I am so sorry it took me so long to upload this guys. But thanks for sticking with me!

Oh and a big shout out to celrock! It's her birthday today! Happy birthday!

The Next Good Thing

It took a while to get everyone settled in the library. The chairs and tables were pushed aside and the kids sat on the floor in the middle of the room. All the grown-ups and teachers sat on chairs at the edges and in the back.

It didn't feel like an assembly or a weekly meeting. There was no squirming, no whispering, no giggling. There wasn't even any smiling. It felt like a funeral. My funeral.

Mrs. Harford stood in front of the main desk and waited until the last grown-ups were seated. I stood beside her and Liz was next to me. Aunt Cass was sitting off to the left. She seemed a million miles away, and I thought how nice it would feel to be sitting there next to her again.

It was hard to breathe. I knew what I wanted to say, but I wasn't sure how to begin. Or how to end. Then I thought, What about Liz? What is she going to say? I mean, a girl who could make that kind of a handout could do anything! What if she raises one fist and shouts, "Hey, everyone! Kids rule! Let's get this rebellion going!" and then she starts running around the library, ripping books off the shelves and breaking the furniture? Or...or what if Mrs. Harford changes her mind all of the sudden, and she stands there and points at us and says, "Hiro and Liz have been wicked, wicked children, and I have decided that they shall both be expelled from school forever! Out! Get out of here, both of you!"

Imagination can be torture, so I was glad when Mrs. Harford started talking.

She looked around the room slowly as she spoke. "We are here this morning because some serious mistakes have been made. I think all of you know what I'm talking about. Hiro Hamada has asked if he could speak to the whole Blue Team, and I have given him permission. Liz Gorboki has something to say too." Then she looked at me. "Hiro?"

No long speech, no extra time to think. A few quick sentences and now it was all up to me.

I looked out over those faces and I froze. I gulped. I opened my mouth. I tried to begin, but nothing came out.

So Liz said, "Hiro and I started talking about something last week, and that's what he wants to tell you about."

I nodded, and I gulped again, and then I said, "Yes. It was about grades. I've been worried about grades for a long time. I think a lot of kids do that, but I wasn't just worried about getting good grades or bad grades. I was worried about grades themselves, about the whole idea of grades. Because grades and test scores can make kids feel like winners or losers. And I didn't like that. Because I saw some kids start thinking they were dumb after we all took the STAR test last year. And they weren't dumb, not at all. So I wanted to do something about that. And I guess it wasn't so smart to think that I could change everything by myself, or even with Liz's help. Or that everything could change quickly. Because that's not how things happen. But I felt like I had to do something...anything. And then Liz and I got this idea about getting zeroes, but that made it look like we thought school was a joke or something. And it's not a joke. We don't think that. We just wanted everybody to look at the numbers and the letters and the test scores and really think about them. But things went too far, and then everybody got upset, and I don't want that. I know school's important, and it's important to do good work, and I think almost every kid does; good work, I mean. And the teachers do, too. And I didn't understand how a lot of teachers feel sort of the same way I do about testing and grades. So we have to do this together. To make things better. And that's all I wanted to say. That I'm sorry about the trouble. Because there are other ways to make things better."

Liz nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm sorry too. And especially for that stuff about rebellion. I know why it happened, though, like, why I made that flyer and everything. Because it was exciting. I mean, all of a sudden I felt like my grades didn't have this huge power over me. And I guess I got carried away. Even so, I learned a lot. And I'm not going to be afraid of tests and grades anymore, not like I was. But I'm sorry about the trouble, like Hiro said."

I waited for more, but Liz was done.

I didn't see, but I think it was Aunt Cass who started clapping. And then everyone clapped a little, even Mrs. Soto. It was pretty embarrassing.

But Mrs. Harford held her hands up and it got quiet right away. She said, "I know we have all learned some important lessons today, and I know each of us will remember how important it is to always do our best work. And now I'd like the team teachers to take all the students to their homerooms until you are dismissed for lunch."

And that was it. We were done. No more talk of being suspended, no threats, no shouting, no finger shaking. I followed Mrs. Harford's orders and started moving toward my homeroom teacher. It seemed to good to be true.

It was. From about fifteen feet away the principal called, "Hiro, please ask your aunt to join me back in my office for a few minutes. And you, too."

A minute later we were face-to-face with Mrs. Harford again. And then Mrs. Burke came in and sat down.

Mrs. Harford said, "I'm glad the morning has ended as calmly as it has, but there's another matter to discuss. We need to resolve Hiro's placement. Mrs. Burke and I feel that she needs to be in the gifted program."

Aunt Cass nodded and said, "I agree completely. I'm going to have some independent testing done, and Hiro's going to take a placement test at Connections Academy next week. But the gifted program should be fine until we see where he really belongs."

Mrs. Burke said, "Excellent. Most students currently in the program take two to six gifted periods each week, but in Hiro's case we feel that except for homeroom, gym, art, and music, he should be in the special-classes pod all day."

Someone so close to getting kicked out of school probably should have kept his mouth shut, but I couldn't. I didn't even raise my hand or ask if it was alright if I talked. I just blurted it out. "I don't want to be in the gifted program. I like my teachers, and I like my friends, and I want to stay where I am."

