Disclaimer: Not mine, as much as I wish. A/N: Last chapter, I've got another four stories to write! Thanks all for your reviews! Feel free to check out my other stories if you want :) x

Happy Endings


It was the night of the Gala, Caroline and Bonnie were putting together last minute essentials; folding programs, and finishing off media packs. Esther said she'd arrive at 7.30pm alongside the Mayor, and Caroline's job relied on everything running smoothly. Lashings of rain against her apartment windows reminded her of Stefan's Petrochelli painting which, in the end, she hadn't taken as the centrepiece, deciding instead on "The Dream" by Picasso, and praying it would still impress. Caroline often daydreamed about Stefan, remembering the taste of his lips on hers, but had convinced herself it hadn't been real.

"Are you okay?" Bonnie asked, noticing Caroline's disappointment. Caroline nodded. "What about you? You haven't spoken to your dad much, are you excited about tonight?" Bonnie tied some ribbons over the media packs, and sighed. "I haven't had much to do with him, I lived with my Gran growing up, and dad always worked at the office. I'm proud that he's mayor, but like I said, he probably won't even have time for me," she said, without looking up. Caroline squeezed her hand.

"I'm sure he'll make time for you," she said. Bonnie smiled, packing her programs into an empty box, as the phone rang. Caroline recognised Elena's voice on the line. She seemed excited about something. "There's another way! We spoke to Damon's nonna and she said: 'to break the curse, you only have to return the coins to each individual, in turn, giving them their love back,' isn't that great?" Caroline looked at the bowl where she'd kept the five coins for safekeeping. "So, if I return the coins, I get my life back?" Caroline repeated, suddenly relieved.

Bonnie gathered her things together and when Caroline's back was turned, went to the bookshelf to collect the coins, thinking she was doing her friend a favour and hid them inside her leather jacket. "I'm going to set up, I'll see you there?" Bonnie said, as Caroline smiled, staying on the phone with Elena. "I'm glad you got your happily ever after, Elena," Caroline said, thinking of Stefan and trying not to sound too depressed. "You will too, someday!" Elena said. Hanging up the phone, Caroline heard a door-knock, and as luck would have it, her Romeos stood there, arguing over who would take her to the Gala.

"I'm glad you're all here. I need to tell you something..." she said, inviting them into her apartment.

Klaus admired Caroline's blue off-the-shoulder dress with a kind smile. "You look great, are you excited for the show?" he asked. She thanked him, pointing to her couch. Enzo shuffled his cards on his knee, catching her expression. "You seem sad," he said. She didn't quite know how she was going to break the news to them. Matt's cocky response made her roll her eyes. "It's like the Bachelor!" Tyler had paint beneath his fingernails. "She's going to pick one of us!" he said. Matt grinned, "I like my odds," he said. Caroline explained about the coins and the curse, begging them to understand that their love wasn't real.

They contradicted her, trying to outdo each other with their confessions of love. When they wouldn't listen she shouted over them. "We're not in love with each other! I'm in love with Stefan! I'm in love with Stefan," and she smiled. Her Romeos looked disheartened. "I'm sorry, I love him, even if he may not love me back," she said, shrugging. Just like Marie-Therese, she thought, with a smile. Klaus broke the silence. "I understand what it feels like to love someone, and them not loving you back..." he said, as Caroline walked over to the bowl to retrieve the coins.

"It will all make sense in a minute, once I give you something back." Her fingers grazed the empty porcelain bowl, and she recalled Bonnie had left before her, with, no doubt, the coins. "Oh, Bonnie, what have you done?" she whispered, suddenly anxious.

Klaus noticed her distress, interrupting Tyler and Matt's argument about who loved her most. "The whole point of love is to put somebody else's love above your own," Enzo agreed. "So, how can we help, sweetheart?" Caroline checked her watch. "I need to be at the Gala, now," she said. More arguing broke out, and Klaus stood up, gesturing at her. "If we love her, we'll get her to the Gala!" he rallied the others, and Caroline appreciated it. Matt declared: "I'm going to do it with more flare than all of you!" They ignored him and Caroline took Klaus' arm, as Tyler had an idea.

