Kaneki Ken was really something else.

It wasn't just his abnormal white hair and intense yet glassy grey-eyed stare- those features have excuses.

But that wasn't it.

The dark and spine-chilling aura that surrounded Kaneki didn't have an excuse- or rather, an explanation. It was just there. It was obvious something was up with the guy, but what shook Light was that he couldn't figure it out. The white-haired man had entered To-Oh University as a second year with one of the highest scores in his entrance exams. Although he was nowhere as close as Light in academics or social life, he had still managed to disturb the brunet genius.

For one, his mysterious ways were apparently found attractive and he didn't lack a hoard of fangirls. That point didn't bug Light too much, but the fact that he refused to acknowledge them certainly did. He never seemed to make friends with people (or maybe it was just that everyone who didn't fangirl over him found him scary) and he was always very distant. In his free time he would sit alone on one of the benches with a book and a cup of coffee, shut up in his own world. No one had ever really seen him give a proper smile, but very rarely some people spotted him sporting a small yet sad smile on his face while he was zoning out. On a closer inspection, it was also seen that Kaneki had unnaturally black nails. People sometimes lightheartedly argued over whether he painted them or if they were somehow just natural (like his hair), but no one cared enough to ever just ask Kaneki himself.

Or maybe no one dared to.

Light had yet to approach Kaneki, but the teen's interest was certainly piqued. If he were not busy with handling both being on the Kira investigation team and being Kira himself, he wouldn't have minded hanging out with the white-haired boy.

The Kira case was sluggish for now, and he had thought of mentioning Kaneki to Ryuuzaki, but he deemed it unnecessary for the time being.

Because even with his threatening and dark aura, Kaneki just had to be human, right?

This is basically just a compilation of drabbles labeled as chapters. This 'story' does have a plot, but don't expect long and intensely detailed chapters with sufficient amounts of dialogue and conversation. As I said before, this 'story' is just drabbles grouped up together to create a plot, and hopefully keep you mildly entertained when you're either too lazy to drag your eyes through 3,000 words or when you want to read something lighthearted just to suffice your reading habits for a little while. Whichever it is, even if you're a third kind of reader, thank you for reading anyway.