"Can I go tuxedo shopping with you guys?" I ask, putting my lunch tray down. "Huh?" Gray and Gajeel ask. "I'm going with Luce, just as friends" I say, opening a bag of hot funyuns. "Dang, you are friend zoning her, what a dick" Gray says,eating his ice cream. "Why don't you just ask her out?" Gajeel says,eating a bar filled with iron. "I can't I maked out with Lisanna..." I say, feeling bad. "What?" they both say. "You know what I said, I feel bad about it Luce saw us" I say,lowering my head. "It doesn't look like she is mad at you" says Gray. "She was, then we hugged, and today um..."I say, keeping the kissing the bruises a secret. "There is more" says . Miss. Mirajane,"Tell us" she says putting her hands on the table hard and giving me the evil eye. "She has bruises all over her this morning, so I kissed her bruises and there one closed to her mouth and I kissed that one too, she did the same" I say scratching my head of embarrassment. Gray gets up and leaves, I know he has feelings for her. "But I don't like her!" I say putting my hands in surrender. At the end of school I waited for Luce, but she didn't came, she didn't look mad at me earlier so I went inside.


I got out of the restroom and headed outside but Gray stopped me. "Hey Gray" I say, trying to go around him. He grabs my arm pulls me towards him. "Lucy, do you like Natsu?" he asks me looking at my eyes. "I'm not sure" I answer. We are so close, I can see his scar he hides under his hair. "Gray..." I say, looking away. "I like, Natsu" I confess, looking at my shoes. "But I like you"he says and leans down and kisses me on my lips, I grab his face and he touches my hair,I didn't enjoy the kiss at all. I couldn't let go until Natsu came in calling my name, he sees us, and runs, just like I did yesterday. I let go of the kiss and go outside, I see Natsu' scar and wait for him there. I sigh, not wanting Gray's lips touching mine again.


Lucy kissed Gray, Gray's hand on her hair, but she wanted to let go, the kiss was forced. Why am I getting jealous of this? I am inside the club room hoping she wont go with Gray, hoping she is waiting for me outside. I go outside, another entrance away from Gray and go to my car, she is there, waiting for me, it is close to winter, it is cool today and my scarf is here to warm me up. I open the car, and Luce gets in. It was quiet for 7 minutes, yes I counted the minutes. "Luce..." I say. "I'm sorry Natsu, he forced me, pulled my arm, asked if I liked you" she says, looking at the road. "What did you answer?" I asked curious. "Um..I forgot" she says. Is she embarrassed? Why doesn't she want to tell me? I want to kiss her right now and protect her. "Luce... I um..." I say, wanted to tell her that I want to be with her forever. "Stop the car" she says and I do. She gets up from her seat and kisses my cheek. "I'm sorry, Natsu" she says. I feel like i'm blushing, I look towards her and she is blushing too. I want to kiss her... I am not worth it for her. I drop her off. At night I couldn't sleep, I still felt her kiss on my cheek, I smile through the whole night.