By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter)

"Man what a rush! No wonder you seem so uptight if you're Semblance needs that much control over your emotions." Ruby said releasing Glynda and staggering around a bit as she cradled her head. Things around her began to glow purple and float slightly as she said this.

"Gee thanks…I think." Glynda said cradling her head and glaring up at Ruby, although her hands glowed purple as she made things around Ruby go back to normal.

"Just telling it how I see it." Ruby said grinning cheekily at the woman who bopped her on the head, which earned a whine and pout from the smaller teacher.

"Ha! You all now owe me your first born! I totally called sis kicking ass!" Yang was cackling loudly at her fellow students, along with the two female members of Team CFVY. They had all betted on Ruby…the rest…they went with the 'safe' bet of betting on Goodwitch.

"Thank you for you vote of confidence you three." Glynda said sarcastically as she glared at the three.

"Hey most of the class went with you. We just had a better grasp on her skills…so we went with Professor Rose." Velvet said shrugging her shoulders and causing Ruby to grin cheekily at Glynda.

"My students are awesome…those two are at least. The rest have no faith in me." Ruby said grinning as she motioned towards Coco and Velvet, before pouting at the rest of her students.

"Love you too teach!" Coco called back teasingly and causing Ruby to raise an eyebrow.

"Sorry but I don't want your 'Easter bunny' to get jealous and attack me. Plus you aren't my type." Ruby called back, causing Coco to choke on her laughter while Velvet went bright red at this.

"Wh-What what are you talking about!?" Velvet demanded her face much much redder than should be possible.

"Ultra Sensitive ears and nose remember? I heard you two calling each other pet names and can smell your scents on each other. It's obvious that you two are a couple." Ruby said pointing at her ears and nose. Velvet went brighter in the face as she sunk down in her seat while Coco laughed harder.

"Damn teach has a sense of humor and isn't afraid to use it. Any wonder that she's the best teacher?" Fox asked shaking his head in amusement while Coco wrapped an arm around Velvet's shoulders as she stopped laughing.

"And yet you were dumb enough to bet on Professor Goodwitch." Yang said idly, causing Fox to shrug his shoulders.

"Professor Goodwitch is older than Professor Rose and has more experience. I thought it would be safer to bet on her than against her." Fox said causing Glynda to damn near pout at this. She couldn't believe she lost so easily to a small slip of a fifteen year old.

"Next time I won't go so easy on you Professor Rose." Glynda said trying to save some face…and only causing Ruby to laugh.

"Yeah sure Goodwitch! Maybe next time I'll use my spirit or fairy powers then?" Ruby asked causing Glynda to actually pout at this.

"I don't like you anymore." The older teacher said causing Ruby to shrug her shoulders.

"Take a number and get in line. Be warned…it's a very long line." Ruby said causing Glynda to blink at her for a minute.

"There are a lot of people that don't like me. I've lost count years ago." Ruby explained causing Glynda to look confused.

"How come they don't like you?" Glynda asked causing everyone to look curious too.

"Same reason you don't like me anymore. I kicked their asses while holding back more than half my power." Ruby said causing Glynda's jaw to drop open, along with most of the students.

"You were holding back that much?" Glynda asked in shock and causing Ruby to smirk at her.

"Yeah. All of my spirit powers are about a third of my power, my fairy powers are another third. So I only really used about 33% of my total power against you." Ruby said causing Glynda to pale slightly.

"If that was only a third of your power…I never want to fight you when you're at your full power." Glynda said causing Ruby to shrug her shoulders.

"Yeah I get that a lot." Ruby said casually before she winced as she rubbed her head.

"One downside to my semblances though is that it leaves me a bit drained afterwards as I try to sort through your memories and all and separate them from my own." Ruby said causing Glynda to pale.

"You get people's memories when you 'absorb' their aura and all?" Glynda asked causing a few people to mutter impressed at this.

"Memories, a bit of your aura, some of your semblance if you have one, a couple of your skills, and even your emotions some times." Ruby cheerfully said causing Glynda and more than a few others to gape at her wide eyed.

"No way…Prove it!" Weiss demanded glaring angrily at Ruby who raised an eyebrow at her.

"Are you volunteering to be a test dummy?" Ruby asked causing Weiss to scowl but shake her head.

"I'll be the guinea pig!" Coco volunteered grinning and causing Ruby and a few others to snort slightly.

"A guinea pig and a bunny… not the weirdest couple I've seen. Alright Coco get down here." Ruby said snorting and causing Coco to grin as she jumped into the arena.

"This is probably going to hurt a bit." Ruby warned causing the girl to shrug her shoulders indifferently before Ruby touched Coco's arm.

"Holy Emerald City that hurts!" Coco shouted yanking free of the younger girl who gave her an apologetic grin.

"…You two had your first kiss in combat class? Really?" Ruby asked causing Velvet to blush darkly while everyone jaw dropped.

"I tripped! It was an accident I swear!" Velvet said defensively at the look everyone else was giving her.

"The look on your faces was amusing though, and I still swear I had never seen either of you turn that dark red before." Glynda said snickering slightly and causing a few people to give playful wolf whistles.

"You would know. You tripped her up using your semblance." Ruby said smirking at Glynda who merely shrugged under the looks she was getting.

"I got tired of them dancing around each other and decided to give them a little… push." Glynda said smirking slightly and causing Ruby to laugh. No really she threw her head back and let out what was less of a laugh and more of a cackle while Coco and Velvet and…pretty much everyone else was staring at Glynda shocked as Ruby's exclamation rang throughout the room and the videos.

"And people wonder why we get along so well!"