A/N: This is the repost of the first chapter that has been beta-read by Atlast Storm. Hope you guys will find it easier to read this chapter now that have beeta-read

False Kuoh Academy

The sounds of battle were heard everywhere. This is a Rating Game between both nobles of devil's high society. On one side is Rias Gremory, the younger sister of one of the Maou's, Sirzechs Lucifer. Her peerage right now consists of: a Queen, a Knight, a Rook, a Bishop and a Pawn that is using all 8 pieces.

Rias is a gorgeous girl with large bust and buxom figure. She has blue-green slightly mischievous eyes. Her exceptional feature is her long, crimson hair that reaches down to her thighs and a single strand sticking out from the top. Her hair also has loose bangs framing her forehead and side bangs that frame her face perfectly. She is one of the Two Great Ladies of Kuoh Academy, the 'Onee-sama' to all the girls in the Academy and was idolized by everyone in Academy.

Rias's Queen, Akeno Himejima. She is the second Great Lady in Kuoh. Akeno has a buxom figure similar or greater than Rias. She has violet eyes and a very long black hair that usually tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backwards, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place. Right now she is wearing a miko (shrine maiden) attire to use her magic. Only the members of Rias's peerage know that Akeno is actually a sadist, but it seems that she even feels proud about that.

Rias's Knight, Yuuto Kiba. Kiba is a handsome young man with short blonde hair, grey eyes and a mole under his left eye. He wears the Kuoh Academy boys' school uniform, which consists of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved dress shirt with a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes. Yuuto is a very polite young man which attracts much attention from girls in the academy.

Koneko Toujou is Rias Gremory's Rook. But her birth name is Shirone, because of her complicated past she didn't want to use her real name. She is not a human, but a Nekoshou, a rare kind of Nekomata, that are near extinct. Koneko is a petite girl with short white hair and golden eyes. She also wears a black cat-shaped hair clip on both sides of her hair. She usually wears the Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform, without the shoulder cape. She rarely shows any emotions and usually deadpans with Rias's Pervert Pawn due to his pervert antics.

Asia Argento, one of Rias's Bishops and the newest addition to her peerage. Asia is a girl around 15-16 years of age with long blonde hair and green eyes. Her hair flows all the way down to her back, with split bangs over her forehead and a single strand sticking out from the top, sloping backwards. Her main attire consists of a dark teal nun outfit with light blue accents, a white veil over her head with light blue accents, a brown satchel slung on her right hip (where she holds her Bible), and brown boots with black straps in an X-shaped pattern. She also wears a silver cross necklace around her neck. Before she was reincarnated, she was a nun that worked under fallen angels. After the accident that cost her life she was reincarnated as a devil by Rias Gremory.

Last but not least, Rias's Pervert Pawn, Issei Hyoudou which considers being the strongest Pawn for 2 reasons. One, he absorbed all the 8 Pawn pieces. Two, he is the host of one of two Heavenly Dragons, Ddraig. His sacred gear is a Longinus called Boost Gear, which was said to have the power to kill even Gods. Issei an average looking human but is extremely obsessed with boobs. He has spiky brown hair and the back of it is sticking in two directions pointing downward. His reason for joining the peerage is because he want to be a "Harem King" and strives to become an ultimate class devil to achieve his dream. Of course, he couldn't reject the offer from the most beautiful girl in Kuoh.

As the battle went on between Riser Phenex all-female peerage and Rias's. The latter was at a huge disadvantage because she doesn't have all her pieces right now, but Riser has all of. Why did this battle start? because Rias refused to marry Riser. Their marriage was an arrange marriage create by her parents. She didn't have a say in it at all. That's why in order to free herself from that horrible marriage, Rias must win this Rating Game at all cost.

Right now all her peerage was defeated except herself and her Pawn, Issei Hyoudou. Riser still has his Queen left. Issei is at his limit and is panting heavily.

"Just surrender Rias! I admit your peerage gave an impressive fight, but that's it. It's impossible to win against me in your situation. Be a good fiancé and submit to me" Riser said and leers down at her with hungry eyes.

Rias glared back full force at Riser and shout. "Like heck I will! I told you before Riser. I refuse to marry such a shallow guy as you!"