"We can take my car!" his eyes lit up, and he patted his pockets for the car keys. They looked at Enzo, who grinned, shaking them in front of his nose. "Don't worry, we'll get there you in time," Klaus said escorting her like a gentleman, downstairs. When they'd all piled into Tyler's tiny yellow car, Klaus was first to comment: "Who made this car, Fisher Price!" he grumbled squashed beside Matt and Enzo. They sat in traffic for five minutes. Caroline's fingers tapped like a metronome. Matt and Enzo bickered, and Klaus told them to shut up.

"Just drive like you're in Rome!" Caroline ordered, holding on while Tyler grinned, putting his foot down and weaving his car through the traffic like a maniac. Klaus complained about the two idiots beside him, and badgered Tyler to stop the car. "I'll give you $100 to let me sit in the front!" Tyler braked, Caroline complaining of whiplash. Soon she sat upon Klaus' lap, as Tyler stuffed the note into his pocket, driving on. Enzo complained about being car-sick, and Matt shoved him back his side. Tyler drove his car up the curb and down the footpath, laughing when pedestrians screamed.

Caroline asked to be dropped outside but Tyler shook his head. "Not close enough, I'll take you right upstairs..." he grinned, driving straight for the glass doors. Enzo hummed a mantra. "We must all believe," he said as Klaus and Caroline exchanged terrified looks and Tyler hooted with glee, speeding towards the glass doors. Klaus bellowed: "I DON'T BELIEVE!" almost deafening Caroline who'd closed her eyes with a squeak, opening them seconds later, to see they'd driven straight into the lift, unharmed. She asked the man beside her to push 'number 5,' and counted the floors in her head, as Matt sang along to the jingle.

"Good luck," Klaus said, letting Caroline shuffle out of the car. She ran down the hall, hearing applause coming from her exhibit and stopped, seeing Stefan's painting in the middle of the room and wondering how it got there. Esther brought Mr Bennett over, and Caroline wondered if he would remember her, they shook hands, and he looked impressed. Even better, Esther beamed. "People cried when they saw the Petrochelli," she said. "It was a wonderful choice. I am proud of you, Caroline." The crowd parted, and she located Bonnie, delivering orders into her ear-piece.

Bonnie smiled. "I spoke to my dad, he's going take me out to dinner after this," she said. Caroline opened her palm, and asked for the coins. "I just wanted to see you happy." Caroline felt relieved as soon as the coins touched her skin. "If I take Stefan's love against his will, it's not love at all." Bonnie gave her a hug, apologising again. "Let me know how things go with your dad," Caroline said as Bonnie went to present the media with their gift bags.

She rang Stefan to thank him for the loan of his painting. "Thank you for making me believe in love again," and she asked him to meet her, so she could give him something that would explain everything. She looked at the five different coins, and saw that her Romeos were waiting for her. They congratulated her on her success, and she told them it was time. She picked the one she guessed belonged to Enzo. "Yours?" she became frustrated when he evaded her hands. "No, take it," she hissed, forcing her palm over his, and watching his smile grin fade.

The buzz from the gallery reached her ears, and Enzo stepped back and confessed: "I used to be too scared to perform, until you came along. You gave me confidence." She smiled, relieved he'd been released from the spell, and studied a bronze coin, dated 1948. "Are you a coin collector?" she asked Klaus, who walked up with his arms behind his back. She dropped the coin into his palm. His eyes glazed over in thought. "At the time I dropped this into the fountain, I wished for my wife, Hayley, to return to me, but I knew it was far-fetched. I craved company, and you gave me that, so thank you."

Caroline looked down at the three coins left in her hand. Tyler and Matt fidgeted beside each other. "Is this your euro?" she asked Tyler, surprised by his American accent. "I wanted to be an artist all my life, but I'm actually a mechanic," he admitted. "I think you're a great artist," she whispered, making him blush, whilst Matt frowned. "I think I'll miss you least of all..." she muttered, returning Matt's coin, grateful he'd left his shirt on. "I don't think I learned anything, but I had a blast watching you grow!" Caroline shoved his face out of her personal space. "Seriously?" He shrugged, finding a blond admiring a painting nearby, and went to bother her instead.

Caroline sighed when Tyler, Enzo and Klaus left to mingle with the other guests. Klaus gave Caroline an encouraging smile over his shoulder before he left, which she returned. She held up the gambling chip, Stefan's chip, and tried to prepare something to say for when he arrived.

