So, it's been a long time since I worked on this fic. This is not proof that I am returning to focusing on my stories as it is really hard to find time or inspiration for me. Basically, from now I am just working on these fics when I feel like it so don't expect many updates.
Anyways I did make a couple changes to my original outline. One person had suggested I use both Eris and Hestia which I had strongly considered and even now struggle with the idea. However, a recent fic I read actually inspired me to go another route then anything I ever planned.
Furthermore, I was inspired by The Dragon Who Lived fanfic to write an opening sequence with a theme song so I will be adding that theme song to each chapter as well and there will be hints to Harry and Alex's parents in it
The Theme song is: This Will be the Day from RWBY season 1. You can easily look it up or lyric videos of the song on Youtube
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter, Percy Jackson or any other fandom that will be seen in this story. I will not outright say what other elements are in here because it would ruin the surprise. Furthermore, I do not own the theme song This Will Be the Day which is by Jeff Williams and Rooster Teeth.
Special Shout outs: 917brat who has been helping me make decisions throughout this chapter and acting as a sound board and DatOneAutisticGamer who inspired the idea of a theme song and encouraged me to use this theme sequence even though I wasn't sure about some parts
Theme song: This Will Be the Day from RWBY
They see you as small and helpless
(Image of a young Harry standing alone in a dark and purple background while Alex and others form a circle with their backs towards him)
They see you as just a child
(Dumbledore training Alex, lens turn to show an Image of Harry holding Riddle's diary with phantom Riddle with glowing red eyes behind him)
Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild
(Young Harry shifts into older Harry with a bronze staff that is taller thsn him, facing against a horde of Greek monsters)
Prepare for your greatest moment
(Harry attacks the monsters with his staff in a series of whirls and twirks.)
Prepare for finest hour
(Harry waves his staff in a wide swipe causing a wave of ice to appear incasing some of the monsters while others dodge and continue charging at Harry who sends a spell of condensed air at a hellhound shaped shadow)
The dream that you always dreamed is suddenly about to flower
(Percy with Riptide, Annabeth with her daggers, Ron with a spear and Hermione with a double sided celestial bronze battle ax appear behind Harry)
We are lightning
(The Olympians gathered in their throne room, a nervous Hestia watching everything in an image of the hearth)
Straying from the thunder
(Harry and the group attack the monsters again with Harry sending various colored spells at the monstrous shadows and hitting any that come close to him with his staff)
Miracles of ancient wonder
(The shadows fade away to and Harry finds himself on Thalia's hill looking down at the greek styled buildings of camp Half Blood with Chiron, Alex Hermione and Ron next to him)
This will be the day we've waited for
(Harry and Percy are battling at the creek with their staff and sword)
This will be the day we open up the doors
(Harry and Alex are battling each other with Alex wielding a large sword with various runes glowing on the blade)
I don't want to hear your absolution
(Scene returns to battling monsters with Luke appearing above a swarm of monsters with a golden eyed shadow looking down from behind him)
Hope you're ready for a revolution
(The monsters attack the group who begin to fight back)
Welcome to a world of new solutions
(The ground falls away causing Harry to fall through a dark void when Alex appears falling and they clasp hands)
Welcome to a world of bloody evolution
(Harry appears in Hades sitting room with Alex, Percy, Grover and Annabeth while Hades sits on his throne with Hecate to the side)
In Time, your hope will open minds
(Hades holds out his hand causing shadows covering Harry and the group)
A story will be told
(The group appears on Olympus with the Master bolt in Percy's hand)
And victory is in a simple soul
(Harry finds himself being hugged by Hestia and smiles while Alex walks away in anger)
Your world needs a great defender, your worlds in the way of harm
(Olympus disappears and is replaced by Hogwarts)
You want a romantic life, A fairytale that's full of charm
(Harry is conjuring illusions of butterflies that cover everything)
Beware that the Light is fading
(The image of the Hogwarts staff sitting in the Great Hall)
beware as the dark returns
(Staff fade out to reveal Quirrell who hunches over in pain while red, snake eyes hangs over him)
This World is unforgiving
(Harry faces off against Quirell whose turban is removed to reveal Voldemort's face)
