Hi there, I bet you all thought I forgot about this story, well, it's been sitting on my desktop ever since I posted the first chapter … actually I had to make a few modifications and … I was waiting for something that seems to be … delayed. In any news, I plan to get back onto this story and my other unfinished one in order to overcome my major writers block and hopefully be able to decide what to do with my main story.

Rorscarch: I'm just sorry it took me so long to update.

gamelover41592: Um … I … don't … actually understand the context for you statement … but she is still alive.

H. Mae: Too late, I already did.

frazerd96: I do have ideas but … I'm just not sure about anything at this point.

ThunderBlue2100: Thank you.

Ratchet9Cooper: Erick is still my favorite OC that I have so don't worry … just don't tell my other OC that has a part almost as big as his.

Disclaimer: Phineas and Ferb characters belong to Dan Povenmire and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh.

Erick and story belongs to me

Beta read by Sabrina06

(Erick's POV)

I was running as fast as I could, knowing that it wouldn't be long before the Fireside Girls caught came upon my trail. "I'm going to have to lose them if I want to make it to Phineas." I began to asses my situation, Maple Drive was on the far side of town and I was currently downtown, which put me at a disadvantage but thankfully, I brought my backpack that had my parkour gear in it. I slowed my pace somewhat and pulled out my sash and put my wallet, and cell phone, in it then slipped some grip gloves on. I was already wearing padded sneakers, seeing as I originally had planned to parkour today, but I wasn't expecting to be running from the Fireside Girls.

Once I was ready, I quickly made my way to the nearest alley and pressed myself against a wall. It wasn't the most ideal place, seeing as there were only two exits; but I needed a place to hide while I planed my route. I made my way to the opposite side of the alley thinking that it was probably a good idea to take the back alleys but as I reached the other end of the alley, I peaked around the corner and saw Milly and Holly, making their way closer. Hoping they didn't see me, I ran back into the alley and hid on the far side of a dumpster. After a moment, they did enter the alley but thankfully, they didn't see me and just kept running.

"All right." I said to myself. "It would be stupid, in every way, to take a direct route, and they probably expect me to take a side route … thankfully there are a lot of them; so they can't cover them all, but as soon as one sees me they'll all start swarming."

I made my way back to the mouth of the alley and checked once more to make sure that there weren't any more Fireside Girls following Milly and Holly. Once I made sure the coast was clear, I ran. I remembered a nice route that was difficult to traverse, but wouldn't be much of a walking route, so even if they did see me, then I would be able to outrun them. I ran to a small abandoned building, jumped on top of some crates, then climbed on top of the building. From there I climbed up a slightly larger nearby building, and then jumped a small gap to a shorter building. A few more twists and turns and I was half way through downtown. From there I had two options; I could either take the upper route, which would be slower but would be more concealed, or I could cut through a small plaza. I decided that time was of the essence seeing as the Fireside Girls could all ready be on my trail; and a group would have less trouble in the elevated portion then one man would. The plaza however turned out to be my undoing, seeing as before I was even half way through, Adyson saw me and immediately called the others.

I ran as fast as I could, but as I passed a turn I saw another Fireside Girl coming directly at me. I turned around quickly and took the turn which would be out of my way, but with Adyson preventing me from heading the way I came, I didn't have many options. I ran down the path only to find a fence blocking my way. "Oh, come on." I said as I turned on my heels, only to see Ginger standing at the entrance laughing.

"Looks like this is the end of the line, Erick." She said with a smile. "Make this easy on yourself and hand over the letter."

"How about not?" I asked as I took a few steps back. I turned around and immediately climbed the fence and started running again, only to stop when I saw Isabella.

"Nowhere to run now, Erick." She said as she crossed her arms. "Now make this easy on everyone and hand over that letter."

"How would that make things easy?" I asked. "From what I've heard, this letter was written so you could easily confess your feelings to Phineas."

"I had second thoughts." She said with a leer. "Now hand it over."

"I think I'll pass." I looked up and saw that one of the buildings next to me was only two stories, I quickly weighed my options then climbed the fence again and from there, attempted to climb to the top of the building. I narrowly managed to get a grip and pull myself up. When I reached the roof top, I sat down and began to take a few breaths. "At least I can get a short break, they can't get up here any time soon."

