A/N: This is my first fanfic, so constructive criticism is more than welcome. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1 - Prologue
Crazed laughter reverberated down the hallways of Arkham Asylum. Batman forced himself to walk on even though he dreaded his final destination.
It had been two years since he had seen this particular inmate. Two years since he had made the decision that broke his heart. Two years since he had first watched that horrifying security tape. Two years since he had seen Dick, the first Robin, sane.
Bruce rewound the tape again looking for a flaw or anything that would prove the tape untrue, but there was nothing. It was the real Robin on that screen. Dick had killed those people. His son was a murderer.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Light footsteps echoed down the long staircase that led down to the Batcave.
Bruce froze the video on a frame of Robin standing over his victim, his hands stained with blood, and a crazed smile haunting his face.
Bruce turned, expecting to find his son as equally horrified by the slaughter as he was. But instead Robin's face was contented, smug even.
Dick looked at Bruce's expression and his lips quirked up into a satanic smile.
"Proud of me?"
(End of Flashback)
Batman stood before the door to cell HS7, high security cell 7. The room was silent, but then Robin had always been pretty quiet.
How could he do this? How was he supposed to talk to the son that he had placed in this hell hole? Despite everything the former Robin, now going by the name Renegade for his own safety, had done he still loved the boy. Only a father was capable of that.
He nodded to the two guards on duty outside the cell and one of them entered in the code on the DNA sensitive keypad. Only a soft click indicated that the door had unlocked. Batman took a deep breath in order to steady his nerves and walked inside.
*Click* The door closed and relocked behind him.
It was just Batman now.
Just Batman and a shadow-obscured figure rising up from the small bed in the corner.