The Doberman puppy gave me an expression I never seen any other dog do. He had a shocked expression on his face with his mouth slightly hanging open.

I pointed to him. "I want that one."

The woman employ sweat dropped. "Um are you sure sir. We got plenty of other puppies you can choose from."

The puppy and I didn't take our eyes off each other.

"No." I said. "I want that puppy."

"Alright, if you really want him."

The woman went into the cage with the puppies and picked up the Doberman puppy. She then quickly exited the cage before the other puppies could get out.

She handed me the puppy. "Let me get your paperwork for him, then you can be on your way."

I nodded and followed her out of the kennel to the front desk. She handed me the paperwork and took the puppy from me.

"While you fill out his paperwork, I'll get him ready."

I nodded again and started filling out the paperwork. After I was done, the woman came back out with the puppy with a black collar on him.

She put him on the counter. "What would you like to name him?"

The puppy and I looked at each other.

"Diablo." I said.

The woman looked at me as if I were crazy, but didn't question it. She wrote Diablo on a dog tag. When it finished engraving his name, she picked up the tag and walked over to us.

She clipped the dog tag onto Diablo's collar and smiled. "There you go, he's now all yours."

I smiled and picked up Diablo, then left the kennel to go to my car. As I got into my car, I put Diablo in the passenger seat. We looked at each other.

"Diablo, is that really you?" I asked.

Diablo looked down and gave a little bark. I smiled at him and patted his head.

"So I guess God has given you another chance. But I guess he made you into a dog because of your bad behavior from your previous life."

I started laughing and Diablo glared at me. He growled and snapped at me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I wiped a tear from my eye. "I'll stop laughing."

He growled and looked away. I rubbed his head.

I smiled down at him. "It's nice to see you again Diablo." He looked up at me. "I know you might not believe me, but I really missed you."

A smile appeared on his face. He then noticed he was smiling and looked away, he then put his head up in a snobby fashion.

"Oh, so you want to pretend that doesn't affect you?" I snickered.

Diablo just stuck up his nose higher.

"You're so cute." I teased.

I then rubbed his back and he got startled, he then snapped at me. I quickly pulled my hand away before he could bite me.

I glared at him. "Hey, do you want to see Jesus? Cause I'll make you meet him if you do that."

Diablo just rolled his eyes and growled under his breath.

"Hey, can you do me a favor?" I asked.

Diablo looked back up at me as I grabbed a bag from the back seat.

I reached my hand inside of the bag. "Because Valentine's day is tomorrow." I pulled out a velvet box, Diablo's eyes widened. "Can you help me purpose to Haruhi?"

Diablo's smile appeared on his face again and he barked, wagging his nub of a tail.

I chuckled a bit. "I guess that's a yes."

It was early the next morning and I was the only person in the house awake. I kept Diablo in the garage so Haruhi and Kotoko wouldn't find him. I quietly snuck into the garage and walked over to Diablo. He was fast asleep in his new bed I got him. I started to lightly shake him.

"Diablo." I whispered. "Wake up."

Diablo growled and opened his eyes slowly, he saw me and glared.

I glared back at him. "Don't give me that look. I don't want to be up this early either, but Haruhi gets up in about an hour so we have to get you prepared."

After dragging Diablo out of bed when he didn't move. I got out some ribbon and wrapping paper. Diablo kept watch just in case he heard Haruhi come downstairs. When I finished wrapping the ring box I looked over at Diablo, then down at the roll of ribbon. A dark smirk appeared on my face.

"Diablo." I said in a creepy tone.

Diablo looked at me as I slowly made my way over to him.

I held up the ribbon. "We have to make you pretty for Haruhi."

He sweat dropped and when I made my way over to him, he backed up into a corner. I pulled out some ribbon and my smirk widened.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead. "Wow Diablo, for a three month old puppy, you're pretty strong."

I looked over at Diablo and he glared at me.

"Aww." I patted his head and smiled at him. "You look so cute."

Diablo just rolled his eyes. He was sitting slouched in the corner with a ribbon tied with a bow around his neck.

I grabbed the wrapped box and held it in front of him. "Ok, I'll call you in the room and let her take it out of your mouth."

Diablo nodded and took the box into his mouth. I stood up and walked over to the door. I opened it a crack to see if the coast was clear. When I didn't see Haruhi, I walked into the house and Diablo followed me. I looked over at Diablo and pointed to the corner of the dining room, leading to the living room.

"Wait there until I call you over, alright?"

Diablo nodded and I walked into the living room. I saw on the couch and rubbed my hands together, trying to reduce my nerves. I heard someone slowly come down the stairs.

"Hikaru?" Haruhi asked.

I looked up at her and smiled. She looked at me confused as she was holding a sleepy Kotoko who was lying her head on her mom's shoulder.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"I was getting your gift ready." I said.

She cocked an eyebrow. "A gift?"

I stood up and walked over to her. "Yes a gift for Valentine's day." I looked at Kotoko and ran my fingers through her hair. "And it's also a gift for Kotoko as well."

Haruhi looked at Kotoko, then back at me. "What's the present?"

I took and couple steps back and looked towards the dining room. "Alright come here boy."


Diablo trotted into the living room and sat by my feet. Haruhi looked at us surprised.

"Hikaru…" She carefully put Kotoko down on the floor. "You got a dog?"

I nodded. "Yah, don't you like him?"

Haruhi knelt down and Diablo trotted up to her. She rubbed his back. "Yah I like him, but we were just discussing about getting one. I didn't know you were going to get one so soon."

Kotoko looked over at Diablo and crawled over to him.

She pointed at him. "Uncie."

Haruhi chuckled a bit. "Kotoko that's not very nice. That isn't your Uncle Kaoru."

"No." Kotoko raised her voice. "Uncie Dibo."