Riser sighed and said in a fake solemn voice. "Shame. Maybe I should destroy that precious Sekiryurei of yours right in front of your eyes to make a point?" Riser looked down at Issei and created a sphere of hot flames.

Rias eyes widened at his claim.

"No..." whispered Rias in horror. "Issei! Run away! Hurry!"

Unfortunately, Issei was too tired to even move, so he could only watch on absolute horror when the sphere of flame was launched at him.

Riser was smirking evilly and satisfyingly. Finally he will be rid of that filthy dragon. But a voice, at Issei's location, interrupts his triumphant moment. And the flame slowly losing the heat, but still managed to produce some steam.

"Ojou-sama, I feel a little disappointed in your peerage. I would've thought that you will be able to win against this fried chicken easily. It's a relief that I've return in time"

The wind slowly cleared the steam caused by the flame, and revealed a figure standing there with calm eyes. It was a teen with spiky golden hair with black highlights. The strangest thing is his eyes have an atom-like structure and a pinwheel inside it. The figure is wearing a high collar dark blue T-shirt with a Yin Yang symbol on the back it. He also wears a black choker that has a stone with kanji for 'dark' aka 'yami'. He has a bored look on his face and seems very relax in such a tense situation

Rias noticed the figure and sighed in relief. Finally her strongest member is here. Yes, the strongest you heard it right. Even stronger then Rias herself. He was not called Invincible Knight in Underworld for no reason.

"You are late, Naruto!" complained Rias despite the current situation she is in. She stomped to Naruto in a flash and pointed a finger at him. "How dare you show yourself in front of me, your King, after you got here late?! I should punish you for such mistake!"

Naruto rolled his eyes at Rias antics. Why the heck she always changes her personality 180 when he is near he never knows? For some reason his ojou-sama enjoyed being bossy around him.

"Hai, hai. Are you done yet?" Naruto waves his hand down dismissing Rias.

That action just caused Rias to become even more annoyed at her annoying Knight. So what is he was consider the strongest Knight in history! That won't matter to her at all! Because she is his ojou-sama and will order him as much as she want.

"How dare you dismiss my words like they are nothing important!" demand Rias furiously and pointing her index finger at Naruto.

Naruto sweat dropped at his ojou-sama's phrase and replied back. "I was late because I've some business to take care of. Besides before I left, you said yourself that you will be fine without me. And now you are blaming me for being late? That's just not fair, ojou-sama"

Rias felt even more irritated when he was right. She just huff and turned her head aside. "E-even so. You should know better to agree with my words so easily. I...I sometimes can made wrong decision too, you know"

Naruto deadpanned and sweat dropped. Now she said he must reconsider her words. He rubbed his forehead and began to think. Why the heck is he serving this girl again? Oh, because of the incident with 4 Maous a long time ago. He sighed and stated

"Ok, ok ojou-sama. This lowly servant was at fault and is asking her highness to forgive him for his foolish action"

Hearing that caused Rias to beam brightly. Then she point at Riser and ordered childishly. "Riser will marry me if I lose this Rating Game. Now my ultimate Knight. Go! And bring me the victory!"

Naruto just nodded his head tiredly and began to approach Riser and his Queen.

The whole time when Rias and Naruto were arguing with each other, Issei had observed them curiously. Buchou and that blond seem to be very close. Besides he never saw Buchou act like this before. She acted like a spoiled little girl that demands to get anything she wants. He found that side of Buchou really cute. Then he heard Buchou ordered the blond to fight against Riser and Yubelluna. He was about to protest, but Buchou approached him with the usual expression that he saw every day and said.

"Don't worry, Issei. Naruto is here, so the fight is already over"

"Why do you have that much confidence in his abilities, Buchou?" Issei asked her curiously.

"Why, you ask?" Rias turned to Issei with a smirk. The she turned her head back to look at Naruto.

"Maybe you should just see it for yourself"

Naruto vs Riser and Yubelluna

Naruto stood in front of both Riser and Yubelluna with the same bored look. On the contrary, Riser was scared shitless. Nobody has ever told him that Rias has one of the strongest pieces in the Underworld, the Invincible Knight. However, Yubelluna was the opposite. She is blushing like crazy while looking at Naruto's cool and careless face. Even though she knew that to lust after anyone other than her master is wrong, still she couldn't help it.

