Hey, everyone! As this is my first ever post on Fanfiction, I thought that I would briefly introduce myself. I'm carbonn15, and I am really excited to have people finally read my work! I will be posting primarily PAW Patrol related content; any other info about me will be in my "about" section as soon as I get around to it. Anyways, this story will focus mainly on ChasexSkye, but there are signs of affection from the various other pups scattered throughout (like brotherly love and whatnot) . I have the first several chapter written out in advance (just for planning purposes) , and now that summer's finally here, I will try to post an update every other day. That's enough jibber-jabber from me-enjoy the story!
It was a bright and sunny day in Adventure Bay, and all the pups were outside. Marshall, Rubble, Rocky, and Zuma were playing a game of volleyball, while Chase and Skye were sitting together underneath a tree.
"It's such a beautiful day today," Skye sighed pleasantly.
"Yeah," Chase agreed, "the perfect day to be together." He leaned over to her and nuzzled her cheek. They sat quietly, enjoying each other's company, and watching the other pups play.
As they looked on, they saw Marshall serve the ball, sending it sailing over the net. Zuma leaped up, intending to return the serve, but Rubble, on Zuma's team, was unaware of his plans. As Zuma came back down, Rubble ran right underneath him. Zuma landed on top of Rubble, and he immediately winced as his paw was stuck under Rubble.
From over by his tree, Chase saw Rubble stuck underneath Zuma after he fell on top of him.
"Skye, I should check to see if they're okay!" he told her.
"Oh, Chase, you're such a good friend to them!" Skye replied, smiling. "Always wanting to make sure they're safe. Go on, no need to wait for me!"
Chase gave a nod and turned to run over to the injured pups.
"Whoa! Are you guys okay?" Chase asked with concern.
"Oof, I landed pretty hard on my tummy, and it really hurts!" Rubble whined.
"Well how do you think my paw feels being stuck underneath that big tummy of yours?" Zuma remarked.
"Rocky, you go tell Ryder what happened. I'm gonna go get my medical gear," Marshall instructed.
"I can watch over them until you and Ryder get back," Chase offered.
"Thanks, Chase. Be right back." Amd with that, Marshall bounded off to his ambulance.
That left Rubble, Zuma, and Chase.
"So what exactly happened?" Chase inquired.
"Well, Mawshall hit the ball and I was twying to jump up and hit it back, but Wubble got in the way and I fell on him," Zuma told him.
"I didn't know you were going to jump for the ball, so I ran over in case you couldn't hit it," Rubble said.
"Rubble, if you would've stayed on your side of the court, you wouldn't have been in Zuma's way. And Zuma, you should've communicated to him that you had the ball, so he could've backed away. That's why games have rules, to make sure that no one gets hurt." Chase explained.
"Thanks for the lesson, dude, but we're still huwt over hewe." Zuma huffed.
"Yeah, why do you have to tell us what we did wrong? It didn't make me feel any better," Rubble agreed.
"I told you what you did wrong so it doesn't happen again, so you don't get hurt again," Chase tried to justify.
"Did someone say hurt?"
EMT Marshall suddenly rushed over with his medical pup pack.
"Arf! X-ray screen!"
His pup pack opened up and the screen popped out in front of him. He assessed Rubble first.
"Hmm, seems like you look fine. No injuries to report," he said as he passed the screen across his belly.
"Heh heh, must've been the extra big breakfast I had this morning. It was like a big pillow!" Rubble chuckled.
"If it still hurts later, you should take it easy and rest up for a while," Marshall stated. "Ok, now we can see how your paw looks, Zuma."
Zuma stuck his paw out and Marshall scanned it.
"Well, Rubble's big belly squished your paw and sprained it, so we'll need to wrap that up. Arf! Bandages!"
A roll of bandages popped out from his pup pack and he grabbed it with his mouth. After a few minutes, Marshall had Zuma's paw all wrapped up.
"Try not to use it too much, and get plenty of rest," Marshall told him.
"Thanks, dude," Zuma smiled.
"You should probably have someone help you get inside," Marshall suggested to him. "Chase, wanna lend a paw?"
"Sure, Marshall," he answered.
Rubble walked and Zuma hobbled over to the Lookout, with Chase offering a shoulder for Zuma to lean on. As they were entering, Rocky walked out with Ryder.
"Hey, Zuma. Hey, Rubble. Rocky told me you guys had an accident playing volleyball. What happened?" Ryder inquired.
"Well, sir," Chase started, "Zuma and Rubble weren't communicating properly, and Rubble didn't stay on his half of the court, so they collided and Zuma landed on top of Rubble."
"Hey, dude, accidents happen. Even when you're following the rules!" Zuma retorted.
"Chase, Zuma's right. Just because someone gets hurt doesn't mean that they aren't listening to the rules," Ryder explained.
"But Ryder, sir, I saw it happen. There was an apparent lack of rule-following."
"Give it a west (rest), dude. Me and Rubble just need some chill time," Zuma said plainly.
"Chase, I need to look after them, so in the meantime, try to find something else to do," Ryder said, slightly irritated.
"Yes, sir," Chase responded in a defeated tone.
He walked back to the tree to rejoin Skye, but saw a displeased look on her face.
"Skye, what's wrong?" he questioned.
"I didn't like the way you bossed the other pups around," she said.
"I wasn't bossy," he immediately denied, "I was trying to teach them the right way to play."
"There is no right way to play, as long as everyone has fun," she stated.
"Even if they get hurt because of it?" Chase retorted sarcastically.
Skye paused for a moment, then said, "Do you even care about what I'm saying?"
"Rules are there so-." He was abruptly cut off by Skye.
"You are so bossy, not caring about me and the other pups," she spat. "Can you stop for one measly second and just think about something besides yourself?"
"But, Skye, I-I, I-I,"
"NO! You can't! And until you can, we're through!" Skye exploded.
"Wait...what?" Chase asked suddenly, remorse and sadness on his face.
"You heard me, mister! We-Are-Through." She turned her back on him and walked away, tail up.
Chase was left alone, by himself, wondering what just happened. He dropped his ears and began to whimper.
"But...I do care about them."
He didn't know what to feel...anger, sadness, hate, rejection. Right now, though, all he could do was cry.