation mom" Jeanne said trying to reason with her overly emotional mother. "Dad!" Jeanne exclaimed trying to get help from her father who in turn said "Let your mother do what she wants Jeanne, you know her once she's made up her mind there's no stopping her" Her father said calmly.

Jeanne sighed in defeat. "Okay Mom you can help me pack but-"

She was cut off by her mother who gave her a hug. "I promise you will have everything ready for tomorrow" She said. Jeanne smiled at how caring her mother was "Thanks mom"

"Alright then, Leave it to me! I'll make sure you'll be the most best dressed girl Beacon has ever seen!" Her mother exclaimed before running up the stairs and towards her room followed by the sound of various locks being set in place. At this point Jeanne was silently praying her mother wouldn't go too far as too pack her girly dresses or skirts, or something even more out of her comfort zone!

"Why Mom?" She sobbed.

Knowing she has no choice but to wear these she swallowed her pride and put them on. She grabbed her slippers, her face turned into one of pure horror when she saw the pink bunny slippers. "I think my eyes are hurting from all the pink" She complained rubbing her eyes.

Putting the bunny slippers on, Jeanne didn't have the courage to look in the mirror, she untied her ponytail so that her long blond hair covered her eyes in hopes of concealing her face and left the bathroom hoping to get some sleep and forget about this horrible experience.

She started walking as humanly possible before she heard a whistle.

"Wow, that must be the frilliest nighty I've ever seen" Yin said.

Jeanne blushed in embarrassment and started walking faster to the girls side of the ballroom.

"Wait. Is that Jeanne?" Ruben thought out loud which made Jeanne almost run in embarrassment 'Please let this be over!' She thought desperately. She was too busy walking to fast she didn't notice the person in front of her and bumped into him. Before she could fall the mysterious person caught her "Are you alright?" Jeanne looked up at her savior and gave him a thankful smile.

"Yeah, thanks" Jeanne thanked, she did not want to look him in the eyes, her blush was still ever present in a mixture of embarrassment and frustration, she was supposed to be a huntress! Brave and strong! Not girly and cute!, at least that what she thought.

"You know, you should really look where your going, you might hurt yourself" The stranger said helping her to her feet. "I'll remember that" Jeanne said she tilted her head up to get a glimpse of the kind stranger, the stranger had dark red hair and bright green eyes. Their eyes quickly met and Jeanne's eyes darted to the floor after thanking him once again she quickly ran over to the girls side and laid out her sleeping bag next to a girl with pink eyes who was busy setting up her sleeping bed while a red haired boy with turquiose eyes kept chatting away effectively driving off the other students that were near them who wanted to sleep.

"Wait!" The red haired boy called out wanting to know her name. He sighed in disappointment when he realized she couldn't hear him and was already on the other side of the ballroom. But he had a feeling they would meet each other again very soon. With that reassurance he anxiously waited for tomorrow.

"So Ruben" Yin started giving his brother a knowing look. "Who was that cute girl?" Yin asked with a sly smile.

"Oh no you don't" Ruben glared at his older brother with full knowledge of what he was planning. "Jeanne is the first friend I've made here and I don't want you to hit on her and then things supposedly don't go the way they should be and drive her away" Ruben said.

Yin gasped in shook. "Now why would you think I would ever do that?"

Ruben gave his brother a look that said 'Are you serious?'. "Okay, okay, I won't try to hit on her I promise! But you at least have to introduce me" Yin winked. "Fine, but I swear if you drive her away" Ruben threatened.

"I know, but you know I don't drive them away on purpose right?" Yin said.

"Yeah, I do" Ruben said. "Too be honest they were kind of wonkey" Yin said. "I mean seriously? On the first date and their THAT forward!" Yin exclaimed at the memory of the date gone wrong with one of Ruby's friends at Signal.


"I mean, sure I don't really mind but they could at least be subtle about it, they don't have to be so pushy" Yin ranted, he could still remember that time when Ruben's friend leaned in a little bit too close on their dinner date making the candle fall. On him, and his crotch caught on fire.


"And I don't kiss on-"

"Yin!" I get it. My friends aren't exactly 'normal' and Clary is a bit pushy and forward but she is nice once you get to know her" Ruben said.

"Alright whatever you say bro" Yin said rolling his eyes not believing in his brothers words about Clary one bit. He wasn't one to hate on girls, but getting run over by a hot dog mascot and a kiddie train was a bit too much for the blonde.

"Thank you" Ruben smiled as he continued to write the letter to his friends back at Signal Academy. He would miss his old school, it felt kid of weird not knowing anyone but there were so many opportunities here at Beacon, who knows he might get to make more friends than he originally thought?

Silence followed, then a sound of a match being lit. Ruben glanced at where the sound came from, and saw the same boy from earlier. "That boy. . . "

"You know him?" Yin asked.

"No. Not really he saw what happened this morning and helped me, in a way, but he left before I could even say anything" He explained.

"Well this is your chance to say something then!" Yin said grabbing Ruben by the arm and dragging him over to the boy.

Sitting in the corner of the room was the boy with cat-like eyes, watching them with curiosity and annoyance, they were being to noisy for him to finish his late night reading one of his favorite books about a woman with two souls, but he had to admit these people were interesting, too bad he knew that if they found out who he really was they wouldn't even give him the time of day , he sighed and grabbed the candle next to him and blew it out

"Who turned off the lights?" Ruben asked with a frown, "Don't tell me we have a curfew!" He whined.


Authors Note: Okay. . . . . . Thats it. Welp, thanks for reading and kindly review please, I appreciate constructive reviews. Seriously though, review.