Mrs. Burke smiled and said, "We can all understand your reluctance, Hiro. Change is always a little scary. But you can't help being who you are. You are extremely intelligent. You just are. You are so far above average that the normal classes move too slowly for you."

I shook my head. "But if I finish my work or if I already understand what the teacher's talking about, then I can just think about something else. I've always had plenty to think about. I'll run math problems in my head. I'll think about the poems I have memorized. Or I can get out a book and read. I want to stay in the normal classes because I like normal kids. I don't want special treatment, and I don't want teachers that are always trying to push me ahead."

Mrs. Harford wasn't trying to butt in and neither was Aunt Cass. This was between me and Mrs. Burke.

She said, "But think of it this way, Hiro. How will you reach your full potential if you don't accept new challenges?"

"I'm not trying to be a smart aleck, but please, think about that," I said. "Am I really trying to get away from new challenges? Do you think that trying to be normal after what's happened this last week won't be a new challenge for me? And that stuff about working up to my full potential. Who gets to say what my full potential is? An IQ test? Shouldn't I have something to say about what I want to accomplish? What if what I really want is to be normal? What if being normal is my big goal in life? Is there anything wrong with that? To be happy and read books and hang out with my friends and play soccer and listen to music? To grow up and get a job and read the newspapers and vote in elections and maybe get married someday? Would that be so terrible? I know that I'm different, and I hope I'll always be smart. But I don't want to get pushed ahead so I'm always trying to do what someone else thinks a person with my intelligence ought to be doing. I want to use my intelligence the way I want to use it. And right now I want to be a normal kid."

While I was talking, it was like the words poured into my mind and out of my mouth like milk from a pitcher. I had never given a speech like that before.

And when I stopped no one said anything.

So I said, "May I go to my homeroom now? It's almost lunchtime and I don't want to be late. It's pizza today."

"Yes, Hiro, you may go."

And my favorite part was it wasn't Mrs. Harford who said that.

It was Aunt Cass.

Lunchtime was a little weird, and my afternoon classes were strange too. There was a lot of whispering and I felt kids looking at me almost every second. It must have been the way a movie star feels at the grocery store. But I just tried to mind my own business and have a regular day. I tried to be normal.

The rest of the day had two best parts.

The first was when I went to see Mrs. Jensen right before I got on the late bus. I had been playing soccer in the gym so I was hot and sweaty and a little out of breath. I was cutting it close because I hoped the library would be empty. And it was. Mrs. Jensen was alone, sitting at her screen at the front desk. I think she saw me coming, but she didn't look up until I was right in front of her.

She smiled and said, "Big day?"

I smiled back. "Huge. Did you hear anything?"

"Oh, yes. More headline news in the teachers' room: STUDENT SAVES HIS OWN SKIN, THEN WINS FOLLOW-UP DEBATE. Very dramatic. I'm proud of you."

I blushed. "It wasn't so special."

Mrs. Jensen shook her head. "That's where you're wrong. It was. Everything you've done has been quite special and remarkable and wonderful."

I started to talk, but she said, "And don't say that you couldn't have done it without my help. There's and old saying: Nothing can stop an idea who's time has come. And this time is your time, Hiro. Now hurry up, run and catch your bus."

I said, "Well, thanks all the same, because you did help me. Tons," and I started to go. Then I turned back and said, "Mrs. Jensen, what college has the best courses in library science?"

She said, "There are a number of fine programs. Why do you ask?"

"You know," I said. "In case I want to reach my full potential."

Mrs. Jensen laughed and shooed me out the door.

But really, I wasn't kidding.

The other best thing was after the bus ride. Jadelyn got off at the corner too, but her house was in the other direction. So it was just me and Liz walking along the road.

She didn't say anything until we got to my house. She kicked a rock with the toe of her shoe. "What you said in the library about kids thinking they were dumb after the test last year? That was me, wasn't it?"

I nodded. "Yeah. It was you."

She looked at my face and then at the ground. "So all this was kind of about me?"

"Yeah. Kind of...but it was about me, too."

"Well, yeah," she said. "You mean about you being smart and everything, right?"

"Yeah," I said. "All that."

She smiled and said, "Maybe it would've been kind of fun to be suspended a couple weeks, d'y'think?"

"I don't think so," I said. "Too boring. A lot of stuff happens at school."

"Yeah," Liz said. "A lot!"

I couldn't think of anything else to say. Neither could Liz.

She said, "So I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah," I said. "See you tomorrow."

And then I went in my house and Liz walk toward her house.

That three minutes with Liz wasn't so much if you only look at the events, like a scientist would. Because, really, what happened? Hardly anything. I hadn't tried to carry Liz's backpack. She hadn't looked into my eye and said, "Hiro, you're my best friend in the whole world." And we hadn't had a real discussion about school or tests or grades.

We just spent a little time together at the end of the day. Liz talked to me like a friend. Like I was a normal person. Just me, Hiro.

At that moment nothing could have made me happier.

And that's a fact.

