"This way, ma'am."

"Please, don't call me ma'am. It ages me… Just. Take me to him."

The Great Hall, normally roaring with life and laughter, was eerily silent for how full it was, Families and students sat still and spoke in hushed tones. The tables that normally housed great feasts were instead lined with white sheets. But as the silence was broken by the echoing of heels clicking down the corridor into the room full of death, the silence had never felt so loud.

Molly Weasley looked up from the body of her boy for the first time in hours, her eyes widening in terror, "Oh no. Arthur." She whispered, grasping her husband's arm. Harry looked up at Mr. Weasley, hand reaching for his wand. Hermione and Ron replicated his actions, all still jumpy after the battle that had cost the people under the white sheets their lives. But, his face was a similar mask to hers; sadness, fear, and strangely enough to Harry, pity. He followed to where their eyes stared at, more tears threatening to fall.

Hagrid followed behind the woman. She was speaking softly, though her voice echoed through Hall. "They sent me and Owl," she said, "He told me it was happening, that I was to keep my distance, but I didn't know it was…" she trailed off. She spoke quickly, like she was speaking to herself and not to the giant man behind her. The Malfoy's looked up from their huddle, Lucius and Narcissa's faces matching the Weasely's. Narcissa's thin hand flew to cover her open mouth, a fresh wave of tears soaking her face. "Oh god," She said to her husband, "She doesn't know."

The woman was small; a petite figure clad in a thin and wrinkled cotton dress that she must have snatched off her bedroom floor and thrown on. It stretched over the small round belly that protruded from her otherwise petite body. Harry found her to rather pretty with warm brown eyes and a round face creased with laugh lines. Her faced was creased with concern rather than the smile that so usually graced it.

She entered the Great Hall and came to a sharp halt, as if she had hit a barrier. Her eyes darted from table to table. She swallowed, whispering something inaudible to herself, tugging on the necklace she wore and turned to Hagrid. "Where is he?" her voiced cracked as she spoke. Her words rang through the hall, the quiet Hall growing even quieter as all attention turned to the woman.

"Who is she looking for?" Harry asked, Molly hushing him quickly. She pressed a hand to her chest, the other moving to rest on Harry's shoulder. McGonagall hurried past them, bumping shoulders with Ron.

"Bloody hell, where did she come from?"

"Kate," McGonagall spoke softly to the woman and reached for her hand, "Why don't we speak in private?"

Kate stared at the old woman's hand, a noticeable panic sweeping over her. "Where is he?" she asked again. This time, tears started to roll down her cheeks. McGonagall pursed her lips, taking the young woman's hand. A single diamond band sparkling on her ring finger. Narcissa's sobs became audible, Lucius patting his wife's back and Draco trying to comfort her.

"What's going on? Mum, who is she?" Ron asked.

Molly took a deep breath in hopes to calm herself, "Someone who doesn't deserve this."

Kate's body shook, a tight blond curl falling out of the bun she had drawn it into. "Where is he?" she repeated, somewhere between a demand and plea. "Please," her voice rose, along with the sound of Narcissa's sobs, "Where is he? Tell me. Damn it tell me."

Arthur broke past Molly and the trio, lurching forward and catching Kate as her knees gave out and collapsed into McGonagall's arms. Lucius stood, joining Arthur to help in the heartbreaking scene.

"Minerva," Kate gasped, "Tell me where my husband is." She begged, "Where is my Severus?"

Hermione let out a small gasp, Ron wrapping his arms around her and allowing her to lean into his chest. Harry felt as if he had been sucker punched. Minerva brushed tears from her own cheeks, "Oh, Katherine, dearest," she squeezed her hand, "I am so very sorry."

"I didn't know he was," Hermione broke off into a quiet sob.

A great quiet rushed over the Hall yet again. Narcissa ceased her tears, all eyes fell on the sight in the middle of the room. Kate pursed her lips, swallowing a sob. She rubbed her belly and Harry felt like vomiting. "Where is he." She whispered.

Minerva nodded, Lucuis and Arthur supporting her as she was lead towards the Headmaster's table. Molly motioned for the threesome to follow.

Kate broke from the two men, striding ahead of them. McGonagall motioned towards the Headmaster's place at the table, once again whispering to the young woman how sorry she was. Kate simply nodded. "Did he suffer?" she asked. Harry stepped towards her, McGonagall meeting his stare and nodding as to give him permission.

"He died a hero," he said, Mrs. Snape nodding, "He saved my life. He saved everyone really."

She tried to offer him a smile, but her shaking lips wouldn't allow it, "Thank you."

She turned from him, standing beside her husband's covered corpse. Harry noticed how young she was. Snape's hard sneer and dark features made him seem considerably older, Harry knowing that he was the same age as his parents, but his wife seemed rather young, youthful and even in the darkest moment of her life, aglow with the warmth of pregnancy.

