-sigh- I've been very busy with life so I'm sorry this took a while to come out and sorry in advance if it takes a while for the next chapter. I'm trying to make good grades in school so I can transfer to a better school next fall. I hope you like this chapter!

"Seriously Axel you need to stop doing this." Xion chided as she put yet another bag of peas on her redheaded friend's eye. The party had quieted down and the few stragglers there were had started to clean up and put the house back together. Demyx was the one who put the cleaning crew together in an attempt to cheer the host up after being rejected not once but twice by the same man.

Axel just groaned and put pressure on the bag, the cold felt like heaven on his face, "Xi I don't even remember what happened, okay? Are you sure Roxas was even here?" The teen felt heavy. A hangover was starting to kick in which just made Axel even more miserable. He'd have to go over to Ms. Minnie's place in the morning and apologize to Roxas, "I'd like to sleep now." He muttered and rolled over on his side, back towards Xion.

The girl got the hint and went downstairs to help with the cleanup crew, "Hey Dem," She whispered as picked up beer bottles with him and dumped them in a large garbage bag, "What do you think is up with Axel and that weird blond?"

"I'm not sure. But Axel really was acting weird." The dirty blond agreed, "Eww that one was half full." Demyx squealed as he tossed said bottle in the bag and shook the liquid off of his arm, "Oh that reminds me!" The dirty blond cheered as he waved his left arm around, "I found my soul mate!"

"No way!" Xion ran up to Demyx and gave him a hug, "Tell me all the detail so I can gossip as accurately as possible with the gals later."

Demyx blushed under Xion's electric blue stare, "Umm…well, remember when you all went to the club but I couldn't go 'cause I needed to babysit the brat?" Xion nodded her head and encouraged Demyx to continue, "Well my folks came back early so I thought I'd go surprise you but I guess you guys weren't there. So I grabbed a couple of drinks and floated 'round for a bit and I got too drunk to notice that my arm was acting up. That is until this hunk of a man came up and danced with me." Demyx looked like he was about to swoon, "Oh man he was a sight." The dirty blond dreamily sighed before getting a sour look, "We did somethings, my arm stopped being all funky, but then he left. He was too old to have a Soular and I guess he just didn't feel a connection. But I'll find him again! I swear it!"

"That's so sad and sweet Dem." Xion patted her friend on the arm, "Do you at least remember what he looks like? We can get the others to keep an eye open for him."

Demyx shook his head, "It was dark. I just remember him having a scar, gold eyes that seemed to pierce into your very soul, and long hair." The teen seemed to drift off into his memories of that night

Xion just laughed and resumed her cleaning, "Okay I'll pass the message on."


"Oh my Shiva! Axel what happened to your face?" Areal handed Melody over to her husband and rushed towards her eldest child and started prodding around the dark bruise on his face, "Did you get into another fight?"

The teen pulled away from his mother, "No Mom I'm fine. It's nothing." Axel took a couple of steps away from the woman, "Hey Mel," Axel cooed as he avoided his mother's concern, "Would you like a play date with Larxene and go to the park?"

The little girl giggled and reached for her brother, eager to go, "Demyx going with you?" Eric asked as he handed his daughter over.

"Yes Dad." Axel rolled his eyes, "He's stuck babysitting again while his parents are at work and doesn't want to be stuck inside all day." Melody grabbed for a chunk of hair and pulled down hard, making Axel flinch and almost drop her, "Do that again brat and I won't take you to the park or anywhere ever again." The teen threatened with a glare. You don't touch Axel's hair. First rule that he tried to teach his baby sister.

Areal came and grabbed the toddler from her son's arms, "She napped in the car so I'll just get her cleaned up and changed to go. You call Demyx and tell him you'll be there shortly." The woman left with her cooing baby in her arms.

"You sure you can handle her on your own?" Eric asked his son. It wasn't that he didn't trust Axel, it was just that he was going to be alone with Demyx and Larxene. That was like babysitting three kids and Eric didn't know if Axel was up for that.

Green eyes rolled and Axel took on a defensive stance, "Yes Dad I can handle a two year old for an hour. I might get her ice cream after. You know a nice brother/sister day. It was Demyx's idea." The redhead looked sheepish for a second, "And speaking of ice cream, I kinda blew all my money on food while you guys were gone." The teen easily lied. He really spent everything on booze, but his parents didn't need to know that.

Eric sighed and shook his head, "Really Axel?" He asked as he pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and handed his son a twenty, "There was enough food in the fridge for you and a couple of friends to last you. Don't act all innocent." He sternly said.

"Okay, okay I spent all of it on things I didn't need like the impulsive teenage I am." Axel said as he pocketed the cash. He just wanted to go already, Demyx was waiting for him.

Almost on que Areal came back with Melody in fresh clothes, "Here's a diaper bag and some snacks for her and Larxene." The woman handed the toddler and bag over to Axel and gave him a peck on the check, "Have fun and be back home before dinner. Understand?"