Even brilliant lights will cease to burn
(Voldemort hits Harry with a spell)
Legends Scatter
(Harry disappears like a hologram only for him to fire a spell at Voldemort from behind, who casts a shield to defend himself)
Day and night will sever
(Alex and Harry standing back to back while walking away)
Hope and peace are lost forever
(Harry and Voldemort continue battling with Harry shooting various types of spells at Voldemort)
(Only music no lyrics)
(Voldemort blocks it before sending a red curse causing Harry to kneel in pain)
This will be the day we waited for
(James with the shadow of a horned person behind him)
We are Lightning
(Harry breaks out of the spell sending a wave of ice towards Quirellmort)
Welcome to a world of new solutions
(Harry grabs and begins firing spells at Quirellmort only for a flash of light to cover them)
This will be the day we waited for
(Image of a shadow holding a spear and having one glowing eye)
This will be the day we open up the door
(Image of Ron with a spear in hand and the shadow of a woman wearing a helmet and wielding a spear with a blue background)
I don't wanna hear your absolution
(Image of Hermione wielding a large two sided axe with the shadow of a man wielding a large sword with a red background)
Hope you're ready for a revolution
(Hecate looking down at Harry and Alex)
Welcome to a world of bloody evolution
(Image of the Morai sitting at their fruit stand with glowing green thread being knitted into a scarf)
In time your heart will open minds
(Harry sitting in the Slytherin common room with various other Slytherins)
A story will be told
(Alex sitting in Gryffindor with various students around him but looking sad)
And victory is in a simple soul
(Harry and Alex standing on a cliff turn young and look at a grave stone with Lily Potter's name on it)
For Sybil Crawley, the first day of a new school year was always hectic. Not only did she have to organize various lessons and activities, but she also had to deal with a large group of children with various personalities interacting with each other. Despite this, Sybil absolutely loved her job. She loved meeting new children, she loved the chance to help shape them into their own people, even if they were only five at the time, and she loved the chance to make up for the years she missed with her own children because of Him.
'No,' she interrupted herself, realizing the dark direction her thoughts were going. 'I will not dwell on ancient history. The children deserve better.' Despite this, Sybil's mind couldn't help but picture the children she never got to raise.
Sybil's thoughts were interrupted when sensed three powerful presences enter the school building.
'What could that be?' She thought to herself. "I haven't a presence like that since…"
However, Sybil's thoughts were interrupted when the door opened to reveal the first group of parents and children arrived.
As Harry watched his father and Mrs. Weasley leave the classroom he felt as if his stomach was twisting in knots. While Harry was excited at the chance of making friends, he didn't really know what to do.
"Hey Harry let's go play with the toy cars." Alex said pointing towards a group of boys who had a bucket of toy cars near them.
Harry couldn't help but make a face at the idea. Unlike his brother, Harry really didn't really like toy cars or motorcycles, much to his Uncle Siri's disappointment. Harry much prefer getting stuff animals who he could pretend were his friends. However, Harry hated disappointing people and Alex already hated the idea of coming to school.
'Maybe some of the boys will be my friends.' Harry thought to himself as his brother grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the toy cars, Ron following behind them.
As the three wizards approached the toy cars, they were immediately met with stares from the other children. Harry, not used to being the centered of attention, that was more Alex's thing, could feel a lump form in his throat and subconsciously hid behind his brother.
"Hi I'm Alex," Alex introduced himself to a boy with brown hair and eyes. "Can we play?"
"Sure," the boy said passing a red car to Alex. "I'm Darren"
"I'm Ron."
"I-I'm Harry." Harry said, his stomach feeling slightly better and grabbing a green car from the pile of toys, only to drop when the boy's face flashed with fear.
"Nice to meet you." Darren said bravely, acting as if nothing was wrong.
After playing with the cars for several moments, Harry began to notice that he was playing by himself. Looking up, Harry found the other boys were all busy talking to Alex and occasionally Ron.
'Of course,' Harry thought to himself with a snort, remembering the looks of fear he got. 'Even when he's not a hero everyone wants to be his friends, but not with his freaky little brother.'
Harry's thoughts were soon interrupted as a familiar rush filled his senses.