Stefan ran through the wet streets, glancing at the thundering skies and praying he wouldn't get hit by lightning a second time. He kicked himself for choosing to be Jeremy's wingman over supporting Caroline on her big night and dodged traffic, avoiding a random horse and cart, only to get hit by car. "Watch where you're going!" Jeremy yelled from his car window, having left their dates. Stefan picked up his bruised body with a groan, and Jeremy sighed, pointing to the passenger seat. "Get in, I'll take you to her," he said, whilst someone behind him honked their horn.

Stefan texted Caroline to let her know he was nearby. Not far, meet you downstairs. She saw Bonnie chatting to Mr Bennett and Klaus drinking champagne in front of the Petrochelli discussing art and culture with Esther, while the blond woman, Matt had tried to chat up, hugged Klaus' shoulder. To their left, Tyler admired Degas' brushstrokes in awe, and Matt huffed in a corner, when nobody listened to him. She bumped into Enzo right before she descended the second and third levels, and in her surprise, dropped Stefan's chip.

Enzo picked it up, performing his last trick and teasing her when she tried to get it. Her fingers grazed its edges, knocking it from Enzo's hand so it fell to the ground and set off down the linoleum ramp. She gave Enzo a look of horror and he stepped aside, watching her sprint after it. She pulled off her heels, picking them up by their straps, and ran faster. She passed the mammals' section, the birds of prey and the dinosaurs, stopping when she reached level one and saw the chip bounce off a pair of polished black shoes. Stefan stared at it, frowning, as she, breathless, came to meet him.

"So, I guess it's over now, huh?" she whispered, having returned the last coin to its owner. He frowned. "Is that really what you want?" he asked. Caroline pointed to the chip. "You've got your will back..." she sighed, thinking their relationship was over with, despite how alive it made her feel. He shook his head, confusing her. "Ever since I saw you in that fountain, I knew I was in love with you. I'm a mess, Caroline, I can't eat, I can't sleep, and I don't know what this gambling chip has to do with any of it?" Caroline stared at the chip. It made no difference, Stefan still loved her.

"This is real?" she breathed, surprised by his confession. Stefan nodded. "I ran all the way up 5th avenue in a lightning storm..." he continued. Caroline interrupted. "Because you love me?" He stopped, and she regretted saying anything. "I mean, say it, if you want to, no pressure..." she stuttered, feeling stupid. Stefan sighed, dropping the chip into his pocket, and running his hand through her hair. His thumb caressed her chin, and her heart raced. "The only spell I'm under is yours, Caroline Forbes," he said, pressing his lips against hers. She felt as if her heart would explode out of happiness.

Three years later, Caroline looked at her reflection in the mirror, hearing the Fonte d'amore outside her dressing room window. She flattened her hands against her white lace dress, and exhaled gently, hardly daring to believe she would be walking down the aisle to marry the man of her dreams. She straightened the gold sash around her waist, and felt Elena's hands tidying her hair. "You look amazing," she beamed while Caroline warned her against compliments which would cause her mascara to run. Liz Forbes arranged her daughter's bouquet of purple and white calla lilies.

"I agree with Elena," she said, tying a blue ribbon around the stems of the lilies. Caroline thanked her mother, letting Elena pin a short veil over her eyes. "Ready?" Elena beamed, hearing Pachabel's Canon in D starting, and giving her sister a brief hug. "It's time," Liz said, blinking back tears, and giving Caroline a kiss on the cheek. "You do look beautiful, baby girl," and she gave Caroline her bouquet, whilst Elena picked up a basket of rose petals. They were about to leave when Enzo burst into the room. Caroline had forgotten she'd sent invites to all her Romeo's.

"We need to talk," Enzo muttered, wearing a long black coat over his suit, and a bowler hat, making him resemble Inspector Gadget. Elena shook her head, but Caroline listened, waving Elena on. Instead, Elena hovered in the doorway. "I flew over here as soon as I realized, but," Enzo showed Caroline a gambling chip, and it took a minute to register. "I think I gave you the wrong one that day, during your exhibition. This is the real one." He muttered an apology, letting himself out.

"He's been under the spell this whole time?" she felt sick, shaking, and Elena tried to comfort her. Liz had heard the story over dinner once, and welcomed Bill inside. She hurried Elena along, and gave Bill a meaningful look. He'd picked up on the tension in the room, and wondered if Caroline had cold feet. She wrung her hands together, smiling when he complimented her. She stared at her frightened reflection and clung to his arm. "When you married mum, did you ever think you wouldn't make it?" she asked. Bill gave her some much needed advice.

