Based on a pic I found on Google+

Disclaimer: Niehter the characters, nor the books, nor the cover image are my own.

Will lied down, his head resting on Nico's lap. He smiled as Nico looked down at him, his brow raised. Will reached up and touched Nico's face.

Nico rolled his eyes and pulled away, shoving Will aside.

Will fake pouted as he sat up. "Come on! Why can't you just smile for me?" He complained. Nico ducked his head away, but not before Will saw him blush. Will smirked.

"Aww, is my little sunshine blushing?" he teased.

Nico turned away, hugging his knees to his chest. "I'm not sunshine. I'm death."

Will grimaced. "…Well you're not very cheerful," he commented dumbly.

Nico rolled his eyes. "And you're too cheerful," he buried his head in between his knees.

"Aw, am I gonna have to make you smile?" Nico whined in response, curling up tighter. Will chuckled. "Guess so," he lunged forward and began tickling Nico mercilessly. Nico squealed and tried to shove Will away, squirming under his touch. Will grabbed Nico around the waist and continued tickling.

"Will, stop it!" Nico squealed.

"Smile!" Will demanded. Nico pouted then gave a tiny smile – well, he lifted the corners of his lips a tiny bit.

Will made a face. "That's not a smile," he complained.

Nico rolled his eyes. "That's how I smile!" he returned.

Will sighed. "I've seen you smile!" he poked Nico's side again and Nico tried to squirm away. "Please?" Will made a puppy face.

Nico chuckled and rolled his eyes. A grin broke out on Will's face. "There!" he grabbed Nico's face. "Now keep it there."

Nico rolled his eyes again, his blush growing.

Will smiled and tilted his head to the side. "You're so much cuter that way," he looked into Nico's eyes and pecked Nico on the lips.

Nico's blush grew, as did his smile, as he rolled away and curled up on his side. Will chuckled and lied down next to him, wrapping his arms around the younger boy's torso. "I like it when you smile," he whispered into Nico's ear. Nico laughed quietly and sighed contentedly, closing his eyes and snuggling closer to Will's chest.

Meanwhile, in the bushes behind them, Jason was fangirling madly, Percy's jaw was wide open, Annabeth was smiling sweetly at the two boys, Piper was filming on her phone while trying to calm Jason and Frank was awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Uh… Are you sure you should be doing that?" he nervously asked Piper and she opened her Pinterest account.

She snickered. "Psh, of course not, but it's too cute not too!" she whispered excitedly.

"…What about when Nico sees it?"

Piper shrugged as Jason jumped up and down, trying to hold in his squeals. Frank nervously glanced at him. "…Does he always do this?" he asked softly.

Piper snorted. "Yeah, but he's normally squealing 'OTP' as he does."

Frank frowned. "What's OTP?"

Piper smiled. "Oh, you know, 'Obsessing over Two People' disorder…"

Frank frowned. "I… I didn't know…"

AN: So... How's it going! So far, I haven't written any of the stories I've been trying to... Only super cute oneshots... Dang, I feel so cheesy now...

Please review! Reviews make me want to write more!
