This is the final chapter. It has fluffiness in it.

Shawn's POV

I still don't see how my niece was able to rope me into figuring out what was wrong with Maya, but here I am. I was talking with Maya for an hour or two when she fell asleep. So, I just sat in the visitor chair, reading. The t.v. was on in the background.

What am I going to do? I thought to myself. I can't just ask her what's wrong, she would never admit anything. Besides, she was trapped in a subway car for three and a half hours, what do you expect? Maya's not going to be the most chipper person for a while.

"Shawn?" I heard Maya waking up. "I'm right here kiddo." I said, gently putting my hand on her shoulder. She blinked and rubbed her eyes, which was probably hard with only one free hand.

"What time is it?" she asked, looking at me. Her eyes showed that she was trying to hide that something was bothering her, but I was just glad that she wasn't staring at her lap anymore.

"4:30." I said. "So, kiddo. What's been bothering you?" It just came out, I swear it just came out. Why would I just ask her that directly? I'm horrible at trying to get information out of people. Why of all people would Riley ask me to get Maya to talk about her feelings? That kid has no logic.

"I'm scared." she said softly. Wait, that worked? That actually got her to talk? Who knew. Maya was looking at me with the saddest eyes I have every seen in my life.

"What are you scared about?" I asked. Hey, if blunt questions worked the first time, why not try again? "I thought I was over something, I thought I had moved on, but now, I don't feel like me anymore. I don't like it. I'm scared that things won't go back to normal. For once I would like a normal moment in my life." she said. I never thought about it that way.

"Listen, it's gonna take sometime for you to be back to your old self. I'm sorry, it just takes time. But Maya, I promise you it will go back to normal. Well, normal for a girl that's best friend's father is her history teacher." I said. That last part made her laugh a little.

"Listen, in a few weeks you'll be out of your casts, and you'll be back at school. Don't you have art this semester?" I know how much she loves art.

"Yeah, that's the only class I get a good grade in. Funny thing, I'm right handed, but I draw with my left. Which is broken. Aww, damn it!" I had no response for that. Well I did stare at her in compete shock.

"What?" she was completely oblivious to the fact that she had cussed in front of me. Then her eyes grew wide. "Oh, shit!" She said, a second later putting her hand over her mouth. Then we laughed till dinner time.

A month later.

Farkle's POV

Riley, Maya, Lucas, and I were watching a movie at Riley's house. Riley's cast was off, and so were Maya's. She was acting more like herself, but she still didn't like mentioning the accident.

Lucas and Riley were lying down on the ground, in front of the tv. Maya and I were on the couch, sending texts to each other because we had seen this movie already. We saw it on our fourth date. We would just whisper, but Riley would yell at us to be quiet.

Near the last twenty minutes of the movie, Maya had fallen asleep. Thank God Riley didn't see, 'cause if she did she would have gotten her camera. Maya's head was on my shoulder, and my arm was around her.

When the movie ended, Riley and Lucas got up. I motioned for them to be quiet, and Riley ripped out her phone to take a picture. I tried to stop her, but I couldn't with out moving and, more importantly, wake my girlfriend. Thankfully, Lucas grabbed the phone out of her hands. She would have fought for it, but then Maya's phone, which was on her lap, buzzed softly. I picked up, and saw that Shawn had texted her. He was here to pick her up, but he didn't want to interrupt the movie by buzzing in. I told Riley, and she let him up as quietly as possible. Thankfully, Maya's a heavy sleeper. Shawn came and when he saw Maya, he couldn't help but grin.

Shawn's POV

Maya is so adorable with Farkle. If I ever said that to her face she would literally rip my head off my body. I was here to pick her up because Katy said she was running late. I walked over to her and gently carried her to my car.

At Maya's apartment, I tucked her into her bed. That girl can actually sleep through a New York traffic jam. She seemed so kind and innocent when she was asleep. 'Seemed' being the key word. I smiled, and turned of the lamp that was on her desk.

"Sweet dreams, kiddo." I whispered, and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. Then I headed out.

And that's the end! This was a short story, but it is my first full story!. Thank you so much for all the kind support! I will make other stories, but for now, I'll have to say see you later. If you want to request a story, please do!. :-)