"Honey, you cannot learn from my mistakes, you have to make your own and you can get your heart broken, or you can have the greatest love affair the world has ever known..." she let his words sink in and nodded, watching him open the doors. She looked over her wedding guests, forcing herself to smile. Matt had arrived, sitting himself beside Tyler, who she saw, had trading his paint sticks in for grease and a white singlet top. She saw her boss, Esther, surrounded by her children, some Caroline recognised from the Gala three years ago.

Klaus sat beside his mother, shuffling closer to the pew when some other guests arrived. A woman sat down, accompanied by a tall man with his handkerchief in his pocket. Klaus looked astonished, and the blond elbowed him, like siblings would, causing Klaus to say something. The woman smiled, and held his hand. Caroline returned her gaze to the altar where Stefan looked dapper. Jeremy and Damon stood either side, and behind Damon's legs stood, his and Elena's son, with magnificent blue eyes that ran in the family. Bill passed her over to Stefan, and she gave her bouquet to Elena, looking down at the gambling chip, which also happened to be blue, and borrowed, she thought, how ironic.

Father Jesse welcomed them, bringing the procession forwards. Elena beckoned for her son, Giuliano, to sit with his grandparents, Liz and Bill, while Damon sat on the opposite pew with his mother, Lily, who ran a small bed and breakfast. Stefan took Caroline's right hand, leaving her to clasp his gambling chip in her left, still of two minds. Meeting Stefan, and falling in love had been such a wonderful journey, but now she worried whether Stefan loved her at all? Maybe this was the real Fonte d'amore's practical joke? Maybe she had been right in thinking true love wasn't for her?

Caroline saw Enzo's matching glum expression, and felt Stefan's thumb caressing her fingertips out of concern. Thoughts bombarded her head as she measured the pros and cons, but always returned to the morality of the situation, Stefan was still under the spell, and it was her obligation to set him free. Jesse continued: "A marriage is like all contracts, so if there's anybody here who has their reasons for objecting, then please say so, or forever hold onto your pieces..." Elena and Jeremy hid their smiles behind their hands, while Jesse looked upon their guests.

"Anybody? Anybody? It could be anybody..." he shrugged, wiping the sweat nervous sweat from his brow. Distracted by the Father's strange behaviour, Caroline mouthed to Stefan, 'is he drunk?' Caroline saw the colour in Stefan's cheeks rise out of frustration. "Nobody's objecting, get on with it," he hissed while Jesse carried on with the rest of the spiel, slightly affronted. So do you, Caroline, take this man to be your awful wedded husband?" Father Jesse muttered, glaring at Stefan.

"Lawful," Stefan hissed. Caroline wanted to say yes, but she also wanted to do the right thing. Stefan lifted her chin, his kind, warm eyes pleading to trust him, and in return she gave him the gambling chip. "I'm sorry, I can't." She felt all eyes on hers as she sprinted from the church and found herself standing in the Fonte d'amore, crying her eyes out. "Did you have fun watching me go crazy?! Did you have fun watching my life go upside down? Because I did!" Caroline heard Stefan's shout.

"Why do you keep giving me back my poker chips!" he demanded, raising his eyebrows in disbelief. She was unable to keep her secret from him any longer. "You threw it into the fountain and wished for love, and I don't want to keep it anymore!" she shouted, wiping her tears from her cheeks. "No I didn't..." Stefan looked bewildered. She stared at him, his smile infectious. "Then who did?!" He shrugged, stepping into the fountain with her. "I don't know!" She furrowed her brow, it seemed to be a mystery.

He threw the chip over his shoulder, and a few seconds later a shout alerted them. They saw Father Jesse running around like a lunatic, kissing the flagstones, chasing pigeons and praying to God, grateful to be alive. Snorting into Stefan's shirt, Caroline caught Stefan's amused expression and rested her chin against his chest, breathing a sigh of relief. It was all over, and Stefan still loved her, despite everything. Stefan's eyes twinkled. With no more excuses, not to mention an overwhelming urge to kiss him, Caroline welcomed his proposition. "Can we get married now?" he grinned, brushing her wet hair aside. She nodded, kissing him with a smile and taking back all the bad things she'd ever said about the Fonte d'amore.

A/N: Please review. I decided not to write the dance off scene, just use your imagination for that part. Thanks for your interest, I hope you enjoyed it. x