She stood still, a statue of sadness and heartbreak. Molly reached forward, rubbing her arm, but Kate remained still. She didn't ask for privacy, she didn't sob or scream or cling to one of the people surrounding. She simply drew the sheet back.

"Mrs. Snape," Harry interjected, hoping to prepare her for the gruesome sight. But the sheet was thrown from the table. Lucius took a step forward, prepared to catch her when she collapsed, but she stood.

She reached forward with a hand that shook so hard that Harry thought it would fly off and brushed her fingers over the puncture marks on his pale neck, the pale skin stained crimson. Her hand moved to cup his face in her small hand, tears falling from her eyes and making a small 'plop' as they fell upon her husband's chest. She bent over, brushing his lips with the pad of her thumb and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Percy came to his father's side, sliding a chair up to the table side. Kate lowered herself into the chair, slipping her left hand into Snape's.

Her eyes widened.

"Where is his ring."

Her gaze was fixated on his naked ring finger. All color drained from her face, if her already face could have lost anymore color. She spun on her heel, "You were with him when he died?" Harry nodded, "Was he wearing it? Just a gold band. Was he wearing his wedding ring. Where is it?"

A lump grew in his chest, "I-He wasn't-I didn't see," he stuttered. Kate wasn't listening however. Her wand was already out; cherry, 8 inches and ¾, dragon heartstring.


Snape's pocket pulled gently towards Kate. She slipped her hand into his trouser pocket, from it removing a simple gold wedding band. She fumbled with in shaking hands, lifting Severus's left hand and slowly easing the ring onto his finger. Harry couldn't ever recall seeing the band, but, then again, he had never paid much attention to the Potion Master's hands.

She held his hand in bother of hers, slowly stroking the top of his hand. She never cried. Only stared blankly at her husband. Arthur put a hand on her shoulder, "Can I get you-,"

"I'd like to be alone."

He nodded, quietly ushering away the crowd that had formed. Whispers followed the crowd, "I didn't know he was married, did you?" "Poor thing." "So very sad." Harry stayed where he stood.

Kate had finally allowed herself to cry.

Harry buried his hands in his pockets and came to the woman's side. They sat there, the uncomfortable silence stretching for what seemed for hours. Uneasiness stirred in Harry's stomach, words mixing in his head as he tried to find the right thing to say to the new widow. He opened his mouth to speak, "Mrs. Snape,"

"We were going to paint the nursery next week," she spoke for him. She didn't look up at him, her eyes never leaving Snape, but she continued to speak.

"We decided on grey and pale blue. Severus never much cared for changing the way the house looked. Everything is the same as it was when he was a boy." She spoke slowly and quietly, as if she was speaking to a child. But Harry Just listened.

"He didn't want to actually paint. He told me that there was a spell we could use but I opposed. I want every little detail, every little thing, we give our son to be filled with love. Because we did it together." She brushed his hair out of his face, smiling from behind her watery face, "We are having a little boy. Cassius. Cassius Percival Snape."

"That's a beautiful name," Harry commented.

Kate wiped her face, "I wasn't supposed to get pregnant. The doctor's told me it was impossible. But Sev was so happy. We never had it easy. Not even at the beginning. But we loved each other. We love each other."

"He came home last night. I had an appointment at St. Mungo's for the baby." She sat bad, sniffling and rubbing her face, "I'm grateful for that. That the last words I said were him were I love you and that even though he knew he'd be going to fucking war the next day he still came home for a damned appointment and to tell me that he loved me." She inhaled sharply through her nose, patting Harry's knee, her eyes still on Severus.

"Sev wasn't much of fuzzy person. But when he spoke, you knew. You knew you meant the world to him. You knew you were everything."

She turned to Harry, her big brown eyes reminding him of a doe. "He cared about you. I always knew. You may have not been able to tell, but he gave everything he had," her voice cracked.

"Mrs. Snape,"

"Katherine," she said, "Please, call me Katherine. In a situation like this, formalities aren't important."

Harry nodded. He was at a loss for words. The man who had died for him, to protect him, he knew so little about. The man whom he hated and distrusted for seven long years was a husband. A father to be. He was the bravest man he had ever met. And now, he was cold.

"Your husband," the words tasted foreign on his tongue, "He was a brave man. You should be proud of him and everything he has done. He's a hero."

She smiled and nodded, "I've always been proud of him."

She looked up, the ceiling of the Great Hall a brilliant masterpiece of stars and constellations. She smiled, her eyes bright and wet with tears. Her small hand grasped Severus's again, her other rubbing her belly. "Would you look at that, dearest?" she spoke, but Harry knew not to him, "Look at how beautiful. Just like the night we met," tears rolled down her cheeks, "Do you remember that? Remember that night?"

Harry cleared his through, feeling awful for ruining her moment. "Did you… did you teach here?" he asked.

She chuckled, her eyes returning to Severus once more. "Oh no. Not at all," she stroked his hand once more, "I was his student. I was your age when we met and I fell madly in love."