Disclaimer: I do not own How to Train Your Dragon or any of its characters in any way, shape, or form.

Chapter 1

Everyone is born with a timer. Who knows how it happens, but when you're born, a watch suddenly appears on your wrist, counting down the years, days, minutes, and seconds, until you meet your soulmate.

Scientists have tried to find out why they appeared, but nobody had ever found out anything. Most people are born with them on their left wrists, and some have them on their right. They came in various colours, some being silver, gold, or rose gold. Somehow, as your life progresses and you grow bigger, your watch does, too.

Hiccup never spent much time to try and figure out how the watches worked, though. He was always quite busy with his new life, as he had gotten himself the title of town "hero". Well, he didn't, really. At least not as Hiccup, but as Toothless: the mysterious, flying, superhero of Berk.

That's what people were calling him, anyways. A "superhero", but he didn't like to call himself that. He was just a protector, and helped people with things the police couldn't usually be as helpful with. He had been helping the people for a few months now, soon after he received his powers.

Toothless wasn't really the best name, but Hiccup found it somewhat amusing, so he kept it. After the, what, lightning, explosion, chemical reaction? Only Thor knows what gave him his powers, he was pushed face first into the ground by whatever happened, and as a result, all of his teeth fell out. Luckily, his newfound abilities somehow regenerated all of his teeth, and they were back in no time. Although he had teeth now, Hiccup found it funny and chose the name "Toothless" to be his new alias.

Other than super fast teeth growing, the explosion thing gave him new abilities, although he couldn't think about what could be better than not having to worry about ever needing dentures. He had also grown wings. Yeah, wings. Like, dragon wings, that were large and a dark purple-black colour, with scales on the edges.

He could use them to fly, which was pretty awesome. Luckily, they could somehow slide in and out of his back, although he didn't know how that was possible, since they were larger than his body. That way, he could hide the fact that he had wings to everyone he knew, and wouldn't get caught as being Toothless. Along with the wings, Hiccup's senses were increased, mostly his hearing, vision, and smells, so that he could find out if there was trouble anywhere near him. It also gave him well-defined muscles, which in his opinion, where pretty damn cool.

Although being a hero and celebrity of the town, when not in his costume, Hiccup was just an engineering geek, who spent all of his spare time in the garage, making and fixing little machines.

Hiccup was currently sitting at his desk in the garage, looking down at his right wrist. On it, was a small silver watch, with all the numbers zeroed out. It was his timer, but it had zeroed out a few years ago, so it was pretty useless to him.

Hiccup was in grade nine, freshman year, when it happened. It was the first day of school, and he was new there. He had rushed into one of his classes, pushing his way through the busy hallways. Once he sat down in his chair, he glanced at his watch, only to find out it had already timed out and he didn't know who he saw at that moment. He had tried to find his match for a while afterwards, but he eventually gave up and decided that living alone forever wouldn't be too bad.

The garage was his, as his father never used it and gave it to Hiccup as a gift one year. It had most of his belongings in it: his car (which he barely ever used), his suit stand (also barely ever used that), and engineering equipment.

Laying back in his chair, Hiccup wasn't doing anything when he felt a tingling sensation on the back of his neck. Somehow, it notified him of when he was needed in the town. Hiccup referred to it as his "Spidey-sense". Sitting up and quickly taking off his clothes to reveal his tight dark purple-black suit (to match his wings), Hiccup extended his wings and dashed out of the garage, while pulling his mask over his head.

He took off once he got outside, making sure that nobody was around while doing it. Flying up, he flew around town to see where he was needed. After surveying the area for a minute, he spotted the place, and flew down to help.

There was a few men in a back alley who were beating up another man, who was laying on the dirty ground, his hands covering his head. The other men were yelling at him about not giving them the money they needed, and were kicking his body.

In a dark blur, Hiccup moved so quickly that the men couldn't process what was happening around them, until they were all knocked down to the ground. Hiccup pushing one up against the wall by his neck. If one of them tried to stand up or hit him, Hiccup would kick them back down, making sure they couldn't get him.

"Get out, and hope I never catch you again, or it'll be worse for you." Hiccup spat, threateningly. Once Hiccup released the man he was holding, they all scampered off, scared.

Helping the victim up, he asked in a much nicer tone, "Are you hurt?" The man brushed himself off.

"No, thanks to you, Toothless. Thanks." He said, still a bit dazed. Hiccup nodded and flew off, leaving as quickly as he had arrived.

