Hearts Reconnected Chapter 2: Dive To The Heart
Falling...he was falling. At least that's what he thought was happening to him as he, couldn't really see anything in this almost suffocating darkness. He cracked his eyes open when he noticed a faint green dot beneath him, as he got closer and closer, he began to make out the details and soon enough the boy realized that it was no dot, but rather a massive stained glass platform. The mural had what looked like princess in the center holding an apple. On either side of her, were seven smaller circles that held seven short and stout men with larg noses and beards. Finally his descent slowled and he slowly flipped around and landed softly on his feet as he looked around in confusion until a faintly familiar voice spoke out. "Hey. Can you hear me? Try and move forward. Can you do that"? The voice asked, making the boy cross his arms in thought. Could he still move? Did he even remember how? Shaking his head at the ridiculous notion he slowly moved one foot forward and then the other before slowly walking forward to the glowing light in front of him. As soon as he reached it, the light vanished and suddenly three pillars with three different weapons rose up from the platform. One held a sword with a gold guard, and a grey hilt. The next pillar held a red and black shield and the third one held a green and blue staff. Each one had a strang cartoony mouse design on it. Suddenly another voice spoke out, it had a feminine sound to it and it was also vaguely familiar. "So much do to...so little time. Power sleeps within you. If you give it form, it will give you strength. Choose wisely". The voice said as the boy adopted a thoughtful pose.
After a few minutes of careful delibiration he finally decided. He walked up to the sword and picked it up in his hands. It felt so light and the blade was perfectly tempered. "Path of warrior. A sword of great and terrible power. Do you chose this path"? The voice asked. The boy stood silently for a few minutes before answering. "I do". He stated firmly The sword vanished in a flash of bright light and he felt a large amount of power flow into him. The voice spoke out once again as he turned his attention to the remaining weapons. "Now what will you give up in exchange"? The voice asked The boy walked to the center of the platform and looked at both of them before he picked up the staff and the voice spoke out once more. "Power of the mystic. A staff of wonder and ruin. Do you give up this power"? The boy looked at the staff for a moment longer before he nodded his head. The staff vanished and he felt the power leave him before the voice spoke out one last time. "You have chosen the path of the warrior, and you given up the path of the mystic. Is the path you seek"? The boy nodded his head, and suddenly the three pillars sank into the floor, and a strange dark substance sweapt all across the floor pulling him down with it. When he could finally breath again the boy looked around in shock before he noticed he was on another platform, this one was red and had another princess wearing a purple dress, with flowing blonde hair surrounded by thorns. He looked around in confusion until three strange creatures appeared, they appeard to be hunched over and were pitch black with yellow glowing eyes as they slowly advanced towards him. He moved backward obviously scarde until a new voice spoke up. This one was obviously male and like the others sounded vaguely familiar to him. "Don't be afraid. You have the power to fight". The voice stated and the sword from before appeared in his hand much to the boy's hand. Nodding to himself, the boy charged through the creatures slicing through them until there appeared to be no more. That is until the voice called out to him in warning. "Behind you"! The boy turned around just as another one of those creatures leaped at him, until the boy sliced through the creature and it vanished into shadow. The boy sighed heavily, before he noticed a door. Following his gut feeling the boy walked through the door and found himself on the familiar islands and looked around noticing that it seemed to be in eternal twilight. He spotted a figure and when he got close enough he noticed, that it was an older boy maybe two or three years older than himself with spiky blonde hair, and a white and black jacket with straps holding a strange heart-shaped badge a green and blue and grey shoulder pad on his left shoulder, a white and black checkered wrist band, green, grey and black shoes and gold and black pants. He turned around and the boy saw that he looked exactly like him except for the hair.
"What do you treasure most"? He asked making the boy cross his arms. There was something familiar about the older boy that he just couldn't place. The boy was silent for a minute before he answered. "My friends". He stated firmly and the older boy nodded with a small smile before he vanished in a flash of green light. The boy blinked before shaking his head and proceeding down the beach, and across the bridge to the smaller island with the large bent tree where he encountered another familiar face, though he couldn't place it. The youth had long brown spiky hair and was very tall and muscular with a grey shirt, and red straps. He was wearing beig hakama pants, with armored boots, with a black belt held up by an oddly heart shaped golden buckle. On his left arm was a brown and orange and gold gauntlet. He was sitting on the tree and when the boy came up next to him the youth turned his head to look at thhe boy. "What is it you fear the most?" He asked causing the boy to think yet again befor he answered. "I'm scared of losing the ones I care about most". He responded. The youth smiled and nodded his head, befoe fadding away in orange light. The boy blinked the spots out of his eyes before making his way off the small island and down the beach where he found a girl, with long blue hair, blue eyes and light skin, wearing a black halter top, with pink straps like the other two with a silver heart shapped badge with a black corset, with white lace, with a blue and white cloak wrapped around her waist with black shorts, and black socks that reached up close to her hips, white sleeves with armor on them and grey fingerless gloves, and sharpt black and silver boots. She stood there watching the sunset as the boy approached before she turned her head to look at him. "What's your goal in life?" She asked causing the boy to go deep into his thoughts before he finally looked at her and answered. "My goal is to become strong enough to protect myfriends". He stated she smiled softly and nodded before she fadded away in blue light and the boy suddenly found himself back on the third platform before he noticed a stained-glass stair case. Nodding to himself the boy followed the stairs and found himself on one last platform. He looked around before one of the voices spoke to him again. "If you want to become stronger, you can't rely only on the light At some point you'll have to confront your own darkness". The voice stated. The boy arched an eyebrow and then on impulse he looked at his shadow, which to his shock seemed to stretched out and, pull itself off the ground where it proceeded to grow, until standing in it's place was a massive, slightly deformed shadow like creature with beady glowing yellow eyes and a huge, heart shapped hole in it's chest. The boy looked at it in horror, before he shook his head and summoned his sword before charging the creature. Finally after a lengthy battle the creature collapsed on to one knee, before it seemed to glare at the boy before fadding into a pool of darkness that covered the platform and dragged the boy down. He struggled valiantly as he desperatly tried to escape, and reached his hand out as a signal to anyone watching. Just when he thought the darkness would overwhelem him, someone grasped his hand and everything was enveloped in bright light as the voices seemed to echo all around him. "You will be the one. Who will open the door".
So glad I managed to finish this chapter. So yeah not much action, but we do see the "boy's" dive to the heart and I promise the story will defnitly pick up in the next chapter. Until then PEACE!