"By the order of my ojou-sama. I must reluctantly defeat both of you. I am sorry nothing personal really" Naruto said plainly and scratched the back of his head.

"Ha! Never thought that the Invincible Knight was Rias's lapdog! You didn't seem so tough though" Riser taunted Naruto trying rile him up. Though he failed horribly as Naruto's face remain expressionless.

"You are really horrible at playing psychologic games, Niwatari-kun (chicken-kun). If you are bad at it then don't reveal it so that you don't feel embarrassed in front of your foe." Naruto deadpanned while waving his finger lecturing Riser, which pissed the latter off greatly.

"Enough talking! I will end you and then make Rias my wife" shouted Riser furiously and materialize his hands to burning wings of a Phoenix.

Naruto simply looked up at Riser with a calm look. Then he turned to Yubelluna and claimed. "Ojou-chan, I recommend you to back away from here as soon as possible. If you won't listen to my words I will tear your clothes to pieces and have my way with you right here". Naruto said those phrases with an expressionless face which made the effect on Yubelluna more devastating.

"W-what? H-how dare you say something so dirty with a straight face like that? You lewd monkey!" sputtered Yubelluna with enormous blush and even have blood dripping from her nose from such erotic fantasy.

"Why are you worked up like that so easily? That was just a joke. Simply a joke" said Naruto with a mischievous smirk. Then he waved a finger to shame her. "Tsk, tsk~. Who knew that ojou-chan has such a dirty mind? Your master is not enough now you want to lay your hands on me as well?"

Yubelluna blushed like never before. She screamed in embarrassment and fury then charged at Naruto with a flaming bomb. At the same time, Riser created a huge fire ball and threw it at Naruto.

Naruto looked at the attacks with his EMS calmly. When they nearly hit him, he raised his hands up and said one word to dismiss both of attacks.


Naruto's right eye began to bleed and from the void a pitch black flame appears and consumed both of Riser's and Yubelluna's attacks.

Both were shocked that their techniques were defeated so easily.

"H-how". That was a word whispered by those two in utter shock.

"Do you have any other trick?" Naruto asked and turned the flames of Amaterasu off with his other eye. "But I recommend you just surrender. Why the heck are you so obsessed with my ojou-sama anyway? You've a peerage consist of sexy girls and still want more. That just too greedy, Niwatari-kun. My ojou-sama has made it clear that she doesn't want to marry you. So just accept that fact". Naruto told him with a bored face and even sitting down in a lotus position and crossed his arms.

"I am not done yet, golden jerk!" shouted Riser furiously and flew up high to create a huge burning sphere that resemble a sun. "Hahaha! Now I will end you with this technique. Inferno Catastrophe!"

And so he threw the technique at the waiting figure of Naruto. The heat produced by the technique was so much that it caused Naruto to sweat.

"Not a bad technique, Niwatari-kun. But…" Naruto wiped his sweat off his forehead. And his figure was envelope by a purple figure that was building up from skeleton to armor. The figure has three hands. One holding a sakegari the other holding a transparent shield, that last hand is holding a sphere made of Amaterasu flame.


Susanoo then opened his sakegari and produced some kind of wavering sword. "Such a good flame. I even feel it will be a waste to seal it away in Totsuka no Tsurugi. But it will be fine". Naruto nodded his head in fake sadness and pointed Totsuka no Tsurugi at the fake sun and absorb it all inside.

Riser was gob smacked that his most powerful technique was sealed away so easily. Even Yubelluna was shocked as hell. It's the first time she saw her master's technique fail to defeat a foe.

Naruto deactivated Susanoo and looked up at Riser with a tick in his forehead. "Ok, I feel really annoyed now. I will count to three if you won't surrender, I will just kick your ass"


Just as Naruto was about to call 'one'. Riser shouted in fright. "I surrender!"

Naruto nodded his head satisfied and began to approach Yubelluna. He saw she was full of bruises and opened his palm to chant. "Recuperare"

The glowing green light enveloped Yubelluna and began to heal her at ridiculous rate. In no time, she was as good as new. She looked at her hands in wonder then looked up at Naruto.


"Why? I told you before it's nothing personal. I simply act by ojou-sama's command that is all. And you ojou-chan also acted on your master's commands" Naruto explained to her simply unknowingly made Yubelluna develop a bigger crush on him. Naruto turned back and began to leave. "Well, I will go back to my ojou-sama now. Take care ojou-chan!"