He usually dealt with fights like those on a daily basis. Sometimes there were robberies and he caught criminals, or helped people out of burning buildings. Occasionally, he would rescue a cat from a tree, and when there was nothing to do, he would help a confused kid with their science homework. He had a pretty good reputation with the citizens of Berk, and was often on the front page of the newspaper.

There were a few people; however, who didn't like him very much. The thieves hated him for thwarting their plans, and some police officers were annoyed that he always came and did their job for them. All in all, Hiccup was pretty pleased with who he had become. He always liked it when he saw a kid who had posters of him in their rooms, or when he heard someone talking about him in the streets.

Flying back home, Hiccup went back into his garage once he was there. Putting his regular clothes back on and retracting his wings, he started tinkering with gears, building little things then taking them apart and making another machine.

There wasn't really anything left for him to do, and Hiccup had already finished his homework. Tired, he headed up to his room to go to sleep.

The house was empty, as usual. Only him and his father lived there, but even though there were only two people living there, their house was huge. His father was the boss of some rich business company, which he never really talked about. He and Hiccup never talked about anything, really. Running up the stairs, Hiccup went into his room and got changed into his nightclothes. After cleaning up, Hiccup went into bed, quickly falling asleep.

Beep beep beep beep… Hiccup groggily opened his eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them and stretching. Reaching to his nightstand to turn off his alarm, he missed the button a few times, until his hand finally hit it. Sitting up, Hiccup slowly got changed and went downstairs to get breakfast. Surprisingly (not), Hiccup's father was nowhere to be found.

Pouring himself a bowl of cereal and a cup of juice, Hiccup ate breakfast while going on his phone. He checked his watch. There was still 15 minutes left until he had to leave for school, so he took his time cleaning up the dishes and getting his bag.

That was the only thing that his watch was good for now, telling the time. After your timer zeroes out, it can turn into a regular watch when you want it to (to which Hiccup had no clue as to how that worked).

Walking into the garage with his backpack, Hiccup unlocked the doors to his black sports car (he had named it the Night Fury), and walked into it. He had gotten his driver's license a year before, and was pretty good at driving, even if he only used it to go to and from school. Opening the garage door with a remote, Hiccup drove out.

He soon reached his school, and he parked his car and stepped out. Walking towards the entrance, nobody took a second glance at him when he passed by. Hiccup was used to this; he had never had any friends, and everybody thought of him as an antisocial nerd.

Getting into his first class, Hiccup sat down at the bench. He had science first thing in the mornings, every other day. Pulling out his textbook, he sat in the class for a bit, watching as students filed in. As he watched his classmates come in, he saw a familiar head of blonde hair, and he watched as the girl sat down in her seat. Her name was Astrid, and Hiccup always started at her, and admitted that he sort of liked her, despite never talking even talking to her. He doubted that she had even ever looked at him before, in their three years being at school together.

Shrugging it off, the teacher came into their class and started teaching. Hiccup went through the whole school day without having to leave to help people as Toothless, and went home at the end of the uneventful day.

After being at home for less than 10 minutes, Hiccup felt his danger sense going off, and he took off, already in costume. Speeding out of the house, he searched for the place where the trouble was. He found the problem near the city square, and saw that there were a bunch of people surrounding a street. Flying over to get a closer look, he saw that there had been a man who was hit by a car, and he was laying on the side of the road, barely breathing. Flying down, he asked someone if they had called an ambulance yet, which they had. Pushing people away from the man, he got closer to him and bent down. He checked the man's pulse, to find that it was still beating, barely. Good thing Hiccup had taken a first aid course recently.

"Ok… Hey, I'm Toothless. Are you.. Ok? Oh… well, obviously you're not, but you know?" Hiccup awkwardly said, while checking the man to see if he had any broken bones. He saw that one of his arms was, and maybe a few ribs. The man slightly grunted in response to him, not opening his eyes. Hiccup waited until the paramedics came, then he left the scene, walking away. As he was walking, he saw Astrid, walking down the street.

She happened to look up at that moment and they made eye contact. Hiccup saw her sky blue eyes for the first time, her expression slowly changing from bored, to surprised. She then glanced back down at her gold watch, and snapped her head back up, looking shocked, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

After a second, Hiccup finally looked at her watch, to see that it had zeroed out. He looked back up to Astrid's shocked expression, his eyes suddenly widening. Being the socially awkward nerd he was, Hiccup spread his wings and fled from the scene, leaving Astrid standing there, dumbfounded.

Author's note: Hope you liked the first chapter of my new story! For those of you reading Machinery, don't worry, I'm still posting it. Lately, I've had a slight writer's block for the story though, and I may take longer to update it.

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