I do not own Community or the cast of it. I hope you enjoy

Jeff and Annie sat on the sofa again both eating in comfortable silence

"Annie" Jeff said causing her to look up

"Yeah" Annie said

"I want to ask you something" Jeff said causing Annie to sit up and looking at him slight concern slight excitement

"And that is?" Annie said

"I got told something yesterday and I wanted to tell you first" Jeff said "I…"

"Wait" Annie interrupted him taking out her phone "It's Britta. You don't think they are calling me about the boyfriend thing?"

"Answer it" Jeff said slightly annoyed. Annie did so and she heard Britta's panting breath on the other end

"An…nie. Big…news" Britta panted

"What is it Britta?" Annie asked

"Tro…y…has…come…bac…k" Britta panted causing Annie to gasp

"What!" Annie said with her smile expanding at the new news

"Give me the phone" Annie heard someone in the background say. She then heard rustling and instantly knew Troy was on the other end of the phone

"Hey Annie. Missed me?" Troy said over the phone

"Oh my god Troy" Annie said causing Jeff to look up intrigued "Are you really back?"

"Yeah, got off the boat this afternoon and came straight here. Heard you were with your boyfriend" Troy said and Annie knew Troy was smirking

"Yeah well we don't want to come out yet until we're both ready" Annie said turning to Jeff

"So are you and your boyfriend going to come and see me?" Troy asked

"I will come, on my own" Annie said

"Do you know where Jeff is? I tried calling him and it went straight to voicemail" Troy said

"I will try and contact him. I will see you soon" Annie said then hung up with Jeff taking a sip of his scotch

"So Troy is back" Jeff said as he put his drink down

"Yes and we are going to see him" Annie said as she stood up

"Annie, it's our 1 month anniversary. A night between the two of us" Jeff said as he stood up

"Please Jeff, it has been a year since we saw Troy and I miss him. We can spend every night together so please" Annie said then went on her tip toes and began to kiss Jeff until he groaned

"Fine. We will go there but tomorrow we will shut off our phones, lock the door and don't leave the apartment until the next day" Jeff said

"OK" Annie said with a nod

"Promise?" Jeff asked

"Promise" Annie said then kissed him. Annie grabbed her bag and Jeff followed with his phone and keys. The two walked out and got into Jeff's car. They drove to Annie, Abed and Britta's apartment and once they got to the door Annie gave Jeff a quick kiss

"What was that for?" Jeff asked

"I think you deserve it for tonight" Annie said then walked into the apartment with Jeff following. In the living room was Britta, Abed and Troy talking. Troy smiled and went to Annie hugging her

"God, I have missed you guys" Troy said once he let go of Annie and smiled at Jeff "And I got you all presents"

"Don't tell us it's candy cigarettes" Britta said

"No" Troy said as he picked up a bag and put it on the table. He took out 6 square presents giving it to each person. When they opened it they saw a signed photo Levar Burton and a DVD with on the cover was Troy and Levar doing a thumbs up

"The DVD is a documentary of mine and Levar's trip. With commentary from the two of us" Troy said

"Oh cool" Jeff said unenthusiastically as he put down the presents

"Should we watch it?" Abed asked

"No!" Britta, Jeff and Annie said in unison

"I mean, why not watch it somewhere else and we can have fun watching it for ourselves" Britta said with Jeff and Annie nodding

"So what happened while I was going?" Troy asked

"Um, we saved Greendale from Subway, Shirley has gone to Atlanta to look after her father, we have a new school administrator called Frankie and Britta moved in with me and Abed" Annie explained

"Also Britta and Jeff nearly got married" Abed said causing Annie, Jeff and Britta to tense up

"WHAT!" Troy exclaimed "That's wrinkling my brain!"

"Can I remind you something? Nearly. Me and Jeff didn't get married" Britta said

"Nor will we ever" Jeff added then smiled at Annie

"Ok, I am going to bed. I am working tomorrow and I need rest" Britta said

"Where am I sleeping?" Troy asked

"I still have my bunk beds" Abed said

"Troy and Abed in their bunk beds" Troy and Abed sang then did their famous handshake

"Well I am going back to my boyfriend's apartment. He is probably missing me" Annie said as she picked up her bag

"Come on Annie, I don't think your boyfriend would mind if you spend one night without him. Come on, I have missed your pancakes" Troy said causing Annie to smile

"Ok, but he will be upset" Annie said

"Well whoever this boyfriend is we need to find out who he is" Britta said then went into her room

"Yeah, not just yet. Jeff, why don't I walk you out" Annie said with Jeff nodding

"Ok" Jeff said and the couple walked out

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Troy asked

"Annie and Jeff are secretly dating" Abed answered

"No, I was thinking we can watch the new season of Inspector Spacetime but now you mention it" Troy said rubbing his jaw while looking at the door

"Troy and Abed know a secret" Abed and Troy sang then went to the TV

Outside the apartment Jeff and Annie walked out with Annie shutting the door behind her

"Sorry" Annie said as Jeff sighed

"It isn't your fault. Listen, I will see you tomorrow at school. Ok?" Jeff said

"OK" Annie answered then kissed Jeff. Jeff kissed back and put his arms around Annie's waist bringing her closer. When Annie tried to pull away Jeff brought her closer then pulled away

"I have to go" Annie said

"I know" Jeff said

"So let me go" Annie said

"Yeah but once I let you go that means I will have to go home alone" Jeff said

"You could always sneak into my room once everyone goes to bed" Annie suggested. She then opened the apartment door seeing Troy and Abed concentrating on the TV than anything else. Annie grabbed Jeff's hand and the two silently went through the living room and into Annie's room

"Do they really think we can't see them?" Troy asked

"Keeping their relationship a secret is helping the study group. Jeff is too happy to be sarcastic or argue with anyone and Annie is focusing more on Jeff then trying to correct anyone or make people do work. We can't end" Abed explained "Now, season 44"

So Troy is back and he and Abed know about Annie and Jeff's relationship. I will update tomorrow and I hope you enjoy