"My name is Yubelluna, by the way!" Yubelluna screamed out at him. Naruto just raised his hand up to acknowledge her words. Even though she still has some phoenix tears left she was grateful that he has healed her with his magic.

With Rias and Issei

Since the start of the battle, Issei dropped his jaw not once but thrice. First, because of what Naruto told Yubelluna with a straight face. Then when he heard that was a joke he started to grip his fist in frustration, the comical tears ran down his eyes. And of course, Rias felt extremely annoyed at Naruto's so called harmless jokes. Not once in her short life she has ever made that annoying blond blushed. Not even when she embraced him with her birthday suit. He just comments that she was really sexy and will be a dream of lots of guys. There was even unspoken rule in Underworld. Whoever will make Naruto blush can claim him. No matter if it's a married female devil or not. That rule actually was created by Serafall Leviathan. So far no one ever managed to make him blush but on the contrary he always will say something ridiculously shameless and the dismissed that by saying it was a joke. He would not even laugh about that, just have that annoying smirk all the time.

Issei was also shocked about Naruto's ability. He has neutralized both of Riser and his Queen's attacks with a pitch black flame. Then Riser launched an attack that resemble a mini sun, but that Naruto guy materialized a purple figure out of nowhere and enveloped himself with it. The purple figure then used the sakegari on one of its hand and completely absorbs Riser's technique. During the entire fight that Naruto guy not even dirties his clothes. And that's just scary. Buchou and the others have struggled so much with Riser's peerage. And yet this dude just displayed a part of his power to make them surrender. Now he understood the reason why he is Rias's strongest piece.

During that time, Ddraig inside of Issei's right hand felt an enormous power sealed in the stone on Naruto's choker. "Aibou (partner). This guy is incredibly strong. And he even has a very powerful sacred gear that is sealed inside that stone"

"Nani? Such a powerful guy and yet he still has a sacred gear?" Issei muttered in shock gazing at the approaching figure of Naruto. "Just what kind of monster is this Naruto?"

Naruto is standing right in front of Rias right now. He then put his palm to his chest and bowed down respectfully.

"Ojou-sama, mission complete."

Rias nodded her head satisfyingly with a victorious smirk. Then as usual, her personality started to turn 180 when Naruto is around.

"Um. Good job, my Knight". Rias nodded satisfyingly. But changed her expression to deadpan and point at him. "But your punishment still won't go anywhere, understand?"

Naruto sweat dropped and wondered. "Why am I being punish again, ojou-sama? Didn't you said it yourself, that it was your fault not mine"

Rias blushed in embarrassment and point her finger shakily at him. "S-shut up! I am your King therefore I decide to punish you or not!"

Even Issei felt that is unfair to Naruto, but he knew better to open his mouth when his Buchou is like this.

Naruto sighed and nodded his head tiredly. "Hai, hai. So what is my punishment, ojou-sama?"

Rias smirked victoriously and point at Naruto and claimed. "For now I order you to carry me on your back. I feel terribly tired from this fight. This will be your first punishment"

Issei heard that and widens his eyes in shock. He felt extremely jealous of Naruto that moment. 'Buchou! I also want for you to punish me'. The comical tears ran down his eyes.

Naruto yawned and muttered "Why me though? I can see it clearly that dude over there wants to do it more than me"

"I said, come here and carry me!" ordered Rias loudly. Then she looked to Naruto's eyes and saw that he still has his EMS activated. "And turned off your creepy eyes"

Naruto gained a tick mark at her remark and retort. "Oi, don't call my eyes creepy. Don't forget these eyes saved you plenty of times, baka!"

"Nani? How dare you call your ojou-sama baka? It's decided your punishment will be doubled. No, tripled"

Issei looked at the pair with a sweat dropped. "Somehow they looked like an old arguing married couple to me"

Naruto sat down and waited for Rias to climb to his back. She embraced his neck a bit tight then placed her mouth near his ear and whispered. "Welcome back, Naruto"

Naruto closed his eyes smiling a bit then he stood up and also whispered. "I am back, ojou-sama"

A/N: What do you think is the chapter hmmm? It's just test chapter though. The fate of this fic will be decided depending on your reviews.