"Ah!" Darren shouted as his hair went from a normal brown to a puke green color, causing Alex and others to start laughing.
"I'm so sorry," Harry apologized before he could stop himself, feeling terrible for what he did and trying not to smile.
"YOU DID THIS!" Darren shouted, pointing his finger at Harry and glaring at the boy.
"Hey, Harry didn't do anything!" Alex had shouted in defense of his twin brother.
"You heard him admit he did this!"
"Enough!" Mrs. Crawley interrupted coming over to where a fight was clearly brewing and seeing what happened. "Now can someone please tell me, without yelling, what happened?"
"That Freak turned my hair blue!" Darren continued pointing his fingers at Harry.
"Never call someone that name." Mrs Crawley scolded with a glare.
"I'm sorry," Harry pleaded, tears forming in his eyes "I swear it was an accident."
As Mrs. Crawley looked at the two before sighing.
"Well Harry, what you did was wrong," Mrs. Crawley said. "However, since you admitted you did and it was an accident I am going to let you off with a warning."
"But-" Darren tried to interrupt.
"Now class is about to begin so why don't you boys go grab a table." Mrs. Crawley ordered.
"Fine." Darren pouted before glaring at Harry and walking over to a table.
"Come on Harry you can sit with us." Alex said grabbing Harry's hand and walking over to another table.
Throughout the rest of the day, Harry found himself constantly feeling guilty and alone. While Alex was sitting next to him class, he was also constantly talking with various kids while Harry sat in the background.
"Okay children, put your crayons down." Mrs. Crawley called as Harry finished the color by numbers that they were given. "Now, I'm going to call out your names. When I do please line up in front of the door and when everyone is done I will lead you to the cafeteria for lunch. After lunch, we'll go outside for recess."
As the children lined up for lunch and made their way through the school, Harry couldn't help but look around. The school was weird and kind of creepy. It had large, brown lockers against most of the wall and the other walls had white painted cylinder block, although Harry thought they were large bricks. While there were bulletin boards with various cut outs and pictures they did nothing to relieve the blandness which was only made worse by the lights on the ceiling.
'This is nothing like I thought it would be.' Harry thought to himself in annoyance, hating how bland and white everything looked.
"Hey Alex, Ron." A boy who was sitting at their table said. "Do you two want to eat with me and my friends at lunch?"
"Sure." Alex said happily to the boy.
"Yeah." Ron said.
'Guess I will be sitting by myself.' Harry thought to himself, not wanting to barge in to his brother's conversation.
Arriving at the cafeteria, Harry was surprised by how different it was. His father had always told Alex and him stories about Hogwarts and the Great Hall with the five, long, wooden tables, including the table for teachers. However, the muggle cafeteria was completely different with many round tables with attached, blue, round seats all crowded too close to each other. Each table was crowded with kids around his age with some adults sitting at the tables as well.
Looking around, Harry eventually found a table with some girls from his class sitting with each other.
'Well, if the boys don't like me, maybe the girls will be my friend.' Harry thought to himself as he walked over to the table.
"Ex-excuse me." Harry said as he stood next to the table, causing the girls to turn and look at him. "Can I sit with you?"
"Uh, sorry, we're full." A girl answered despite Harry clearly seeing some of their coats draped on empty chairs.
"Oh, ok." Harry said, trying not to show his disappointment as he walked away.
"Why did you tell him there was no room?" Harry heard another girl from the table ask, clearly thinking he couldn't hear them. "I could have moved my coat?"
"He was weird." Her friend answered.
"And a boy" another chimed in.
"He's also a jinx," another girl answered. "He turned a boy's hair blue."
Harry couldn't hear the rest of the conversation as he continued walking away, only to watch as kids would put their bags on the empty seats when they saw him come near.
'How could word spread so fast?' Harry thought to himself as he finally gave up and sat at an empty table. 'I guess no matter what world I will always be an outcast.' As Harry thought about this he did not notice the pair of eyes watching him with an expression of sadness.
