Prepare for my summer of fanfiction! I know I was going to finish up Ich Liebe Dich before working anything else, but I'm having such writers block and I just end up getting annoyed at it after a while.

The idea for this story came to mind in my Linguistics class a few weeks back when we watched a video on YouTube with a man asking for casual sex vs a woman doing it. And I've always liked the countdown fics and have always wanted to write one, so here you go! lol


Green eyes were glued to the clock above the blackboard. Ten more minutes. Just ten more minutes of this agenizing class and he could finally be free. And today would be the day something life changing would happen, he could feel it! No literally he could. Axel looked away from the clock and towards his wrist where a small implant was put the day he was born. It was a small internal devise that would go off the moment the user ran into their soul mate.

The devise was called Soular. Scientist made it a year before Axel was born to help increase the human population. Ever since the internet became virtual humans would hook up via online. They could get the same sexual stimulation without the risks of STDs and accidental pregnancy. Suddenly going to the bar or a club seemed stupid and unnecessary. In the blink of an eye the human population had dropped to half. That's when scientist started messing with the Life Stream. The Life Stream was what connected everyone and what gave Gaia life. Yes using it for research was taboo. Some even protested against it. But once it was done and proven to work people seemed to calm down about it.

Soular was simple enough. You would place it into the forearm of a developing fetus and throughout the child's life it would monitor everything about them and using the Life Stream like a giant online dating site, it would find the perfect match for the human, from things like hobbies and interests to chemistry and compatibility. The current age of people wearing it were only nineteen at the oldest, but even most of them had found their partners and were starting healthy families together.

The implant acted like a hot and cold type of game. When you weren't near the person it would be inactive, but the closer you got to your soulmate it would start to tingle, and when you were practically standing next to them it would start to vibrate so hard that you would think your arm would fall off though you wouldn't be able to see the arm shake from it. But once the couple kissed it would make the device turn off forever, successfully serving its purpose.

And currently Axel could feel a dull twinge in his left arm, making it hard for him to concentrate in class. He was in Social Studies and the teacher was droning on about how he wanted the students to conduct any kind of study to show how their society functioned making every teen in class groan at the thought of all the hard work they would have to do. After the teacher handed out the rubrics it didn't take long for the bell to ring and the halls to flood with students eager to get home.

"What are you going to do your project on?" A flamboyant pinkette said with a flip of his hair. He was walking side by side with Axel as they exited the class room and headed towards their lockers.

Axel shrugged as he fiddled with the combination lock, "I don't know yet. Maybe something with a bar scene though." The redhead sent the other teen a mischievous smile, "You in Marley?"

Marluxia waved Axel off with a light chuckle, "Bitch you know I'll be there. Is it okay if I go to your house later though? I'll need an alibi for my parents." The teen opened his locker as well and was started to dig through the mess trying to decide what books he needed for the weekend to do his homework. It was a Friday and the following Monday would be a holiday so he had to make sure he had everything he needed since the teachers decided that students didn't need a break and loaded him up with loads of unnecessary homework.

"Yeah my parents probably won't be home again so it's fine." Axel subconsciously rubbed his arm for the millionth time that day, catching Marluxia's attention.

"Is that bugging you?"

"Huh?" Axel immediately lowered his hand and looked down at the tingling appendage, "I don't know. A bit. Has yours done anything yet?" Axel slammed his locker shut once he was positive he had everything. His green eyes were locked ono blue. The redhead had always been skeptical of the whole Soular thing, soul mates was just a fancy word carelessly thrown around so people would start making babies again. That's when Axel got an idea for the Social Studies project. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't even notice that Marluxia had stopped talking till the pinkette elbowed him, "Ow what was that for?"

"For being a space case." Marluxia rolled his eyes and sighed in annoyance, "I said no nothing's happened so far. I think mine might be defective." The teen joked as he scratched at the general area of the device, "So what were you thinking about?"

Axel just shrugged as the two started walking out of the school, "I think I figured out what I want I'm going to do for the stupid project." He looked over at his friend and saw the interest hidden in blue eyes, "I'm going to prove these things are useless." The redhead gestured to his arm, "When we go to the bar I'm going to see how many people will have a one night stand, proving that the human race is much capable at having babies without the incentive of 'soul mates'" Axel put quote marks around the words soul mates and laughed at the shocked look Marluxia was giving him.

"You're not going to actually sleep with all of them are you?" Marluxia asked with a raised brow. He opened the front door of the building and waited till Axel was through before letting it swing closed and into some poor freshman's face, but neither teen seemed to notice.

"Are you insane? Just think of the STDs I could catch! No I'll just ask them very nicely and if they say yes I'll just explain that I'm a minor that's just trying to do their homework. Hopefully they'll understand and not hit me." Axel laughed as he started fishing through his bag for his car keys, "So I'll meet you at The Cricket around nine?"

