Sleep Tight
Summary: To say Law was exhausted after the battle of Dressrosa would have been an understatement. So when he reunites with the Thousand Sunny, it's no real surprise the only thing he wants to do is sleep. LawLu.
Pretty much asexual!Law and asexual!Luffy.
Law was exhausted, tired, warn out, fatigued, drained, enervated. His entire body ached, his stamina was utterly depleted, and his patience had officially run out after having Luffy bug him constantly for the past day. While he was (very) grateful to Luffy for helping him take down Doflamingo, he couldn't stand the questions the straw-hatted teen kept throwing his way and his never-ending whining.
"Traffy, is your arm okay?" "Oi, Torao, aren't you tired?" "You don't look very well, Traffy. Maybe you should get some sleep?" "But I don't wanna go to sleep yet…" "I'm fine, stop fussing over my injuries, Torao! Look after your own!" "I'm hungry~!" "Fooooood!" "I can't wait to Nami and the others!" "Torao, play with me!" "I'm so booooored…"
Finally, finally Thousand Sunny came into view and Law let out a relieved sigh. As soon as he was onboard, he ignored all the questions that were thrown at him as he headed toward the small room the Straw Hats let him have while he was with them. The bed in the room looked like the most comfortable thing he'd ever seen and he wasted no time walking over to it. He didn't bother to take off his shoes, but he did discard his damaged coat and set it on the back of the nearest chair. He placed his hat there too before literally collapsing onto the bed. He carefully maneuvered his arm as not to aggravate his wound and soon found himself lying on his right side.
The door to his room opened and the sound of familiar sandals hitting a wooden floor reached his ears. He expected Luffy to ask him to play with him because he was bored, and if that was the case Law was going to strangle the other pirate captain. But much to his surprise, Luffy didn't ask to play with him. Instead, he asked something completely different.
"Ne, Torao… Can I sleep with you?" Law, at that point, was pretty much already half asleep. Too tired to say no, he simply mumbled something that Luffy took as a 'yes.' The straw-hatted teen gave an tired smile and made his way over to the bed. He removed his sandals and wriggled his way beside Law. He wrapped his arms around Law's waist and rested his forehead against the man's bandaged chest. He was careful not to hit the other captain's arm, knowing that was the worst injury Law currently had.
After he was nice and snuggled against the man, Luffy let out a content sigh. The surgeon's left arm found its way to Luffy's back and pulled him a little bit closer, making Luffy hum in content. "Love you, Law," Luffy mumbled against the man's bandages.
Trafalgar couldn't help the soft smile that pulled out at his lips. "Love you too, Luffy-ya," he mumbled back. "Sleep tight."
Seconds later, both pirate captain's were asleep; smiles gracing their content expressions.
A/N: I needed to write something because my mind's been utterly blank as of late. (I blame Tumblr.) Anyway, I don't think I've really written an asexual!character yet, and I believe in canon OP Law and Luffy are both asexual. Law's just been too focused on avenging Corazon while Luffy's well…Luffy. So if they were to start a relationship, it would be filled with holding hands, chaste kisses, and snuggling. Which is, you know, ADORABLE., maybe I should write more asexual!LawLu...
Your shy ice elemental,
~»roo the psycho«