A random Gajeel and Levy song fanfic. Hope you enjoy it. Song, Characters and Fairytail aren't mine.

Listen to the Just The Girl song by Click 5

Gajeel was sitting on his own again building some sort of metal contraption. He was avoiding me again, even after I told him it wasn't his fault. Two weeks ago he had puHed me into the freezing lake and I caught a cold after and had to stay home for the rest of the week. Even after I recovered he still wouldn't except that it was nothing. He laughed when I told him I was all fine. His laugh, I wish he laugh more. I stood watching for a while as he put one screw here and another there coming up with some wheel like thing. No one at the guild understood why I like him. He was a gruff, mean Dragon Slayer where as I was just the small bookworm. We were so different but strange as it seems he's the one I'm after.

I was thrashing from where I was hanging from his shoulder. One moment I was talking to Droy and Jet and the next I picked up off my stool and slung on someone's shoulder. Gajeel was silent as he continued to walk out of the guild. We walked in silence until we reached FairyHills. He dropped me off at the front without a word and walked off. I stood there glued in my spot completely confused and puzzled as to what had just happened. I leaned back, wringing my hands together before grinning and walking into the FairyHills.

He couldn't stop laughing as I stood there hands on my hips with a crossed expression on my face. Just an hour ago I told him that I wasn't even 5ft tall and now our entire guild knew. I shook my head and walked off towards the library. I had walked off a few paces when he noticed that I wasn't in front of him anymore. He walked over to me and tried to apologize but I ignored him and continued on with my arms crossed, looking mad. I wasn't that upset but watching him try and get my attention was fun.

He had been missing for a while now. He had come back to the guild from a mission crestfallen and after talking to the master Gajeel had left. After many hours Lily had started to worry so the two of us set of to find him. I called him using my communication lacrima but he wasn't picking up. Then I saw him leaning against a random wall. I called him again but he just looked at his screen and ignored my call. I wanted to give up and let him be but I remembered what he once told me, "I'll make you big." And decided that now was my turn to help him.

I had come into the guild this morning feeling really happy. I was sporting an orange t-shirt with a long pale green skirt which reached just above my knees. I walked over to the bad where I sat beside Lily and Gajeel. Lily and I exchanged our morning greetings but Gajeel threw me one look gave me some sort of disapproving grunt before continuing with his drink. "What's wrong Gajeel?" I asked confused. "You look weird Shrimp." He said shrugging and getting up and leaving. I was in complete shock. I had spent all morning doing my hair and picking my clothes and he tells me I look weird. How could he be so cold and cruel?


Gajeel's P.O.V.

"Lily are you seeing this? They're hitting on her! They're totally hitting on her." I said slamming my mug down from where I sat at my usual spot in the guild. Lily was sitting beside me sitting on his tea.

"I don't see what's wrong Gajeel. They're just talking." Lily said pointing at Levy and her lapdogs, bored with his tea Lily got up. "I'm going to find Happy and Charle or something. Behave yourself." He said with a slight glare before sprouting wings and flying off.

"I have enough of this!" getting up I went to grab Levy by her collar, slung her around my shoulder before returning her home and leaving her dumbfounded.

Hope you enjoyed this. Song by Just the Girl (Guy) by Click Five