Sasaki couldn't figure out what it was that caught his attention on the slightly overweight young girl Saiko. Was it her long blue soft hair? Her beautiful smile which she only showed when near food or video games. Or her slightly evil smirk she got when she teased others and skipped out on work? Maybe it was her hidden power. She's barely showed it, But he can tells it's there. If she wasn't so lazy he could teach her how to control and master it. She might be able to stand right beside him in battle. The only person besides Arima who would be worthy in his opinion... No it's not her power which he's interested in, Though it does make her worth more to him.

It has to be her soft plump body. With her wide curves and D cup breasts. She looks good enough to eat. If he got the chance he would eat her up, Though he's not sure if he means that literally or figuratively. Either way she would be delicious. He would saver her, And lick ever inch of her body. Memorizing the taste, Burning the imagine of her laying beneath him being eaten up into his mind. His lust for her be it blood lust or sexual. Is so much stronger then any he has had before. The mare thought of her naked body is enough to excited him into a shaking mess.

He wasn't sure how much longer he would be able to listen to Him and stay away from her. He's about had enough, He will reveal his true self and take what he wants...


This is the state of mind that Urie found Sasaki in. Urie's face twisted in disgust at his superior. "Your a sick fuck you know that." He stated spitting the words between clenched teeth. He knew he couldn't beat Sasaski in a fight, The sparing match that they had a few days back was proof of that, At least that's what Sasaki called beating him up and stabbing him through the chest a few times with his Kagune. The sick bastard was giving him a warning not to interfere with him and Saiko.

"Sticks and stones." Sasaki said with a easy smile on his face, As he walked up to Urie. He then leaned in and whispered only loud enough for the Quinx to hear him. "Is what I will use to break your bones." His tone being cold as ice. His eyes locked onto Urie's gave nothing away of what he was thinking. He then patted the terrified Urie on the shoulder and walked past him. "Just joking." He called over his shoulder in a light tone. Which only made Urie flinch.

He may had said he was joking but Urie's no fool he knew the older Investigator was anything but kidding around with that threat. He's tempted to run to Sasaki's higher up and get them to do something about the crazy half Ghoul. But recently Arima and Sasaki have been getting along and going out eating launch together. Arima's the strongest and smartest Ghoul Investigator in the CCG there's no way he hasn't realized that Haise Sasaki is no longer with them and instead has reverted back to Ken Kaneki the one-eye Ghoul.

With the CCG Reaper against him, He knows whatever he tells the higher ups he will only be ignored...


Tsukiyama stared long and hard at the half Ghoul calmly sipping tea right across from him. The very same half Ghoul who he has believed to be dead all this time... "Your tea's getting cold." Kaneki observed with his tea cup raised. And a small knowing smile on his face. That face... It's the same as that day, The only difference is the eyes and hair.. They hold something unlike the Kaneki he once knew. His eyes are colder and unwavering. And his hair it's... Red.

"O-oh yes your right." He finally managed to get out, He still can't believe his eyes. His most treasured person is really back. He reached for the cold tea on the little table, The only they between him and Kaneki. But before his hand could grasp onto the little glass cup. The cup was picked up and replaced by a new hot version of the tea. His eyes turned to the person who changed his tea for him only to find Kanae smiling at him. "Thank you." He said as he watched Kanae walk away leaving them in private.

"You have a good friend Tsukiyama." Kaneki said suddenly. Tsukiyama's eyes snapped to his and he could only see the same cold darkness behind them. But the smile on Kaneki's face showed that he was happy for him. Kaneki has always looked out for others, And enjoyed when they found happiness. Even if it was only little pieces of it.

"I do... Kaneki how are you alive?" He dared to ask. As he said this the smile on Kaneki's face fell and the room suddenly got a lot chillier. Kaneki sat his empty glass tea cup down with a little clink. And sighed a little. Before meeting his eyes.

"Let's save that for another time." Kaneki finally said after some odd minutes of just staring at him unblinking. Before his eyes moved away from him and started scanning the full bookshelf across the room. "Ah you've gained some new books since I've been gone." He said happily.

In that moment Tsukiyama knew the man sitting across from him is not Kaneki... At least not his Kaneki. The man is a lot more dangerous. But if that's as close as he's ever going to come to getting close to Kaneki again then Tsukiyama will follow him to the ends of the earth, He won't lose this person whoever it may be...


Urie's smart but he's not quite right about him. He believes that Kaneki the one-eye Ghouls returned.. Which is not the case, No the real person named Ken Kaneki has returned that's all. The him before he met Hide and pretended to be someone better, Someone kinder and weaker. The him who can do anything, has finally returned. Akaneki. He has a few goals in mind. But he knows he must fulfill a promise to Yoshimura first.

Even if he doesn't wish to save a shitty person such as Eto. He made a promise and before he can truly cast aside all his other selves he must keep his promise. As big as a pain as that is. But at the moment he decided not to think about that. Instead he wished to give his full attention to the Otaku currently staring at him in awe.

"Wow you dyed your hair Maman." She exclaimed excited and bewildered. Looking him up and down, If he was a lesser man he would attack her and have his way with her right now with the way she's looking at him. Lightly biting her lip, Chest raising and falling faster then normal from arousal. Hands held behind her back in a nervous habit. Socked toes playing with each other. Maybe he should take her right now?

"Yes I did, do you like it?" Akaneki asked curiously and politely. His tone having a softness to it he only uses with her. He feels he owes her that much respect with the way he's undressing and ravaging her with his eyes. He makes sure to keep on the same smile that her Maman would have.

"Yup! It's really cool." She stated happy to see her Maman again. He's been acting so different and scary lately it's good to finally see him acting like himself. Her Maman has returned...

At hearing her sweet voice Akaneki reached out and grabbed her arm. "I knew it I can't hold back any longer." He breathed out, The pure joy in her eyes as she talked with her Maman combined with her sweet joyous tone was enough to break his self control. It was already very thin, But that spark in her was to much for his little will to hold back...


There I left you guys with a cliffhanger XD I liked this chapter more then the others but I still don't like it.

Oh and if any of you have a interest in Role playing with me, Just PM asking for the link and I'll send it to you. (If you choose not to Role play that's fine as well.)

And last thing. This has not been Beta'ed. So I will be having it Bet'ed whenever I get the chance. Please review and follow. Your reviews truly are the only reason I have made any new chapters for this.