When Alex Potter had first learned that they were attending muggle school he had thought it was stupid. Why would he want to give up his freedom to watch tv, play with Ron or Harry, or whatever else he wanted to do at the time? Another part of Alex had been nervous to go to muggle school because his father had ordered him and Harry not to mention anything like Voldemort, magic or his fame. In other words, Alex had to pretend he was normal and he did not know how to feel about that.
A part of him was glad, while the attention he got was nice most of the time it did get tiring, especially when dealing with people who made him feel nauseous or made his hair stand up. But a bigger part of him was afraid that no one would want to be his friend if they didn't know the truth about him. However, when Alex had arrived, he soon learned he was scared for no reason. Despite people not knowing he was the Boy Who Lived, people still liked him and now he and Ron were making plans with a group of kids what to do outside.
Yet, as Alex sat with a group of kids he made friends with, his mind began to wander to his brother. Growing up, Harry had always been a great person, he was nice, helpful, kind, supportive, smart and always treated a person equally, whether they were a house elf or the Boy Who Lived. In fact, it drove Alex insane at just how wonderful his brother was. But for some reason, everyone outside of his father and uncles always seemed to ignore Harry or be frightened of him for some strange reason.
Alex knew that he could never stay upset with Harry. Whenever Harry felt sad or lonely it would affect Alex in a way that he couldn't describe. It was almost like he could feel what his brother felt and the loneliness and sadness Harry would often experience as people ignored him or were frightened by him, Alex could almost feel a crushing weight pushing him down and as his heart felt like it was being clenched by a fist that periodically tightens its grip before loosening up, but never going away.
School, despite Alex's reluctance to attend, had been a chance for Harry to make some friends of his own.
'And it was all ruined because that jerk Darren.' Alex thought glaring at said boy who had been moved further down the table. 'If he had only been able to take a joke then Harry would have made some friends by now.'
"Alex, oy Alex." Ron said shaking Alex's shoulder and interrupting the boy from his thoughts.
"Huh, what is it Ron?" Alex asked.
"We were just talking about playing tag outside." Ron said.
"Tag, really?" Alex said scrunching his nose in distaste, he hated playing tag.
"You don't like tag?" A boy sitting with them asked.
"Not really," Alex said before getting an idea. "Hey I know what we can do."
"What?" The others asked all excited to hear what Alex was planning.
It was a beautiful day outside when the kids were allowed outside for recess and Harry had been excited when he saw the play structure for kids to play on. The play structure looked huge to a five year old Harry, it had slides, places to climb, monkey bars and swings all attach to it, there was even these weird polls that looked like noodles that Harry could see older kids sliding down.
"Harry!" Alex called out causing Harry to turn away from the play structure.
"Yeah Alex?" Harry answered his brother.
"We were about to go play hide and seek," Alex said pointing to the group of kids he was playing with. "Do you want to play?"
Harry looked over at the group and noticed that the majority of them did not look too pleased at the idea of him playing with them. If there wasn't a look of anger in their faces like Darren and his friends, there was a look uncomfortableness that Harry was used to from many adults who actually tried to talk to him.
"I don't know Alex," Harry said. "Besides you know I don't like hide and seek."
'I don't want to ruin other people's fun.' Harry silently thought to himself as he noticed some of the kids relaxed at his words.
"Are you sure?" Alex asked sounding oblivious to his brother's dilemma.
"Yeah, have fun though." Harry said with a false smile.
"Ok." Alex said before leaving Harry to play with the rest of the group.
It was a beautiful day outside when the kids were allowed outside for recess and Harry had been excited when he saw the play structure for kids to play on. The play structure looked huge to a five year old Harry, it had slides, places to climb, monkey bars and swings all attach to it, there was even these weird polls that looked like noodles that Harry could see older kids sliding down.
"Harry!" Alex called out causing Harry to turn away from the play structure.
"Yeah Alex?" Harry answered his brother.
"We were about to go play hide and seek," Alex said pointing to the group of kids he was playing with. "Do you want to play?"
Harry looked over at the group and noticed that the majority of them did not look too pleased at the idea of him playing with them. If there wasn't a look of anger in their faces like Darren and his friends, there was a look uncomfortableness that Harry was used to from many adults who actually tried to talk to him.
"I don't know Alex," Harry said. "They don't really look like they want to play with me."