"Yes Mom. Demyx was only going to stay out for an hour or so anyway. And I was going to spend some quality time with Mel." Said girl giggled and grabbed yet another fistful of Axel's hair and pulled a couple strands out making the teen wens in pain.

"Well, have fun and no swearing, behave, and no taking things from strangers." Areal said as she patter her oldest child on the cheek and sent the two on their way.


"So what you're saying is, we need to go back to the club and have a full blown investigation because you got shit faced and can't remember some guy you tonged?" Axel said with an annoyed tone as he watched his baby sister and best friend's baby sister run around the playground, digging holes and attempting to climb the jungle gym. While the two teens took up the swings.

Demyx kicked off and stated to pump his legs, "Yes. But you forget that my arm was tingling off the charts until he pushed me up against a wall and…God it was so good!" The dirty blond leaned back in the swing till he was almost upside down, "Have you ever kissed someone and it was just perfect?"

"No." Axel stated blandly. He gently pushed his swing back and forth, not kicking off and soring into the sky like his companion. Melancholy green eyes stared blankly at the playing girls, doing a half assed job at keeping an eye on them, "I think my new neighbor might be the one."

Demyx stopped kicking his legs and violently planted his legs on the ground, spiraling dirt in every direction, "You mean that cute blond from the party last night?" The dirty blond asked as he tried to remember the other man. Short, crazily spiked blond hair, super angry and annoyed.

"Yup, that's him." Axel rubbed his left arm, just thinking about Roxas made it tingle. No scratch that.

Suddenly Larxene squealed in delight, grabbing both Axel and Demyx's attention. The little, blond girl grabbed Melody by the hand and pulled her to the edge of the playground. Both girls giggled and blushed as they stopped in front of two blonds. One of which was a certain blond that made Axel's mouth go dry and palms sweat.

"Hello there cuties." Naminé cooed as she knelt down to the girl's level, "Are you two behaving for your brothers?" Crystal blue eyes glanced over at the twins on the swing and smiled, "Hey Rox, why don't you go say hi to Axel and his friend?" She pushed her twin's knee in Axel's direction with an annoyed grunt, like she knew something Roxas didn't and it was annoying her that her brother hadn't caught on yet.

Roxas grunted and glared in Axel's direction, "Let's go somewhere else Nami." He almost growled out. He didn't know what the redhead's problem was with trying to constantly kiss him, but he didn't like it. He mostly didn't like how he wanted to kiss those plump lips as well.

Naminé rolled her eyes and stood up to her full height and grabbed both girl's by the hand and led them back to the swings, a friendly smile on her face the whole time, "Good afternoon you two." She turned towards Demyx, "I don't think we've met yet. I'm Axel's neighbor Namine Strife, and that sourpuss over there is my younger twin brother Roxas."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Demyx, Axel's self-proclaim best friend. And that goblin that's attached to your hand is my baby sister Larxene."

Namine laughed and hoisted Larxene up onto her hip where the young girl proceded to grab at Namine's shiny jewelry and giggle at the jingling necklaces, "She's a very cute goblin." The older girl gave the younger an Eskimo kiss, "Would you mind if I take the girls out for a treat? I'll just run down to the ice cream parlor down the street and be right back. And you two can babysit Roxas for me. Fair deal?"

Axel looked over Namine's shoulder and towards the blond that was hanging around a few yards away, "I don't know, does he play nice with other children? I won't have to worry about him knocking other children around or stealing anything right?"

"I can hear you asshole!" Roxas yelled as he stormed over.

"Roxas!" Namine gasped, "There's children around." She scolded as she placed Larxene back on the ground, "Do you boys think you can play nice for a bit?" She asked as she turned back to the two teens with a hopeful look in her eye.

Axel and Roxas locked eyes for a moment, only for both to look away with blushes dusting their cheeks, "Umm…yeah. Here." The redhead mumbled as he reached for his wallet and pulled out the money his dad had given him earlier. He went to hand the money to Namine, but the young woman rejected with a smile.

"It's fine. My treat. Demyx would you like to come with me?" She asked with an extended hand. When Demyx didn't take it immediately Namine shook it and pointed to Roxas with her head, like she was trying and failing at having a silent conversation with him, but it seemed like Demyx wasn't catching on quickly enough. With a slightly frustrated sigh the woman gave up and just grabbed Demyx by his shirt sleeve and pulled him off the swing, "I hope you don't mind if I take your friend," She directed to Axel, "But I don't want the girls to get anxious by leaving with a stranger." She gave the redhead an apologetic smile as she picked up Melody and Demyx threw Larxene on his back.

Roxas and Axel watched as the foursome walked out of the park. Once they were alone an awkward silence surrounded them, "Ummm…" Axel tried to think of something to talk about. What could they talk about? Did they even have anything in common? Axel rubbed his arm which got him a curious look from Roxas.

