There in the doorway stood a young woman. She wore a black steel bonded over bust corset, with brass latches and silver chains. Her jeans were dark denim, and her lace up wedge boots went over her knees. Her black curly hair hung just shy of her hips, and her makeup consisted of dark browns, blacks, and reds. She shook the hand of the children's father, a young father himself who had been raising his kids all alone. Though the woman's appearance was intimidating , all the children whom she babysat for adored her.

"Hello, sorry about this." The father said while welcoming her into his home.

"No, problem. I love spending time with them." Her voice seemed almost too sweet for her appearance.

"The kids are upstairs, the dog is in the basement, and I just finished cutting up some more firewood incase this storm gets worse." He pointed over to the fireplace, where a large stack of wood and an axe laid against the wall.

"Sweet, thank you." She said while taking off her boots. The girl went from six foot one, to five foot ten as she removed her shoes.

"Jayden! Estella!" he yelled in a caring yet demanding voice, "I'm leaving now!" and with that two young children starting running down the stairs. Jayden, the eldest child was only seven years old and Estella, was only three. Two children with two different moms who had left the picture.

"Bye dad." Jayden said with only the small bit of affection. As to what most young boys do when trying to act older than what they are.

"Love you daddy." Estella gave her father a huge hug and kiss before he left for his graveyard shift.

The young woman stood before the children with her hands on her hips, an empowering position when wearing a corset, and spoke to the children with a funny yet powerful tone.

"So my young kidlets, what are we to do now?" the children smiled and returned the position.

"Estella, what do you want to do?" Her voiced boomed as she pointed to the little girl.

"I don't know." She said while laughing.


"I don't know, either." The children who weren't exsactly used to playing around with teenagers or adults, aside from when she watched them, became shy yet excited at the same time when asked what they wanted to play.

"There must be something we can do. We could run around the house like monkeys." She said in a kidding tone.

"No" the kids laughed in unison.

"We could all stand on our heads and recited the alphabet backwards."

"No." they chuckled again.

"I could tell you a story."

"yeah!" surprised by their enthusiasm, the babysitter sat down cross legged on the white carpet, her back to the fireplace.

"Do you want to choose a book?" she asked them.

"No, you gotta make one up." Jayden said while joining her on the floor.

"Yeah, one up!" Estella said while flopping down to the ground laughing.

The babysitter took a moment to think up a story, but soon remember a tale from long ago.

"Now, I'm not sure if I made this one up, or just heard it somewhere…" she started.

"that's fine" Jayden said approvingly.

"A long time ago in a not so distant world lived a place where goblins, monsters, and fairies lived. It was a place where if you went left you might just have been going right, and in order to get to the center one must journey towards the outer walls."

"Walls?" Jayden said as if that was the only confusing thing about the story.

"Yes, for you see this place was a labyrinth."

"Lab rinse?" Estella said confused.

"Labyrinth, it's like a maze." The babysitter said while placing Estella on her lap. "In the center of the.. maze… There stood a huge castle."

"Is there a princess in the castle?" Estella asked.

"Or a dragon?" Jayden insisted.

"No princess, no dragon. However there lived a king, the goblin king." The babysitter voice played out 'goblin king' like a person plays out the word 'ghost'.

The children laughed as they pictured how the king must look. As they laughed, something crawled within the walls of the house. As the unaware humans told their story about the goblins, the goblins themselves had entered the house. They all pressed their slimly, furry, or scaly faces against the wall next to the fire place to hear the young woman talk.

"No we mustn't laugh, for he still is the king, after all." The babysitter removed Estella from her lap and stood up, as to be more dramatic.

"Now the goblin king was very lonely. He could see every realm with his crystal balls, but rarely left his own. That is until he saw sweet Sarah. She had read the book labyrinth, and loved the story, little did she know that the book was a gift from the king as a means for her to summon him to her." As she spoke she walked in circles around the children.

The goblins in the walls were becoming antsy as they wanted for the woman to say the words. Though that fact that she knew who Sarah was, gave them a little worry.

"Did she summon him?" Jayden asked while looking up at the woman who towered him.

"She did, by accidently giving away her baby brother."

"oh no!" Estella said genuinely.

"Isn't that a great way to win a woman's heart." The babysitter said sarcastically. "The only way to get her baby brother back, before the goblin King turned him into a goblin was to solve the King's maze and get to the castle within the thirteenth hour."

"Did she?"

"She did. She also made many friends along the way."

"With fairies?" Estella asked hopefully.

"No, she made friends with goblins, and monsters. The fairies just bit her." The woman said while ruffling Estella's mocha colored hair.

"How did she kill the King?" Jayden voice tingled with excitement.

"She didn't, all she had to do was break his heart." The babysitter sighed.

"But isn't he the bad guy?" Jayden said confused why his sitter seem sad.

"There is always another side to a story. Though the King did take way Sarah's brother. Technically he only ever did what she asked of him. Though he used the wrong methods, he like most was selfish and didn't want Sarah to leave him. He loved Sarah and wanted to give her the world, however because he refused to give hers back to her he lost it all."

"That's sad." Estella said.

"Never only look at one point of view, if you do you'll miss the important details." The clock stroke upon the hour and the kids whined.

"Bed time."

(( Some details in her reinterpretation of Labyrinth are opinionated, simply because this her trying to remember the story and embellishing certain aspects of the story. ))