"Oh, come on Harry, please." Like that Alex started giving Harry his puppy dog eyes and pout.
"Fine." Harry said with a sigh as he felt his defense crumble.
"Great, let's go." Alex said grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the group.
As Ron Weasley waited for Alex to get Harry, his mind couldn't help but go over what his friend had suggested. There were so many things that could easily go wrong with the plan that it was ridiculous.
'Still I can't blame him for wanting to protect his brother.' Ron thought to himself as he imagined if his sister had been in the same situation. However, thinking about it made pissed Ron off, knowing that his mother would never had let Ginny in this situation.
In many ways, Ron could sympathize with Harry. Being the youngest boy in the Weasley family had often led to Ron feeling overshadowed by his siblings and over looked with his mum. After all, Bill and Charlie were at Hogwarts and doing well, Percy was almost perfect in their mother's eyes and never really got in trouble, the twins were constantly causing trouble but were brilliant jokesters, and Ginny was the little girl his mother always wanted. Whenever Ron needed help with something, he was often told to wait but his mother would then forget due to always being busy. Even being friends with Alex had people looking over him in order to please Alex, even his mother.
However, Ron didn't really know what to do about it. Sure he hung out with Harry but it was only ever when Alex was around. The boy was so quiet that Ron really didn't know how to interact with him or what they might have in common. Furthermore, there was this strange aura around. Where Alex always felt like a warm fire after playing out in the snow, safe, comfortable, almost like home, Harry was different. Ron didn't know how to describe it, a part of Harry felt as cold as Alex felt warmth and instead of a sense of safety, Harry made Ron feel scared as if something terrible was going to happen. Growing up as Alex's best friend, Ron had learned that this wasn't true but there was still this sense that couldn't be shaken.
"So, Ron agreed to be it." Alex had said breaking Ron from his thoughts.
"Uh Alex," Harry said. "Shouldn't you ask him first?"
"It's ok," Ron said with a shrug. "I actually like being it."
That was a lie, Ron hated being it. However, for this plan to be successful, it would be useful for him to be it because it would give Alex the time to confront Darren.
'Hopefully Alex will remember to use the bag thing that our chips came in.' Ron thought to himself, knowing the problems the boys would have if they touched it directly.
"Anyways let's get started." Ron said covering his eyes. "One, two, three…"
As Ron counted everyone began to run with Alex moving to the small amount of woods to find a plant the teachers had warned them about before lunch, never noticing two pairs of eyes that was keeping a close watch on him.
As Ron began his counting, Alex began to make his way cautiously towards a chained link fece by the woods that was in the back of the playground. Before the children were let out of lunch they were warned not to go over to this particular area because there was a patch of poison ivy growing over there and it would make them itchy. While the fence blocked the children from entering the forest, the poison ivy was still close enough to the fence that the teachers didn't want to risk students going too close to it.
'Ok, now where could it be?' Alex thought to himself as he tried to remember what the plant looked like from the time he and Ron accidentally got into it when he was over at the Burrow.
It didn't take Alex long to find a plant that he thought looked like it might be poison ivy just past the fence. However, it was too far for Alex to reach.
'Guess I need to climb.' Alex thought to himself grasping at the metal fence.
"Come on." Alex grunted as he tried to squeeze his foot in the fence's small holes.
"Alexander Potter get away from that fence this instant?" A voice called out causing Alex jump back from the fence, only for the tip of his sneakers to get caught in the fence and tripping him over.
"Ow." Alex groaned as he rubbed his sore butt, only to look up when a large shadow covered him.
The source of the shadow belonged to a very angry looking Mrs. Crawley, whose glare was surprisingly similar to Alex's brother.
"Um, hi Mrs. Crawley." Alex said trying to put on his most "innocent smile", only for the teacher's eyes to narrow further. Before Alex realized what was happening, the teacher had grabbed his wrist and was pulling him over to a bench where other teachers were sitting.
Well there is the first day of school. I know this chapter isn't the most exciting but it does help lay a lot of ground work when it comes to characterization. The next chapter will have a small time skip, basically Halloween, before I move on a few years later (although how many still depends on how the story goes