"Why are you always rubbing your arm?" The blond asked as he took the vacant swing, "Is it like a nervous twitch or something? Oh no let me guess, you're actually a teenager and its one of those stupid Soular things." Roxas barked out a laugh, "Oh god please tell me that isn't true. It'd be so weird if that was the reason behind you trying to kiss me." Both men blushed at the accusation and couldn't even face each other.

Axel had two choices: He could tell the truth and hope to all the gods out there that Roxas would accept him and not be turned off by his age, or he could lie through his teeth and probably have more of a chance with getting Roxas to like him and he can finally use his arm normally again and not be kept awake by the dull hum, "What? No I'm not a stupid teenager." Axel scuffed, "Why else would I have been at that bar?"

Roxas nodded his head, "And how you managed to snag so much alcohol at that party. Guess you're just a kisser when you're drunk, huh?" Roxas laughed as he started to kick his legs to get the swing moving. Soon Axel joined in and the two started a battle of who could go higher up. Axel easily won with his longer legs, "Hey no fair!" Roxas playfully whined as he pumped his legs twice as hard to catch up.

When all of his work didn't pay off, the blond hopped off the swing and ran towards the monkey bars. He easily managed to swing his body up and around, twisting it in ways Axel didn't even know was possible till Roxas was sitting on top of the monkey bars. A large smile on his face, dark blue eyes daring Axel to follow him up. The redhead shook his head with a lazy smile on his face. There was no way he could get up there and he knew it. With his long limbs he knew he'd get tangled and end up making a fool of himself.

"What's a matter? You chicken?" Roxas teased as he stuck his tongue out, trying to provoke Axel into joining him.

Axel just shook his head, red bangs falling into toxic green eyes, "I'm too big to get up there and you know it brat."

Roxas placed his hand over his heart and gave Axel a look of shock, "Brat? Mister, do you know how old I am?" The blond crossed his arms over his chest, "I know I'm a bit on the short side, but at least I'm taller than Naminé."

"Yeah but like half inch." Axel barked out around a laugh. Roxas just looked so cute when he was angry. His flushed cheeks brought out the brightness of his eyes. He almost resembled an upset chipmunk, "And I don't know, you look about sixteen." The redhead said bluntly.

Roxas leaned down at his waist so his face was level with Axel's. Noses inches apart, "I'm twenty-two thank you very much." The blond said in a breathy whisper. Blue eyes locked in with green and the two men held eye contact for what felt like forever, but neither could look away. Slowly they inched closer and closer together, lips almost touching. Axel could feel his heart pick up and his arm vibrate from being so close.

"Oh looks like you two finally decided to start getting along." An overly cheery voice called making Axel and Roxas quickly pull apart. Naminé and Demyx didn't stand too far away, one girl in each of their arms with single scoop ice cream in their little hand.

Roxas sat up straight and looked down at his twin sister, "Well maybe if you didn't kidnap his little sister he wouldn't have been holding me hostage long enough for me to get Stalkhom Syndrome." The blond said in a melodramatic wail, the back of his hand covering his eyes.

Naminé rolled her eyes as she handed Melody over to Axel, giving the redhead a secretive smile as she noticed his trembling arm. Their eyes locked, Axel's frightened as he realized Naminé knew his secret. The blond woman just winked at him and walked up to her brother, "So you admit you have feelings for Axel?" The older twin mocked, her identical blue eyes shining with mischief.

Roxas blushed and climbed down from his perch, face looking down with bangs hiding his eyes, "Shut up Nam."

Axel gave Roxas a fleeting glance but his attention was quickly drawn to his baby sister, "Did she behave?" He asked Naminé. The toddler giggled as she pressed her icy treat into Axel's nose, leaving a white mess on his nose. Green eyes glared at Melody in warning, but went unnoticed by the young girl who continued to munch on her treat, "Serious Naminé let me pay for her." The redhead insisted.

"No, no it's fine. I had fun with the girls and Demyx." Naminé looked between Axel and Roxas, taking in Axel's twitching arm and her brother's embarrassed expression. Her blue eyes brightened as she came up with an idea, "But if you really want to pay me back, I insist you take Roxas out for dinner." She brightly smiled while Axel and Roxas both gave her a look of surprise.

"The ice cream was barely two bucks each though," Demyx mused from the background. He had been quiet for so long that Axel actually forgot he was there, "To make it even Axel could only get Roxas like maybe a burger from a fast food joint."

Naminé spun on her heel to look at Demyx. Her face was as innocent and lovely as an angel, but her aura shouted death to the dirty blond if he opened his mouth again, "Well maybe Roxas can pay for himself and I'll buy him into going with the two dollars." She turned back to the other two, "So, we even?"

Dun dun duuuuuun! Axel and Roxas are finally going on a date! I wonder how awkward it's gonna be xD

Please review and tell me what you think