Review Replies:

celrock - Oh wow, great chapter as always! And I'm glad they're going to allow Hero and Liz to talk to the other students. Also, I agree with Mrs. Gennings, having them suspended is unfair and I felt she made a good valid point in terms of what Hero and Liz were trying to do, basically Hero's words more or less exactly. I do look forward to reading the last and final chapter of this story, and here's hoping you don't have to type it up twice, as I can't stand when that happens! Also, I've been lucky to never share a room with anybody, except for the times I went away to summer camp or any type of camp at any other time of the year. Good thing too. At least in those situations, I shared with all other girls. As for siblings, I'm a girl with an older brother, and even with separate rooms, we didn't always get along. I probably would not be alive today if we did share a room in our youth, as our wars would have only exculated. Well if anything, you take care, and, looking forward to the conclusion! - Well, here it is! I hope you enjoyed it!

OwlPatronus16 (guest) - I love this story! I've never read anything my Andrew Clements but this story seriously made me want to read more of his work! I love the character of Liz so much, she's so brave and kind hearted! But seriously, I really admire you for sticking with this fic, and this is coming from a person with about 120 unfinished ones cued up in her dash. Great work, can't wait for the sequel! - Oh trust me, I have plenty of unfinished fan fictions, some of them I haven't updated for years. This one, well, this one I just have so much inspiration for. So I've been updating it. Glad you like it!

firelass19 - OMG, sequel! Yesssssss, thank you SO FREAKING MUCH! And FYI, you are probably the fastest uploaded I am following so don't even be sorry for 'updating late'. I am so excited for the next chappie! - Aw, thanks! Now get out there and read that sequel!

This is the FINAL chapter of The Report Card. Thank you all for sticking with me! The sequel is out! (Well, it will be out in like thirty minutes.) It is called Face It: You're Not Normal. Now I would like to thank everyone who reviewed, favorited, and followed my story!

This story (as of this update) had 76 reviews. (If I missed you or misspelled your name, PM me or review so I can fix it.)


FF Users: The Girl With 4 Fears, ScarredNotBroken, firelass19, I'mAWhovianAndPotterHead, Hoytti, Ern Estine 13624, Fluttershy 127, celrock, WickedInk, Iron Rose Writer, IndiaMoore, Strangled Creativity, That-Flying-Breadstick-Wizard, DayosCain, BelieverofManyThings, Kiki Anderson

Guests: fyphoenix, Darky, Sillia, Dreamer, Sydney, Guest, Anonymous, OwlPatronus16

This story (as of this update) had 68 followers. (If I missed you or misspelled your name, PM me or review so I can fix it.)

Followers Beginning with an Uppercase Letter: Adazula, Adventuregirltwi1, Ancient Tamer, AngelBunnyluvr, AnimeLover3008, Aprotny, BasilSing, BlackAndWhiteRoseWolf, Bloody Macaroon, Catquat Vixen, CriticsBakana, CurleyQue, DayosCain, DamigodBooks, Destiny-FaithAngel, Emmsta, FangirlNED, FrozenPanda97, GrumpySnoopy, HerdingDog1, HiccupHorrendousHaddockTheIII, HiddenZero, Hoytti, I'mAWhovianAndPotterHead, IamTheCaptaindammit, IndiaMoore, Iron Rose Writer, Kiki Anderson, KuniaKuniKu, Lofi Lokison, LoveMuffins, 96, Marmie, Master Giggles I, Maya the Phoenix, Mewster7, Milean, MisticCelestialDragon, Puberbeer, Red Moon Lollipop, Rise-of-the-writer, Saul12347, Shadow Phoenix 16, SleepyBella, Snow-Soar, SnowGirl95, Spazzcat-Katori, That-Flying-Breadstick-Wizard, The Girl With 4 Fears, TheAngelofOblivion-DarkMadness, TheMemeKing, ToscaThorCat, TsukiyoTenshi, Walker's Annoying Voice, WickedInk

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This story (as of this update) had 45 favorites. (If I missed you or misspelled your name, PM me or review so I can fix it.)

Favorites Beginning with an Uppercase Letter: Adventuregirltwi1, BlackAndWhiteRoseWolf, Bluefire3572, BrokenWings2602, Catquat Vixen, Delta General 42, Destiny-FaithAngel, Emmsta, Ern Estine 13624, Flamestar072, Fluttershy127, For now a Harry Potter fan, GrumpySnoopy, HiddenZero, Jenova the destroyer, KnB fan, KuniaKuniKu, LARIEN-BLACK, LoveMuffins, 96, MariaHikari, Master Giggles I, NeonBlackRoseRevived, Shadow Phoenix 16, SleepyBella, SparkleStar2000, Spazzcat-Katori, Sukila - Angel Quartz, The Dark Lady55, The Girl With 4 Fears, TheMemeKing, The Prime Writer, VeeVenea, WickedInk

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So please only review or PM me your username to add to the list if you reviewed, favorited, or followed before this chapter. Thanks.

And again, I'm sorry this took so long, but thanks for still reading. It means a lot! And again, happy birthday, celrock!

Now go check out that sequel!