'Uncie Dibo..?' My eyes widened. 'How does she know?'

Haruhi looked at her confused. "Who's Uncle Dibo?"

She then looked back at Diablo and made eye contact with him. Her eyes then widened and she fell back.

She looked up at me. "Where did you find him, I thought he was dead?"

I knelt down next to Diablo and rubbed his cropped ears. "I did too, but I guess God gave Diablo another chance."

Haruhi quickly grabbed Kotoko and held her close to her. "Is"

"Yah he's safe. But he's still got an attitude though."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded. "Yes Haruhi, Diablo is perfectly safe."

Kotoko began to whine for her to be let go. Haruhi loosened her grip when she noticed something in Diablo's mouth.

"What's that?" She took out the tiny wrapped from his mouth and looked at it.

"Why don't you open it." I said, nerves grew inside me.

Haruhi slowly started to unwrap`the box. Her breath caught when she saw a velvet box.

She looked up at me. "Is this…"

I just smiled at her and she opened the velvet box. She gasped when she saw the diamond ring.

She looked back up at me. "Hikaru…"

I knelt down in front of her and grabbed her hands. "Haruhi, I love you with all my heart. I know I've done really bad things in the past, but I can't imagine life being with another person, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

Haruhi smiled, a couple tears fell down her face. "Yes, I would love to marry you."

My smile grew and I kissed her as she wrapped her arms around my neck. Diablo sat next to Kotoko as she was playing with the ribbon from the wrapping paper.

He smiled and winked at me.

'Nice going Hikaru.'

Ten months passed by and it was Haruhi's and my wedding day. I was sitting on a bed in a hotel room with Kaoru. I started bouncing my leg nervously.

Kaoru rubbed my shoulder. "Come on, be happy. Today is your wedding day." He ruffled my hair. "Be happy."

I glared at him and tried to fix my hair. "I am happy, I'm just nervous." I bit the nail of my thumb. "It's normal to be nervous on your wedding day."

Kaoru smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Don't worry, it'll be fine." He gave me a smug look. "After all, you have the world's best, best man."

I chuckled a bit. "I guess you're right."

He let go of me and crossed his arms over his chest. "And you also got the best ring bearer."

Kaoru whistled and Diablo trotted into the room. He hopped onto the bed and sat next to Kaoru.

Kaoru patted his head. "Diablo and I are here for you, and so is the rest of the host club."

I smiled and Kaoru grabbed my suit that was hanging on the mirror.

He threw my suit at me. "Now get changed, you don't want to be late to your own wedding."

I chuckled and started to get ready.

I took in a sharp breath as I was standing at the altar with Kaoru. I started moving up and down on my toes to try to calm my nerves.

Kaoru put a hand on my shoulder. "Hikaru stop, that's not doing anything but making you look like an idiot."

I stopped and sighed. "Sorry, I'm just so nervous. I don't get how Honey was so calm when he married Reiko."

"He was probably as nervous as you are right now. He just masked his nerves better."

I sighed and when I was about to say something else, the music started playing.

I silently shrieked. "Ah it's starting, it's starting!"

Kaoru grabbed my shoulders and made me face towards the front of the aisle.

"Calm down." He whispered. "The wedding is starting."

I folded my hands in front of me and watched as the groomsmen and bridesmaids walked down the aisle. When I saw Kotoko walking with one of her friends down the aisle as flower girls made my nerves calmed down a bit. Diablo shortly came down the aisle after them with a small pillow with the rings on it in his mouth. He had a bow tie around his neck. Then the organ started playing and everybody stood up. I looked back at the doors of the church. My breath caught when I saw Haruhi enter the room, holding her father's arms.

All my nerves vanished, she was gorgeous. She wore a traditional white wedding dress, her hair was put up in a bun and had a veil clipped to it. Her makeup was done lightly, but still brought out the features of her face. When she walked down the aisle, she gripped the bouquet of red roses in her free hand.

As they came up to the altar, Ranka smiled at me as her over. He winked and went over to his seat. I grabbed her hands and smiled at her.

"You look gorgeous."

She blushed and smiled back. "Thanks. You don't look half bad yourself."

I chuckled. "Thanks, I bet it took me a lot longer to look this way then you."

Haruhi laughed and the preacher began to speak. Haruhi and I said our vows and put on each other's rings. While saying our vows, we tried our hardest not to cry, well mostly me.

"Hikaru?" The preacher asked. "Do you take this woman to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." I said.

"Haruhi, do you take this man to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." She said.

"The by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Haruhi and I sealed our marriage with a kiss and the audience applauded. We then all left the church to go to the wedding reception. We all had a great time at the reception. Kaoru gave a wonderful best man speech, and Mei gave an ok maid of honor speech. But when I told her that, she hit me with a napkin.

When the reception was over, Haruhi and I got into the limo.

"I hope Kaoru can handle Kotoko and Diablo." Haruhi said.

I smiled and kissed her forehead. "I'm sure he'll be fine." I looked down at her. "I love you Haruhi."

She smiled back at me. "I love you too Hikaru."

We then kissed each other what felt like the millionth time that night. Even after all that's happened almost two years ago, Haruhi's always been by my side. And though the rest of our lives together, I'll always be by hers

Because I no longer have Bad Blood.

~The End~

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the last chapter of Bad Blood. Wow, I really can't believe it's the end of Bad Blood. To be honest this story was suppose to be about 15 chapters, but as you can tell, there were a lot more. If you're going to miss Diablo, don't worry, I'm making a prequel. The prequel will be called Asylum. I will try to post the first chapter tomorrow or Sunday, but I have two performances on Saturday so it's going to be hard. Anyway, thank you guys who have read and supported this story, I'm glad you guys liked it, please F&R. And for the last time for this story. Until next time.-HH1957