"Sounds good." Marluxia saluted his friend before veering off towards his own car.

Once the pinkette was out of sight Axel sighed and unlocked his beat up bug and slid into the driver's seat. The dull shocks going through his arm was starting to make it go numb and the redhead was seriously questioning the scientist who came up with this idea. Couldn't he have made it something easy to ignore and possibly not kill your arm in the process?


"Fuck!" Axel yelled as he dropped his fork for the umpteenth time while eating dinner. Sometimes life sucked being left handed. Like using manual can openers, not smearing the ink if he wrote with pen, and swiping a debit card to name a few. But having his arm tremble in pain as he was shot with low dose electricity while he tried to eat dinner had to be the worst. Since he got home from school the poor redhead's arm had been going off nonstop, but he had hopes that sooner or later the Life Stream would get the hint and leave him be.

The redheaded woman next to him sighed and rubbed her temples, "For the love of Jenova Axel just go find her already before you break something. Eric talk some sense into your son!" She moaned as Axel sent more peas from his fork and onto the floor. Just what she needed more mess to clean up.

"Listen to your mother." A dark haired man said as he whipped some green baby food off of his daughter's face, making her coo, "Why are you so against this again?" The man looked over at his son only to grimace as small hands grabbed onto his hair.

"Because," Axel said as he put his fork down, done with the struggles of eating, "Why should I let a stupid company dictate my life? Plus you two seemed to find each other fine, so it's unnecessary." The young redhead complained as he let his head fall back till the base of his skull was resting on the back of the chair.

Arial shook her head as she cut up the food on her plate, "It's not that simple. Your father and I were a special case. The government was just worried about the sudden drop of babies being born. Don't be so pouty, at least your generation doesn't have to deal with heart break and stress about knowing if who you're with is right for you or not." She leaned over and went to brush back some of Axel's fire red hair behind his ear to get it out of his face, but the teen swatted her away.

"I'm full. I think I'm going to go get ready for tonight." Axel sighed in defeat as his stomach protested for food. Maybe once he was away from his home and at the club his arm would give him a break. Then a thought crossed his mind, "Hey Mom, has anyone moved here recently?" Axel asked with curious eyes.

Arial looked towards Eric and the two held eye contact for a moment making Axel think they were having a silent conversation. Finally the woman looked away from her husband and answered her son, "Yes actually. A nice couple is renting Ms. Minnie's place. They moved in this morning after you went to school."

Axel mouthed an O before continuing on his way to get changed for his night out. He had told his parents that his friends wanted to get together and go to the theater and see a couple of movies. Arial and Eric didn't seem to mind since they were taking Melody and going up state to visit Axel's grandma for the weekend, and would be leaving shortly after dinner was over in hopes that the toddler would be asleep for most if not all the ride. Just as long as the house was in decent shape when they got home and Axel wasn't in jail they really didn't care what the seventeen year old teen was up to.

Axel checked his phone to see if anyone had messaged him about details or cancelations. When he saw none the redhead gathered a suggestive outfit to get his point across for the social experiment, and went to go take a shower. The thought of his Soular completely gone.


"Wow Axel. Really?" Marluxia raised a meticulously plucked eyebrow at what his friend was wearing.

"Yes. What's wrong with it?" Axel asked as he checked out his ass in the full length mirror. His tight leather pants hugged his ass in all the right places. A tight black crop top showed off Axel's well defined abs and toned arms. The eyeliner made his green orbs pop, and his thin tattoos going down his cheeks also helped draw attention to his eyes.

Marluxia just shook his head and went to Axel's desk and grabbed a few pieces of jewelry and tossed them at the redhead, "Well if you insist of dressing like a punk whore you better go all out." The pinkette said before sitting on the bed and starting to text their other friends to confirm plans.

Axel looked at the objects in his hands before agreeing Marluxia was right and began to put on the spiked chocker, some black and red bracelets, and replaced the nose stud he had in with a hoop, "There how do I look?" The redhead asked as he turned around to face his friend.

"Fuck Axel you look like a middle school emo kid from 2008." Marluxia joked. Axel glared at his friend and picked up his brush and chucked it at the laughing teen, uselessly hitting him in the arm, "Shit it was just a joke. You look totally bangable. Happy?"

"Very." Axel chirped as he went to his closet to pick out a pair of shoes, "Converse or combat boots?" He called over his shoulder.

"Are you trying to be ironic or are you seriously going to go out looking like that?" Marluxia asked back as he typed a message, ignoring the glare Axel was sending him, "What color are the Converse?" The pinkette said with a defeated sigh. He just wanted to go out and party already.

"Lime green."

"Go with the boots."

Axel pulled out the combat boots and sat next to Marluxia on the bed so he could lace the shoes up easier, "Any word back from Demyx and Riku?"

