Chapter 3-Near death experience!
AN: Thanks for all the reviews guys! I really love all of your feedback so keep it coming!
"Cheers to our new family members Gon and Killua," one of the guild members said as everyone grabbed an age appropriate drink and clinked them together.
"Hey guys, come sit over here with us!" Wendy yelled to Gon and Killua.
They walked over to the table where Wendy, Natsu, Erza, and the rest of Team Natsu was sitting.
"So boys, why don't you tell us about yourselves?" Erza asked as they sat down. "Oh, and my name is Erza."
"Well, when I was little my mom died and my dad left me with my grandma and aunt Mito to become a hunter, so when I was twelve I left home go take the hunter exam. That is where I met Killua and we became best friends,"
"Your dad left you too? When I was little my dad disappeared without a trace," Natsu chimed in.
"So did my mom. They were both dragons and disappeared in the year 777 on July seventh with every other dragon," Wendy added.
"Dragons?" Killua asked shocked.
"Yeah, don't dragons exist in your world?" Natsu asked.
"They're just a myth in our world."
"Wow, a world without dragons! Oh sorry, keep telling us about yourselves. Killua what about your parents?" Wendy asked.
Killua slightly blushed and looked down a little, "Would she, I mean would they, think of me differently if they knew I come from a family of assassins?" Killua thought to himself. "I don't like to talk about my family," Killua said.
"Oh, okay."
"What I want to know is, what was that losing limbs comment about when we stopped Gon and Natsu's fight?" Erza asked.
"Oh, yeah. Gon has lost both of his arms during serious fights before. Obviously he got them healed."
"Wow!" They kept talking for a while, telling stories from each others past.
"So how old are you two?" Wendy asked.
"We're both 15. How old are you Wendy?" Killua asked.
"I think I'm either 15 or 22," Wendy responded.
"You think? And 15 or 22?" Killua questioned
"Yeah, seeing as we were raised by dragons we don't know our exact ages," Natsu said.
"Also seven years ago a lot of us were frozen until recently, so we look seven years younger than we are."
"Does anyone want to go fishing?" Happy asked.
"Sure, I love fishing," Gon said grabbing the fishing rod off his back.
"I could go for some fishing," Natsu said as he got up with Happy and Gon.
"Want to go fishing Killua?" Gon asked.
"I'll pass."
"Okay see you in a few hours."
"I have to get going; I'm going on a mission with Juvia," Grey said as he left.
"It's been nice talking to you and Gon, Killua. Lucy and I are going on a mission with our friend Cana so see you later," Erza said as she and Lucy got up.
"Welcome to Fairy Tail you guys," Lucy said before she left.
"So, I better start looking for someplace to stay while we're here," Killua said as he got up.
"Oh, I didn't tell you? Every Member of Fairy Tail is entitled to a room in Fairy Dorms. All the members who don't have homes stay there. I do. You get to stay as long as you do one mission every month or pay rent."
"Really, that's great."
"Come on, I'll take you. It's not that far," Wendy said as they left.
"This is sort of like Heaven's Arena,"
"What's Heaven's Arena?" Wendy asked. Killua proceeded to tell Wendy about the it as they walked to Fairy Dorms. After about ten minutes Killua had stopped talking and was about to say something when four figures crept out of an alleyway in front of them.
"Look what we found here, boys. A couple of fairy brats. Your guild owes us money and our master wants it, now!" The tall one said as he snapped his fingers signaling the other three to attack. Killua easily KO'd the first two, but seeing his goons getting defeated ticked off the tall guy. He lifted his hand, aiming it at Killua, and yelled out, "Poison Curse!" As he did so a skull fired from his hand and flew at Killua who's back was turned as he knocked out the third goon. Just seconds before the magical attack would have hit Killua, Wendy pushed him out of the way yelling, "Killua, lookout!" When Killua looked over to see what had happened Wendy was on the ground, limp.
Killua quickly ran to check if she had a pulse which she did.
"What did you do?" he asked, creepily quiet. He then ran over and grabbed the man by the collar, shoving him into the wall. He beat the crap out of him, occasionally shocking him with his nen. Once he knocked him out he tied all four thugs up and used god speed to move them and Wendy to the guild. He kicked open the door, threw the pile of goons on the floor, and yelled, "Someone help!" The master and Mira came running over.
"Oh, my god what happened!?" Mira asked.
"We need to take her to Porlyusica," Master Makarov said as he signaled Killua to follow him. They ran as fast as they could to Porlyusica's house in the woods where Killua explained what had happened.
"Alright everyone, get out now," Porlyusica said as Makarov and Mira walked to the door.
"I'm not leaving," Killua said. He was smacked by Porlyusica and shoved out of the house.
"She hates all people, it's nothing personal," Mira reassured him.
"Crazy old lady," Killua whispered remembering Bisky. After half an hour Porlyusica opened the door.
"She's going to be fine, but she's lucky. If she wasn't a dragon slayer, and if I wasn't as good as I am, she might not have made it. She'll be awake soon. You're lucky young lad; if she hadn't moved you out of the way, you'd be dead. That was some strong poison."
"No, I would have been fine. That fool risked her life for nothing. I'm immune to every poison there is. My family made sure of that."
"What do you mean by that?" Master Makarov asked.
"There's something I didn't tell you. I come from a family of assassins. In my world we are the deadliest group of people, second only to, maybe, the Phantom Troup. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I promise I'm nothing like them. Please don't make Gon and me leave. I can tell he really likes it here, so please, if you're going to kick me out, just let him stay." Killua said as he stood up and bowed to the guild master, almost coming to tears.
"Whoa, whoa. Calm down Killua. Nobody is getting kicked out. Even though we don't necessarily agree with killing, it's not like we have some no killing rule. I swear as long as you don't go killing people for no good reason or threatening the guild, like my grandson did once, then you're golden," Master said, reassuring Killua.
"Thank you Master," Killua said graciously. "Can I go in and wait for her to wake up?" Killua asked.
"Why not kid, go on in."
"Thank you," Killua said as he entered the room just out side of the one Wendy was in and waited. Outside Makarov told Mira to go get Natsu and Gon, and to go back to the guild with them to tell the others that Wendy was fine. After about fifteen minutes Wendy woke up to find Killua nervously waiting for her.
"Hey Killua. What are you…" Wendy said as she was cut off by Killua hugging her.
"Please never do that again," Killua said as he hugged Wendy again
"Do what?"
"Risk your life for nothing.
"It wasn't for nothing; I was risking my life for you, silly."
"Well, first, we just met today. You shouldn't have to risk your life for someone you just met. Second, the more ironic point, I'm immune to poison! If I had been hit by that attack I would have been fine. But thank you. You are one of the only people who has risked their life for me, so thank you.
"I don't care that we just met. If you had died and I could have saved you, do you know how sad I would have been? My new guild mate died, and I was completely helpless. No, that's not how things are in Fairy Tail. We always help our family out, no mater how long we've known them." Wendy said almost crying
"So then let's make a promise. We will both be strong enough to help each other out in our times of need. Deal?" Killua asked, holding out his hand.
"Deal," she replied, taking his hand. After their touching moment they left for the guild hall with Master Makarov after thanking Porlyusica.
AN: Thanks for reading. Sorry that I won't keep my promise to those of you who read chapter 6 of Mysteries of Gohan but I had some issues. I will just stick to my normal deadlines. Don't forget to leave a review to tell me what you think.