Just as I said that I heard two *plink* sounds on either side of me. I quickly looked to both sides and saw two grappling hooks, hooked onto the wall. "Are you KIDDING ME?!" I shouted. I immediately stood up and continued running. The gap between the buildings was narrow, so it was easy to jump from building to building; but eventually I was going to run out of buildings. I quickly looked behind myself to see that Isabella, and Ginger, were still chasing me and they were now joined by Adyson. As I continued to run, I came across a large gap between two buildings and looked down and smiled. I jumped down, landed on a small ledge, then jumped down to the ground. I continued running until I hit another ledge, only now there was water at the bottom. I looked out to see that I had actually hit the ocean.

"I must be near the pier." I said as I looked out.

"And you're not getting any further." I heard Isabella say from behind me. I turned around to see that Isabella, Adyson, Ginger, and now Gretchen had caught up to me. "It's the end of the line Erick, even if you could swim, the letter would be damaged when it hit the water."

I looked back to see that there was a whole story between the water and myself and I began to think of a plan. "Why did you change your mind on the letter Isabella?" I asked.

"Because Nana Shapiro didn't tell me that she didn't mail her letter."

"Fair enough." I said as I continued to contemplate what I was about to do. "But what's with the whole crumb cake thing?"

"That's personal!" Isabella snapped.

"It's what she called Phineas in the letter." Adyson answered.

"Adyson!" Isabella snapped as she turned to face her.

"Really?" I asked as I began laughing. "You called him crumb cake?"

"Yes, yes I did." Isabella stated angrily. "And that's why he can't read it."

"Well now I have to know what it says." I said as I took a step back. I stepped off the edge and managed to catch myself on a nearby window and quickly swung my way inside.

(Isabella's POV)

I was struck with fear as I watched Erick fall, I thought that he would end up getting hurt and it would be partly my fault. When I ran to the edge however, he was nowhere to be seen and there were absolutely no ripples or bubbles in the water below. "How did he-" I shook my head and turned back to Adyson, Ginger and Gretchen. "He managed to escape us." I looked to the side, forgetting that I was worried only moments ago. "We need to find him again before he can get that letter to Phineas, or things won't end well."

All three of them looked at each other before looking back to me. "Isabella … you think that maybe … you should just tell Phineas how you feel?" Adyson asked. "I mean it has been a very long time now and-"

"No Adyson." I hissed. "Phineas can never know." I began walking. "We should be near the pier, meaning that Erick's on the wrong side of downtown but there are a few tunnels nearby that will take Erick uptown. Sadly there are too many for us to search, and if we tried, then we wouldn't be able to catch up to him by the time he got out; so we'll have to try and cut him off when he gets out.

(Erick's POV)

I had managed to grab onto an old drain pipe and began making my way to through the sewer system. "I think I lost them." I said to myself as I tried to catch my breath in this enclosure full of foul air. "Damn … I can't stop here."

As I rounded the corner I stopped as I saw the most unlikely thing I've ever seen in my life. "What the heck is that doing here?" I said as I walked up to a blue police call box with a note pined to the front of it. "This is just so random!" I shook it off and continued on until I rounded another corner and saw the box in front of me once again. "No … no this isn't-" I went back the way I came and saw that the box was no longer where I last saw it. "This … can't be … can it?" I walked back to the box and finally took a look at the note. "Dear Erick." I read aloud. "I'm sorry for interrupting your journey but I need a favor, I've done some horrible things in the past and I need to you take this T.A.R.D.I.S and go to the story, 'Power of the Pen' and fix my mistake. Don't worry, just be gentle with her and she'll take you where you need to go. Your friend, Axis24." I looked at the note, then back at the box in front of me. "This … does he seriously expect me to go into another story when I still have to deliver this letter?" I looked at the note again. "P.S. Yes I do expect you to go into another story when you still have to deliver that letter, don't worry you'll be back before you even left." I lowered the note and leered. "I can't believe I'm doing this." I said as I opened the door to the box and ventured inside.

So now it's time to try and overcome writers block … and hopefully not get killed by the people expecting me to update my other story.