Charting Unknown Territory

Chapter 21 – Epilogue: Pardoned

"I don't like it." Will complained as he watched Nico writing out a note at his desk in the Hades cabin the next day.

"Oh come off it. He beat you to a pulp and he needs a little payback." Nico answered bitterly and his eyes flashed.

"You don't need to be so vindictive about it. You've already mentally tortured him with your disappearing act. When will it be enough?" Will disputed.

"If he just hurt me it would be one thing, but it was you!" Nico snarled and clenched his jaw.

Will gently stroked Nico's cheek making him look over his shoulder at him, "I'm completely healed, but I can't say the same for him. He still has the bruises you gave him."

"It is not like I'll hurt him, that much." Nico practically growled.

Will frowned and changed tactics. He laced his arms around the dark hair boy's chest from behind him and kissed his cheek. In his most seductive voice he said, "Dark Angel, don't be spiteful."

Nico sighed, "It just…" He stopped as soft lips slowly worked their way up to just below his ear.

"I can make you forget about it," Will hummed as he attacked a sensitive spot under Nico's ear.

He whined, "Alright, I'll play nice, but he still gets this note."

"I'll take what I can get, but you're delivering that after I am done with you" He breathed into his ear and Nico shivered. He thought to himself I'll keep working on him.

Jason's detention was finally at an end. He would rejoin normal camp activities today and he was jumpy. Partly due to the note he had received from Nico five days ago. It had simply said that they would settle this at 10am in the arena today. No word of forgiveness was given, so he took it as a threat. He pondered how severely he would have to suffer. He recalled how much Nico's anger scared him during their time on the Argo II and it wasn't even directed at him. Maybe I should just leave camp instead. Then again, he doubted Chiron would let him get hurt, at least not any serious injuries. Besides, he decided it didn't matter, he wanted to heal the breach with Nico. It had been his fault after all.

Piper had been his only contact with the outside world. Except for the limited time he spent with her, he spent the rest of the week dwelling on his faults and shame. She reported that Nico and Will were now a couple and everyone easily accepted them since Drew left. So at least the camp was tolerant. The only other news she had was Nico was starting to gain some of his weight and color back.

Breakfast was his first time to the see the camp as a whole and his shame made him dread it intensely. He thanked the gods for Piper. She walked him to the dinning pavilion. Although he expected the stares and hissed insults, it was still humiliating to experience them. He kept his head down and tried to ignore them. Had this been what it had felt like to Nico all the time? Probably, only he never did anything wrong. He took his well-worn spiraled down into his very own pit of despair.

Piper nudged him and he looked up to see Percy talking to him.

"Jason, buddy. You in there?" Percy called loudly making Jason cringe to think of everyone looking at him.

"Yes." He said flatly. Then Percy surprised him by giving him a bear hug.

"You're a good guy Jason. You need to stop beating yourself up about this."

"Um… No, I can't. But thanks anyway Percy." He answered simply.

"Jason come on, everyone makes mistakes. I couldn't protect Nico's sister on our quest. It took a long time, but I eventually forgave myself. A few punches and some gossip are nothing." Percy reasoned.

He gawked at Percy, "Percy you know that was not your fault. This is different. It was all my mistake."

"Haven't you suffered enough? Now you need to forgive yourself and let it go."

"Thanks, I'll try," He intoned flatly.

As he got his food he was shocked at the few hellos he heard including the Stoll brothers, Mitchell, Lacey, and Annabeth. He did not see Will at the Apollo table and thankfully didn't even need to bother to look for Nico this early in the day. Today he was glad of his solitary table. He sat facing away from the other campers trying to ignore the low whispered remarks.

He whiled away the time before the showdown walking through the strawberry fields, it felt good just to be outside. It was a regular camp day, so with normal activities, he hoped the arena would not be full of spectators.

This time luck was on his side, the arena only had about ten campers in it, most of them younger ones. He walked in to see Nico and Will standing together hand in hand near the campers with Mrs. O'Leary chewing on a Roman shield behind them. Might he have trained her to hate Romans? He also notice that Nico had a training sword, not his stygian iron one, strapped to his side and he stood next to a rack of training weapons. He did not see Chiron. He walked in alone, stopping about a yard away from the other two.

Will looked discontentedly at him and Nico wore his extra creepy unsettling smile. Neither was encouraging and they made no move to speak. At least Nico wasn't actively hostile. Nevertheless, he would have to make the first move.

"Will," he bowed his head, "Please accept my apology." He held out his hand waiting.

Will abruptly dropped Nico's hand and stepped forward. He took Jason's hand to shake stiffly.

Nico stepped forward blazing with indignation saying, "These campers are not here to see a handshake Grace."

It stung to hear his tone, but he thought it might come to a fight when he saw the set-up.

"What are the terms for engagement?" He asked with both resignation and apprehension.

Nico's creepy smile curved in an odd way and his tone changed to a teasing one. "No need for terms. I have a new sword fighting class and I would like your help."

Jason gawked at Nico and Will. Will was smirking and some of the other campers started to snigger.

"Really you need to learn to lighten up." Nico taunted as a genuine smile slid onto his face.

Jason looked incredulously between them, "You mean it? You guys really do forgive me?"

Nico rolled his eyes, "Obviously, you've done your time." He started laughing with everyone else and punched Jason shoulder. Jason smiled, it hurt his face and he just realized he hadn't smiled for a week. The thought that they would be friends again made him so relieved that he actually joined in the laughter.

~*The End*~

A/N: So here is the cheesy everyone laughing ending. Sorry it just seemed to fit. I has been wonderful sharing this with you. Your support has been fabulous.

I will be starting another story in early Setpember that is both forward from this time and flashbacks to Connor and Will's relationship. It will have lots of Solangelo, so check it out for more on this story line. I'll update this with the link once it is up.

Thank you,
