Moonlit Reminiscence
"History is an amusing thing, always changing to fit the winners, the ignorant, and the fearful.
Heh…when history is recorded the truth can be sometimes "incorrect" to someone's beliefs, and understanding of concepts. Eventually it is probably recorded as something else entirely.
This type of scenario is a common development between nobodies and light dwellers. I guess they like to forget what happened or remove it from history. What caused the issue... for maybe, it reminds them of their own stupidity and ignorance.
If only things were different…. where the idiotic light dwellers didn't classify my people as evil monsters. Our race originated from the light dwellers, so why do they fear and hate us. It''s infuriating.
I should probably reconsider the offer the old traveler gave me, even if he was stubborn in his beliefs. What was the old man's name again?
"Hey Umbra, Focus! You've been spacing out for the last minute". My thoughts were interrupted by my brother Tavlis. A man always seen in his ashen silver plate armor with his old void knight crest on it, usually with his spiked wolfish helmet on but…Between family it's never on, showing his seemingly bleached silverish white hair pulled back to show his entire face.
"Uh….. Sorry about that Tav. I was thinking about life and other things".
"Well, you have time for that when I'm gone for the exam". Tavlis reciprocated with a playfulness he reserved for only close friends and family.
"So that's why you asked to talk to me by the moonlight beach. Is the exam even that important? You're going to leave Yulia alone with the kids?" I responded with a mix of concern and ignorance.
"Well, I shouldn't talk about it, but you're family... so that doesn't matter. My old friend Eraqus is having a mark of mastery exam for his apprentices, and Terra is one of them taking the exam. So I feel it's necessary to help get him ready for it".
Tavlis always had this excitement when he talked about Eraqus and his apprentices. He especially talked about this Terra guy the most frequently. I have never met any of his 'extended family' as he called it, but it seems they're really important to him.
"Umbra, have a good moon cycle. I have to finish packing and say goodbye to Inanis and Unmei ." Tavlis got up from his spot on the ocean side hill and walked to the Sekeme estate seemingly fulfilled.
"Hey! Wait, you can't say goodbye to Yulia and the heirs without me, Tav!"
"Well...Then you have a knight to beat in a race don't you!" Tavlis says as he starts to break into a sprint.
When the two brothers sprinted to their family estate, the two would look back at this cheerful moment, time and time again.
"This was the last night I ever shared a peaceful evening with my brother"
Four years earlier
Black creatures made of flowing shadow surrounded an eleven or twelve year old boy with blonde windswept hair, his clothes a tan striped shirt with a black and white jacket, multi colored bulky pants with metal plates and chainmail within and metal boots covering his feet and a backhanded key shaped sword to protect him from the surrounding creatures.
The boy flinched with fear and briskly surveyed the area for an opening to get away, seeing no opening.
"Please don't do this, Master. I'm not strong enough!" The boy yelled voice full of fear.
His hope and fear directed towards a seemingly decrepit bald old man with a bush of white hair on his chin wearing a white long shirt with a black and grey coat, dark colored boots covered his feet, and white gloves covered his hands.
"No, it's because you are trying to hold it in. Let the dark impulses waken in the pit of your heart!" His smooth yet raspy voice giving the boy words of encouragement that bordered on being threats.
"Release them, here and now! Sharpen your fear into rage!"
The boy's fear started to bubble into something more than just for the creatures around him.
The boy focused his inner energies and tried to pull the energy of his anger and fear from himself into matter from his light filled heart, but... when he tried and tried all that happened was this feeling of rejection from the forces he was trying to channel within and outside himself destroying his focus.
He grunted in fear and failure, as the creatures started to get closer, he started hoping even more that his master would save him from these creatures of living shadow.
"You must! If you do not let the storm within you run its course, it will wipe you from the face of this world, make no mistake!"
The boy centered his mind on embracing the energy that gave life to the creatures around him and when he tried to channel it…
For a split second he succeeded, he felt the cold but somewhat warm embrace of energy. Like new blood pumping in his veins, giving him a sense of strength and bliss.
For as quick as it appeared, the empowering energy was immediately rejected. A scolding hot flow of bright energy formed from inside his body. The bright energy made him feel like his insides were being devoured as it consumed and repelled the channeled energy and with the last of energy taken away from him.
His hope of saving himself disappeared as well.
...The creatures got closer, the boy flinched and steadied his protective stance with his blade against his arm preparing to make a last stand.
"Do it! Embrace the darkness" The old man almost roared at his apprentice spreading his arms with the announcement of his words.
"Produce for your Master... the X-blade!" He lifted his spread arms to the sky and looked up with a twisted form of excitement.
One of the shadow creatures jumped on the boy and he moved his arms to brace his head to fend off the monster and after the creature slammed into him, all he saw was the endless gray plane of his unconscious mind.
The old man's face contorted from its form of twisted glee to one of sheer and utter disappointment, with a gesture of his wrist the creatures faded away. Some to the sky, others into the ground. The Master using his vast and experienced mind formed white energy that became an endless black within a split second to brace his drop to his apprentice. The rock surface ground under his heeled boots as he walked, making a sigh of disappointment at his apprentice's failure. Hearing the faint grunts of his apprentice from his unknowingly failed channeling.
"Really? You would rather die than use the power?" He without knowledge of the boy's attempt assumes the boy is too pure hearted to be useful on his own. "Feckless neophyte." He put his boot on the side of the blonde and kicked him to his back.
"If I must….I will extract the darkness from within you myself." He summoned his own key-shaped sword. But this one was seemingly ancient in appearance. A metal goat's head in the middle of the hilt of the blade with a Blueish bestial eye in the top with a possibly broken side on the top that makes it more key shaped, a chain with a charm that had the same eye on it hanged from the bottom of its handle.
The Yellow eyed man turned the blade upside down with his hands and positioned it above the boy's chest. A bright energy formed from the tip and it turned black a second later as it blasted itself into the chest of the boy,burning a part of fabric on his armored jacket, reflexively opening his eyes from the pain. His mind unable to process his surroundings all he could do was gasp as the radiant energy simmered outside his chest. The energy slipped from his chest into a glowing sphere. The boy felt his heart. No, his soul become fractured as the sphere floated above his now unconscious body, slightly twitching from the agonizing pain.
As the glowing sphere floated into the air, the light that formed it seemed to be pulling at the air and space around it like it was trying to drag something from its surroundings, as dark energy responded to the call of the light, embracing it until it was completely smothered by the tenebrous energy.
The smothered sphere of light formed the dark energy around it into a sphere of dark, and a sixteen year looking being with a black glass fronted helmet in a dark black and red flesh like bodysuit with similar patterned boots was formed.
The Bodysuit figure glowed with bright violent energy as the light on the blonde boy's chest glowed brighter and as it grew brighter the boy's body started to lift off the ground and the glowing stopped. The boy's green eyes now cold and dead looking.
The Dark suited young man floated down to the rocky surface of the plateau. The orange yellow eyed man smirked at the masked boy and said "Empty creature from Ventus riven… to you, the name Vanitas shall be given." "Yes, Master" the Boy says with a voice deeper and colder to the blonde's own.
A boy with blonde windswept hair and green almost glowing eyes awakened from the bed of his room. Feeling a cold sweat go down his neck as he tried to fall back to sleep. "What…was that dream….when I try to piece it together it fades away. Like its being pulled from my head." Anxiety and exhaustion overtake him as he tried to remember what he just dreamed.
AN: This is a beginning of a large project. A whole series that will eventually go through most of the KH Timeline. This is my first Fic on this site, but that won't stop me from making it the highest quality It can be.