"Demyx has to babysit Larxene, but Riku can still meet us. He's going to bring Xion." Marluxia pocketed his phone and stood up, "So, we leave now?"

"We leave now." Axel grabbed his own phone, a small notebook to keep track of his findings, and his wallet (complete with fake I.D.). It was going to be a long night. Axel could feel it. The twitching in his arm had slowed down to the point of him not even noticing anymore. He decided to take that as a good sign and not mention anything to Marluxia about his thoughts of is neighbor being his 'soul mate'.


The music was loud. So loud that Axel could barely hear the silverette next to him, "What!?" Axel yelled at Riku as the two scoped the room for anyone Axel could talk to. So far he had tried the experiment on four people and only got slapped once by some busty woman with long raven hair. Axel could still feel the burn from that, but his friends had all reassured him that there was no mark. Marluxia and Xion had disappeared about a half-hour ago, probably went dancing or to find their own person to take home.

"There!" Riku grabbed Axel by the chin and guided the redhead's head into the direction of a small blonde wearing a silver spaghetti strapped dress that showed off her curves beautifully. She was sitting at the bar watching the dance floor and looking completely bored, "Go talk to her!" And without another word Riku pushed Axel into her direction.

Axel stumbled over his boots at the unexpected push, but managed to play it off. He didn't want to tell any of his friends, but Axel's arm was going crazy! It was even worse than it was at dinner. He managed to play off his shaky hand writing for his notes as being tipsy. But he made his way up to the lonely girl and sat next to her, "What's got you looking so bored?" Axel asked as he leaned in close so the girl could hear him.

The blonde jumped from the sudden presence next to her, "Oh!" Her large blue eyes glued onto Axel, "Hello." She said in an angelic voice as she brushed her long hair behind her ear, "Can I help you?"

Axel leered at the girl as he leaned in with an outstretched hand, making sure it was his right and not his left which felt awkward and off to him, "Name's Axel. And I was hoping to relieve some of your obvious boredom." He gave her his most charming smile hoping she wouldn't find him to be a creeper and pepper spray him.

"Naminé." She shook his hand and pointed to the dance floor when she pulled away, "And I'm not terribly bored, but I'm here with my brother and he got dragged out by some old high school friend." She turned to fully face Axel, a small smile on her face, "We just moved here from Radiant Gardens and while I wanted to stay home and unpack my idiot of a brother decided he wanted to meet up with his friend and dragged me along." She rolled her deep blue eyes and giggled, "Siblings suck am I right?"

Axel couldn't help but smile and laugh along with her. Maybe she was the reason his arm was acting like a spastic ADHD child. He leaned in very close to the blonde till he could feel her breath on his face, "Yeah siblings do suck. Mine likes to break into my room and toss everything on the floor. She slobbers on everything too."

Naminé just laughed and pulled away from Axel, "Do you have a sister or a dog? There's a difference Axel!" She gently toughed his thigh and Axel felt like he could be happy with the small girl. Maybe there really was something to this Soular thing after all.

"Naminé!" Someone yelled and ran up to them, making Axel growl a bit in the back of his throat. He might have really gone with her if she agreed to sleep with him. Frustrated green eyes looked over at the newest blonde. He looked just like Naminé except he was about an inch or so taller and his hair spiked up instead of laying straight and flat, "Who's your friend?" He asked as he went up to the bar and ordered a beer.

"Axel." The redhead said as he looked the new blonde up and down. He wasn't bad looking. Axel could feel his palms start to sweat and his arm was visibly twitching, but his mind was still on Naminé, "And what might your name be?"

"I'm Roxas." The blonde said as he took a swig out of the bottle in his hand, "And what are you doing with my baby sister?" He asked. Blue eyes traveling up Axel's slutty outfit, "Better not be trying to put the movies on her."

Naminé's cheeks puffed out as she pouted at Roxas, "Hey I'm only two hours younger than you!" She crossed her arms over her chest and looked over at Axel, "And what if I let him 'put the moves' on me? I'm a grown adult and can do what I want." To prove her point she grabbed Axel by the back of the head and planted a hard, juicy kiss on him.

Axel and Roxas's eyes both widened in shock. Axel hated to admit it, but all of his concentration wasn't on the kiss, but on his arm. Was his suspicions right and he found his soul mate? And if so, what will he do? Naminé was obviously older than him; and the fact that he found the whole Soular thing stupid.

When the girl pulled away she sent her brother a nasty glare, "See I'm a big girl who can handle herself. Now go back to dancing with Hayner." The twins held eye contact for a long time, but Axel didn't seem to notice as he stared at his arm which was still going off the wall crazy.

Green meet blue as Axel and Roxas shared a look. And at that moment the redhead knew he was fucked.

Please review and tell me what you think and if I should continue this! I really like it and hope you guys did too :)