A/N: I do not own Twilight.
Chapter 1: Delivery
Nessie's POV
I groaned and moaned in pain. I had known that it was going to be painful but I didn't think thatit would be this painful. I had no painkillers to ease the pain either. No. That is because I was forced to do this at home where no one would see me and figure out what I had done.
My family is very wealthy and they ran in the highest social circles. However they hated me. They never showed me any kind of love, care, or concern of any kind. Honestly why did they even bother to adopt me if they were going to treat me this way? Even though they were extremely rich and well off they don't give me any money at all. Honestly I don't even know how they get the money. They don't work. They don't do anything as a matter of fact. They don't even own a business. So it was a complete mystery how they got their money.
My parents were people that always cared about their reputation. So if you did anything that could tarnish their good reputation well, it didn't end well at all. That is why my parents almost decided to send me away for nine months. You can guess what happened, right? I honestly don't know why they didn't just send me away. It would have been much better then to live with them for the past nine months. I think the only reason they kept me around is because I am only 16 years old and it would would be illegal. I didn't know for sure though. Maybe they thought it would just be more punishment for me if I stayed with them.
Once my stomach started to show they didn't let me leave the house anymore. They wanted as little people to see me as possible. They didn't even hire a doctor for me. Not until the last minute anyway. The doctor that was currently trying to help me deliver the baby. I know for a fact though that my parents paid him handsomely to keep quiet about this afterward.
I listened to the doctor when he told me to push. Even though I was busy trying to deliver a baby I couldn't help but notice my parents just standing there. Looking at me in disgust and disappointment.
I had hopes though that things would get better afterward. Maybe they will finally get over their disappointment in me and just accept it already.
Whenever I got to rest during the labor I would just listen to the rain as it lashed against the window. It was a dark, stormy night. Yet, somehow the sound of the rain still soothed me.
"Okay Renesmee, I think with just one or two more good pushes the baby will be here. I can already see the head" the doctor said.
The thought of finally meeting my son or daughter made me smile. Ever since I found out that I was pregnant I could not wait to meet my baby. When I started to feel the kicking and the movement I just fell in love with him/her even more. I wanted to be the best mother that I possibly could to my baby.
I pushed as hard as I could until finally felt the baby exit my body. The room was instantly filled with the sound of the crying baby. It was like music to my ears.
"You have a son" the doctor announced. I smiled happily. Tears of joy fell from my eyes. A boy. My baby boy. As soon as my boy was clean he was handed to me.
The doctor noted the date and time of birth for the birth certificate. As for me? I was just happy to happy to be holding my little boy. I decided to name him Noah.
The doctor left once he determined that we were both okay.
"Leave now" my father ordered.
I didn't know what to do, say, or even think. The only thing that I felt was the shock taking over my body. What did my father mean by leave? I knew that he didn't love me but what he really be so heartless as to just kick me out.
"What do you mean?" I still could not help but to ask. I was hoping that I somehow heard him wrong.
"You heard him" my mother said in a menacing way. "Leave this house now. You and that bastard are nothing but a disgrace to this family and we do not want to look at you a second longer. You're lucky that we even let you continue to live here throughout the duration on your pregnancy"
"But I can't-" I could not even finish my sentence as the tears had started falling. I could not contain them. I always knew that my parents never liked me but I would have never thought that they would do something so cruel.
"Yes you can" my father said. "You better get up and leave with your son right now. We will not associate ourselves with you and that bastard of yours. So you better leave...now"
"But it's dark and it's raining outside-"
"We don't care!" mom screamed at me. "Just leave! Now! And don't ever come back!"
I got up as quickly as I could. I was still in a lot of pain from the delivery and had to be extremely careful. Yet somehow I was able to get up and walk out of the house with my crying baby boy. Luckily I was able to get a small blanket to wrap around my son and at least try to shield him from the rain.
I honestly had no idea where to go or what to do. I had just given birth, was still in a lot of pain, and I had a crying infant to take care of. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't go to my son's father. He had moved out of state months ago and my parents had forbidden me from getting his new contact information. I couldn't even email him anymore either. I tried, but apparently he had changed it without telling anyone.
"It's okay baby, we will be okay" I kissed his head and tried to soothe him as best as I could.
Once I got really tired I found just found a spot in alley to rest. Noah had not stopped crying the whole time. I realized that he must be hungry so I tried breast feeding him. He latched on pretty quickly. It was probably about ten minutes later that he finished his meal.
I stayed there for probably another hour. That is when I noticed that my baby was starting to develop what I thought was a fever. I immediately got worried. Fevers in babies was never a good thing.
I got up and tried to look for better shelter for the night but I found none. I tripped and felt a sudden pain explode in my ankle. I was sure that I had twisted in pretty badly.
As if it hadn't been painful enough to walk already my ankle made things worse. However, it was my baby that I was concerned about. Eventually I just couldn't move anymore.
I nearly collapsed in a nearby alley. The pain had become to much for me. Maybe if I rested a little I could get up and continue searching soon.
However every time that I tried I just could not do it. It was physically much to painful. But I had to keep trying because my baby's fever seemed to be going up.
Then I suddenly felt a cold hand gently touch me. I jumped a little at the ice cold touch. It was a young man, probably in his early 20s. His golden eyes showed compassion and worry as he looked at me and then at my baby boy.
"Are you okay young lady? What are you and your baby doing out in this storm?" Even his tone of voice sounded really worried.
"My parents kicked me out" I answered. He just seemed to grow more worried if possible. Also, the way he looked at me, it was as if he knew me somehow. But that was not possible.
"I'm Carlisle Cullen, what is your name?" he asked me.
"Renesmee" I answered. His eyes grew wide for some reason.
"Why did your parents kick you out?" he asked me, sounding worried and upset at the seam time.
"They were embarrassed by me because I had a baby. That's why. So right after I delivered my son they kicked me out" I explained to him. I didn't know why but I felt oddly comfortable talking to him. There was just something about him.
"Wait, you mean you just gave birth?" he asked me.
"Yeah, a few hours ago" I said.
"Renesmee, I can help you. I'm a doctor and I want to help you and your baby" he said.
I looked at the man. For some reason I felt safe with him. I didn't know why, after all he was a stranger to me and I should never trust strangers. Yet, somehow I knew he was telling the truth and I felt safe.
"Okay" I said.
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